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Tie dying turns a white shirt into a bright spiral or pop of color. Choose white cotton fabric and use bottles of dye to experiment with the process. Tie dying long-sleeve shirts is similar to dying short-sleeve shirts, but it requires plenty of care to be taken during the wrapping process if you want to create a particular pattern.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing Your Tie Dye Station

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  1. Bottles are much easier to use than mixed dye, because you can apply them more exactly to sections of the shirt. If you want a rainbow tie-dye shirt, look for a kit that contains all the shirts you need. [1]
  2. Purchase soda ash, or washing soda that is made of sodium carbonate. Purchase rubber bands.
  3. It will protect the table, but it also allows the t-shirt to be wrapped more easily. Keep a plastic bag and a bucket nearby so that you can transport your shirt to the laundry room. [2]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Wrapping Your Shirt

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  1. Then, you can repeat with a shirt soaked in soda ash and water.
  2. Move the tips of the long sleeves so that they are gathered next to the body of the shirt. Try to keep them close if you want them to form a pattern with the rest of the shirt.
    • Keep them separate if you want a different pattern on the sleeves than the body of the tee.
  3. Pinch the shirt in the middle of that line, in the center of the chest. [3]
  4. The shirt will start to form a spiral. Use your other hand to continue twisting the shirt. [4]
  5. This means that you will create extra lines, or folds, in the shirt between each turn.
  6. Take rubber bands and open them with your hands. Slide them under and over the circle until they are tight on opposite ends.
    • Avoid picking the shirt bundle up, since it can change the shape you’ve created. Instead, slide the rubber bands across the drop cloth.
  7. Then, do diagonal lines. The end result will look like it has several pizza slices. [5]
  8. [6]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Dying Your Shirt

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  1. Apply just enough dye to soak the fabric in a pie slice-section, but not to create excess dye on your drop cloth. When in doubt, use less dye.
  2. You can also alternate colors to create a color-blocked spiral. Repeat until you’ve dyed all the pie sections. [7]
  3. Repeat the process of applying bottle dye to each section. Match up the right color from the front with the color on the back. [8]
  4. Let it sit according to the dye instructions. [9]
  5. Remove the rubber bands.
  6. Do not use soap.
  7. It will help to set the dye further. Your shirt is ready to wear or wash as desired. [10]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How long do I leave the tie-dyed shirt in the bag?
    Community Answer
    Typically you leave a tie-dyed shirt in a bag for at least 24 hours before washing it.
  • Question
    How do I make a rainbow effect on a t-shirt?
    Community Answer
    Mix food coloring in a bowl with more or less water (depending on how light you want your colors to be), and dip your T-shirt into the bowl.
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      • The tighter you place the rubber bands, the more likely it is to create a white stripe down your shirt. When making colored spirals, try to get underneath the rubber band to ensure there aren’t stripes.
      • You can choose a random pattern in place of the spiral. For example, you can push the shirt into long, thin bands and then secure it every few inches with rubber bands before you dye it. You can also roll it or grasp small sections and secure them in loops with rubber bands.
      • If you want a more faded/pastel color, you can dilute the dye a tad bit to get that lighter shade of color.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Tie dye bottles
      • Rubber bands
      • Long-sleeve white cotton shirt
      • Soda ash
      • Plastic drop cloth
      • Bucket
      • Washer
      • Dryer
      • Plastic bag
      • Food preparation gloves

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