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A step-by-step guide to enable the camera on Windows 10 computers
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Many Windows 10 computers come with built-in webcams, such as all-in-one desktops and laptops. If you need to buy a webcam for a PC without a built-in webcam, you can refer to How to Buy a Webcam and How to Set up a Webcam . This wikiHow will teach you how to activate the camera app in Windows 10 as well as how to give other apps permission to use your camera.

Things You Should Know

  • Open the Camera app on your computer to use the camera .
  • Find those selfies and videos from the camera app in the "Pictures > Camera Roll" folder.
  • Allow your third-party apps, like Zoom and Chrome, to access your camera in Windows settings.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using the Camera Application

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  1. You can press this key with the Windows logo to open the Start menu, but you can also click the Windows logo in your Start menu.
  2. It's in the "C" section of the listed apps.
    • Alternatively, press Win+ S to open the search bar and enter Camera to find the camera app.
  3. You'll see both the video camera and camera icons on the right side of the application window.
    • By default, find these pictures in your "Pictures > Camera Roll" folder.
    • If you're having issues, we'll show you how to troubleshoot your device.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Allowing Apps to Access Camera

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  1. You can press this key with the Windows logo to open the Start menu, but you can also click the Windows logo in your Start menu.
    • Use this method if your web camera isn't working with your software, like Zoom.
    • If your screen is black or your camera is not working with platforms like Zoom and you've already allowed it to access the camera and microphone, there are other troubleshooting steps for you to take, like making sure nothing is blocking the lens.
  2. You'll see this gear icon on the left side of the menu.
  3. It's at the bottom of the menu next to an icon of a padlock.
  4. You'll find this menu option in the menu on the left side of the window under the header "App permissions."
  5. " This setting will allow any apps you install access to your camera. [1]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:


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  1. Some laptops have a sliding switch, button, or slider on the side, on top of the keyboard, or near the built-in camera that activates it. Other laptops have a physical shutter button right above the camera that you can move to enable or disable the camera. If your camera appears to be turned on but the screen is black, it's usually due to a physical shutter.
  2. Copy this link into your web browser's address bar to open the Camera troubleshooter: ms-contact-support://smc-to-emerald/TroubleshootCamera. This tool can run diagnostics on your camera. If the troubleshooter finds problems, it will walk you through correcting them.
  3. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Check for updates to check for and apply recent updates. This will also update any missing or out-of-date drivers.
    • Restart your computer to apply the updates that were installed.
  4. Sometimes that will prevent apps from using your camera. [2]
  5. You can update your drivers using Device Manager or they can be updated with Windows Update.
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