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Learn what your hand shape says about you, your love life, & career
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According to the ancient art of palmistry, your hand shape can influence your personality. If you’ve always wondered about the different types of hands and what they mean, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll go over the elements, personalities, careers, and love lives that correspond to the 6 elemental hand types in palmistry. Some palm readers categorize hands into 7 shapes, which we’ll tell you about too. Follow along to learn more!

Things You Should Know

  • Palm readers divide hands based on the elements. There are water hands, earth hands, fire hands, air hands, metal hands, and wood hands.
  • Water hands have long palms and fingers and are emotional and caring. Earth hands have square palms with short fingers and are practical and reliable.
  • Fire hands have long palms with short fingers and are passionate and bold. Air hands have square palms with long fingers and are curious and analytical.
Section 1 of 7:

Water Hands

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  1. People with water hands have long, rectangular palms and long fingers. Water hands are typically graceful and delicate. Their palms are usually narrow and covered with thin, fine lines. People with water hands often have soft, shiny skin that is sometimes clammy or damp to the touch. [1]
    • The zodiac signs are also based on the elements, but your hand shape and astrological sign might not match up. If you’re a fiery Leo and have water hands, that’s completely normal; it just adds to the interesting makeup of who you are!
    • The elemental hands are based on Vedic and Chinese astrology, which are different from the zodiac signs in Western astrology.
  2. People with water hands are sensitive, emotional, and compassionate. They feel fully and deeply, though that sometimes means they’re controlled by their moods. People with water hands are incredibly intuitive and observant, easily picking up on other people’s emotions and intentions. They are creative dreamers, channeling their feelings into paintings, music, dance, or poetry. [2]
    • Like water, people with water hands are adaptable and flow easily through life.
    • People with water hands often have lots of amazing ideas, but are more likely to think than do. If you really want to get things done , write your ideas down and list all the things you need to do to accomplish them.
  3. Love and relationships come naturally to people with water hands. With their kindness, compassion, and artistic flair, they attract people from all walks of life. People with water hands don’t mind this because they’re open to getting to know anyone. They like dating and learning about people different from them. [3]
    • People with water hands tend to trust others easily, which can leave them vulnerable to manipulation.
    • Manipulation can happen to anyone, but look out for the warning signs to prevent yourself from being manipulated . Someone who always makes you feel guilty or withdraws from you is a sign to stay away.
  4. People with water hands thrive in flexible, creative careers. Many pursue the arts, using their creativity, imagination, and love for beautiful things to make pottery or design clothes. They might work less flexible jobs that are still creative, like being an interior designer or graphic artist. People with water hands also use their intuition to their advantage, often working in sales or marketing. [4]
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Section 2 of 7:

Earth Hands

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  1. Earth hands have square palms and short fingers. These hands typically look squished or compressed and are wider rather than narrow. People with earth hands usually have thicker skin that is rough or coarse to the touch. They also have very few lines on their palms. [5]
  2. People with earth hands are strong-willed, practical, and reliable. These are no-nonsense people who usually prefer to stick to what they know. They are kind though, and are usually the people you turn to when you need advice or a helping hand. People with earth hands are concerned with the here and now and have their feet planted firmly on the ground. [6]
    • People with earth hands don’t like to sit around. They prefer being outside, whether they’re enjoying a campfire, hiking, or rock climbing.
    • People with earth hands can get stubborn and stuck in their ways. To get out of your comfort zone and grow, start taking risks . Start small and ask to be added to a new project at work or go with your friend to their favorite workout class.
  3. Love is practical for people with earth hands. These people aren’t hopeless romantics, preferring to show their love in thoughtful ways instead of serenading their crush outside of their window. People with earth hands enjoy long-term relationships and are ready to support their partner in any way they need. They aren’t asking for anything fancy, just someone who will happily share their low-key lifestyle with them. [7]
    • People with earth hands tend to get stuck in their ways, so being spontaneous is a great way to spice up their relationships. If this is you, surprise your partner with a day trip or take them out to dinner on a random weekday.
  4. People with earth hands like working with their hands. You typically find these people pursuing physical careers working as a carpenter, mechanic, chef, or hairstylist. Whatever they choose to do, they do it well. People with earth hands work hard, staying resilient and strong through the toughest challenges. They’re not ones to ask for praise and let their achievements speak for themselves. [8]
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Fire Hands

