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If a witty, funny Gemini guy has caught your attention, you may be wondering how to keep up. These guys are social butterflies and great communicators. You probably feel like they're the life of the party. So how do you interact with him via text? Simple—keep your texts fresh and genuine so you catch his interest. We'll show you how to send original and unique messages that will make your Gemini obsess over you in no time.


Ask him personal questions about himself.

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  1. Ask about places he's traveled, his interests, or what he's currently passionate about. These kinds of texts are also a great way to get a conversation going. [1]
    • You could text, "What 3 places are on your dream travel list?" or, "What was your least favorite class in school?"
    • Keep texting questions back and forth. Think of this as a lightning-fast way to get to know each other.
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Be flirty and direct.

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  1. This is because Geminis don't do subtle! You might feel like you're coming on strong, but if you do it in a way that's smart, you'll make him curious about you. [2]
    • For example, message, "Do you like it when a woman (or man) makes the first move, or do you prefer to do it yourself?" or, "We have a problem—I think you + me = trouble."

Send him memes or jokes.

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  1. They're ruled by Mercury—known for communication and trickery. Let him see that you can be ridiculous, too! Text him a funny GIF as a reply or tag him in a hilarious meme. He'll love that you lightened his day. [3]
    • Chances are, he won't be able to resist a "Want to hear a joke?" text from you. You can also send a funny text like, "Of all the Patrick Smith's I know, I've decided you're my favorite. 😘"
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Give him a genuine compliment.

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  1. Flattery really does go a long way in making a Gemini man interested in you. Send a sweet compliment so he knows what you like about him. [4]
    • You could something like, "BTW, you rocked the jacket that you wore today," or, "How is it that you can make everyone in the room light up when you walk in?"

Invite him to do something exciting.

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  1. One way to do this is to ask him out at the last minute to do something fun. He'll love that you're spontaneous! [5]
    • For example, text him, "Let's go do paintball! Are you free right now?" or, "Have you ever gone kayaking on the lake? I want to take you out!"
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Surprise him.

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  1. You might text him plans that you've made for the two of you, send him a picture of you doing something crazy, or just surprise him with a ridiculous fun fact. He'll appreciate anything that makes him laugh, smile, or think for a minute.
    • For instance, text him, "I hope you don't have plans this weekend. You know that sold-out concert? Guess who got tickets!"
    • Or, send him a picture of you getting your hair dyed a ridiculous color along with the message, "Thoughts? 😛"

Ask for his opinion.

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  1. This is because he can usually see all sides of a situation. Plus, he'll realize that you thought he could help you out and this makes him feel great, especially if you compliment him when you ask. [6]
    • For example, text him something like, "You always know the best restaurants in town. Where should I go for Vietnamese food?"
    • Try texting something like, "I want to take a language class. What language do you think would be the most useful to learn?" This can spark a whole conversation!
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Tell him what you’re up to.

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  1. He's a friendly guy and he expects you to have your own social life, so give him a glimpse. You might text that you're going to a club or meeting with friends. He'll see that you have your own life and he'll find that he's curious about it. [7]
    • Keep the texts about your social plans brief so he wonders what you're up to. For example, if he asks what your plans are for the night, text back, "Going out with co-workers. Supposedly to hear an amazing band. 😏"

Send a seductive text.

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  1. Remember, Geminis thrive with stimulation, so if you send a dirty text, he won't be able to stop thinking about you. You might describe what you're wearing or imagine what will happen the next night you spend together.
    • For instance, to get his mind racing, you might send a suggestive photo that doesn't reveal everything.
    • Here's a short, sexy text you could send, "Think we could last all night? 😉"
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Wait a little bit before you text him back.

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  1. You don't want to wait days either, but give a little time before you respond to him. This gives him some time to wonder what you might be up to. It also shows that you're not clingy and waiting for his texts.
    • Try to match his texting style when you do reply. For example, if he texts you a brief, "How's it going?" do not text back a paragraph. Instead, keep it short, too. Think of this ask matching his communication style so he feels comfortable.

Skip serious topics.

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  1. This isn't to say that you can't ever talk about serious topics, but it might be better to do it in person. Save your texts for fun, flirty communication and he'll love you for it.
    • Pay attention to his responses. If you've touched on a topic that he doesn't want to discuss, he may go quiet and you won't get a text back from him. Don't panic! Just try a totally different topic and see if he replies.
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      1. Tara Divina. Vedic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
      2. https://www.nylon.com/life/seducing-a-gemini
      3. Tara Divina. Vedic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
      4. Tara Divina. Vedic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
      5. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a25586483/gemini-man-personality-traits/
      6. https://hernorm.com/how-to-make-a-gemini-man-fall-in-love/
      7. https://popularastrology.com/get-gemini-man-to-chase-you

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