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  1. Fire hands have long, rectangular palms and short fingers. People with fire hands usually have fingers that are shorter than the length of their palm. The skin on their hands might have a reddish hue and be slightly rough to the touch. [9] If they have lines on their palm, they’re typically thick and deep. [10]
  2. People with fire hands are passionate, confident, and bold. They have a strong sense of self and aren’t afraid to tell people what they think. Adventure is always calling their name, and people with fire hands don’t think twice about going after it. With their charm and commanding presence, they usually succeed and get what they want. [11]
    • While people with fire hands take a lot of risks, they follow their intuition which usually steers them right.
    • People with fire hands are very ambitious and impatient, so they sometimes come across as lacking tact and compassion. To be more empathetic , really listen when people speak and put yourself in their shoes.
  3. In a relationship, people with fire hands are passionate and romantic. When they see someone who piques their interest, they boldly go up to them and let them know they’re interested. They usually love fast and hard, planning spontaneous day trips and thrilling adventures with their significant other. [12]
    • The passionate fire often burns bright in the beginning stages of a relationship, but fizzles out once the excitement dies down.
    • If this is you, bring the relationship passion back by trying new hobbies with your partner or making small gestures like hiding love notes for them to find.
  4. People with fire hands are natural leaders and typically prefer to work in dynamic, fast-paced environments. They might be the head of development at a tech start-up or manage a group of park rangers at a national park. With their strong opinions, likes, and dislikes, whatever they do has to be meaningful to them. They put their blood, sweat, and tears into everything they do. [13]
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Air Hands

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  1. People with air hands have square palms and long fingers. Their fingers are typically thin with well-defined knuckles. The skin on their hands is usually soft and smooth. On their palms, people with air hands typically have thin but deep lines. [14]
  2. People with air hands are analytical, curious, and communicative. These people need to know everything about everything. They love to muse about hypothetical situations or start philosophical debates with their friends. And people with air hands certainly have a way with words, easily connecting with people and turning strangers into friends. [15]
    • People with air hands tend to have broad interests, so you’ll never know what’s going to come out of their mouths. They might be as well-versed in nuclear physics as they are in reality TV!
    • While people with air hands aren’t as fast-paced as fire hands, they tend to hum with nervous energy. If you have air hands, take time to destress . Listen to your favorite bands, chat with your friends, or watch a comforting movie.
  3. People with air hands love openly and freely. These people are deeply curious and open-minded, so it’s hard to pin down if they have a true type. At the end of the day, people with air hands just like people that stimulate their mind and expand their horizons. If they can give them their freedom too, they’re a match made in heaven. [16]
    • People with air hands often intellectualize their feelings, so they have trouble opening up. Being vulnerable is hard, but start by being honest about how hard it is. Communicate your feelings as best as you can, and your partner will support you with the rest.
  4. Any job that lets a person with air hands learn, talk, and write is the one for them. With their endless thirst for knowledge and love for problem-solving, you might find them working as a scientist, philosopher, or researcher. People with air hands also thrive in creative fields, so don’t be surprised if you see them credited as a writer on a TV show or podcast. [17]
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Section 5 of 7:

Metal Hands

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  1. Metal hands have square-shaped palms and fingers. These hands are similar to wood hands, but they’re more compact. People with metal hands typically have fleshier, elastic skin. [18]
  2. People with metal hands are purposeful, determined, and have a strong sense of justice. These people seem to radiate authority and strength. If you’re caught in a sticky situation, they’re the friend you call to help you get out of it. People with metal hands stand up for what’s right and stick up for the little guy, no matter the cost to them. [19]
    • People with metal hands can withstand a lot of pressure, but that doesn’t mean they don’t get stressed. When things start to feel tough, taking deep breaths or going for a quick walk are great ways to relieve stress .
  3. People with metal hands know exactly what they want in a relationship and go after it. These people simply want someone who is as passionate about justice and equity as them; they don’t put much stock into physical appearances. People with metal hands seem tough on the outside but have soft hearts. They’d do anything to protect and care for their significant other. [20]
  4. You’ll typically find people with metal hands in helping careers. Through their work, people with metal hands simply want to make other people’s lives better. They might be a nurse, firefighter, or lawyer who abolishes unjust laws. People with metal hands often find themselves in positions of power because of their passion, communication, and teamwork skills. [21]
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Section 6 of 7:

Wood Hands

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  1. People with wood hands have long, thin, and bony palms and fingers. There is a distinctive sharpness to these people’s hands that others don’t usually have. You’ll usually see that people with wood hands have knobby knuckles and oblong, rounded fingers. [22]
  2. Warm, expressive, and creative characterize people with wood hands. If you’re friends with a person with wood hands, they might be the mom friend of the group. They are incredibly nurturing and caring, being the type to show up at your house with soup when you’re sick. People with wood hands have an aesthetic, discerning eye that they use to express their innermost selves. [23]
    • While people with wood hands are warm and friendly, they are often quiet and shy. If you have wood hands, take steps to get out of your shell by taking on a new hobby and saying, “Yes” to opportunities that present themselves.
    • People with wood hands tend to be resistant to or uncomfortable with change. Change is hard for most people, but recognizing that it’s inevitable and motivates your growth can help you accept change .
  3. Like planting and growing a tree, people with wood hands put in a lot of care and effort into their relationships. That just means that it can take time for their love to blossom. People with wood hands are very romantic, and choose to show that in the little moments of cleaning up after you, buying your favorite treat, or leaving you sweet notes. [24]
    • People with wood hands can sometimes come across as mysterious or closed off. If this is you, put yourself out there to meet new people . Ask your friends if they know anyone single, or join a club or volunteer group.
  4. People with wood hands thrive in jobs that allow them to think critically. These people have impressive focus and concentration, staying motivated in the face of distractions and challenges. Due to their nurturing and creative natures, you’ll often find them working in artistic and scientific fields. They might be an art museum curator, psychologist, or religious scholar. [25]
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Section 7 of 7:

What are the 7 hand shapes in palmistry?

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  1. Some palm-readers categorize the types of hands based on their development and shape, rather than the element they represent. Elementary hands are small with short, thick fingers. People with these hands are regarded as still growing. They might rely on their strength over their brain and make impulsive decisions based on their emotions. [26]
    • In Western astrology, the elementary hand is associated with Taurus.
  2. Square hands have square-shaped palms, wrists, and fingertips. These people are practical and determined. They like routine and order, so change isn’t something they seek out. People with square hands aren’t overly concerned with art and philosophy; they want to work their desk job, make their money, and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
    • The square hand is related to Capricorn, Virgo, and Aries.
  3. People with spatulate hands have wide palms and long fingers that are spread apart. They are inquisitive, adventurous, and energetic. There’s always a new idea or adventure on their brain, but people with spatulate hands are confident and bold enough to take action. They channel their energy and intellect into inventive careers like engineering, technology, science, and art. [27]
    • Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Gemini are usually related to the spatulate hand.
  4. The philosophic hand has a long, narrow palm, pointed fingers, and knotted knuckles. People with these hands are very intellectual and deep. They like having a problem to sink their teeth into and that requires all of their mental energy to solve. That’s why people with philosophic hands are often the leaders of their field, whether they’re a writer, professor, or researcher. [28]
    • The philosophic hand is associated with Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius.
  5. Conic hands are average-sized, with soft palms and long fingers that taper to a point. This hand is also called the artist hands, as people with these hands often work in creative fields as artists and musicians. They’re quick learners and impulsive, which is probably why they tend to be so successful!
    • The conic hand is usually associated with Cancer and Libra.
  6. The psychic hand is usually small, with a narrow palm and long, smooth, delicate fingers. While people with these hands may or may not be psychic, they do tend to be dreamy and imaginative. They enjoy exploring their spiritual side and dabbling in mystical oddities. With their sweet compassion and powerful intuition, they’ll probably notice how you’re feeling before you do. [29]
    • Pisces and Aquarius are mostly related to the psychic hand.
  7. People with mixed hands have features from at least 2 of the other types of hands. These people are typically very adaptable and friendly. They’ll easily fit into a new friend group, job, or place and it’ll feel like they’ve always been there. While they might not have a singular passion, they have many hobbies and interests that make them well-rounded and interesting. [30]
    • For example, someone with a mixed hand might have the wide, square palm of a square hand but the slender, tapered fingers of a conic hand.
    • The mixed hand is related to Gemini, Cancer, Aries, and Pisces.
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      1. https://www.indianastrology.com/article/en/palmistry-7697
      2. https://www.astrojyotish.com/palmistry/hands/fire-hand.asp
      3. https://www.astrojyotish.com/palmistry/hands/fire-hand.asp
      4. https://themindsjournal.com/hands-say-about-your-personality/
      5. https://www.chinahighlights.com/palm-reading/
      6. https://www.astrojyotish.com/palmistry/hands/air-hand.asp
      7. https://www.chinahighlights.com/palm-reading/
      8. https://considerastrology.com/the-air-hand/
      9. https://www.apost.com/en/blog/how-your-personality-relates-to-the-shape-of-your-hands/5697/
      10. https://www.womansera.com/do-you-know-there-are-five-types-of-hands-and-each-has-different-meaning-find-out-yours-2/
      11. https://www.apost.com/en/blog/how-your-personality-relates-to-the-shape-of-your-hands/5697/
      12. https://www.apost.com/en/blog/how-your-personality-relates-to-the-shape-of-your-hands/5697/
      13. https://www.womansera.com/do-you-know-there-are-five-types-of-hands-and-each-has-different-meaning-find-out-yours-2/
      14. ​​ https://www.apost.com/en/blog/how-your-personality-relates-to-the-shape-of-your-hands/5697/
      15. https://www.apost.com/en/blog/how-your-personality-relates-to-the-shape-of-your-hands/5697/
      16. https://themindsjournal.com/hands-say-about-your-personality/
      17. https://www.ancientastrologytalks.com/palmistry-types-of-hand/
      18. https://www.ancientastrologytalks.com/palmistry-types-of-hand/
      19. https://youtu.be/OIwKIpepf-Y?t=140
      20. https://www.ancientastrologytalks.com/palmistry-types-of-hand/
      21. https://youtu.be/OIwKIpepf-Y?t=241

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