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A roundup of the best April Fools' pranks to trick your special guy
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The time has come for you to pull the ultimate April Fools' prank on your boyfriend. But with so many ideas out there, where should you start? Might we suggest a hilarious and unexpected text prank? Your boyfriend won’t suspect that a harmless text is actually a mischievous practical joke, so you’ll be sure to catch him off guard. We’ve compiled a list of fun text pranks for you to choose from, so keep reading to make this an April Fools' day he’ll remember forever!

Best April Fools' Pranks for Your BF Over Text

  1. Tell him your brought home a new pet.
  2. Ask if he really meant to post that picture online (even though it's fine).
  3. Send a link to a fake news article.
  4. Pretend to be your mother and say you need to have a talk.
  5. "Lose" his contact info and act like you don't know who's texting you.

Send him a typing dot GIF to keep him guessing.

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  1. If he’s not looking too closely, he’ll think you’re actually typing a super long message to him. While you chuckle behind your phone, he’ll wait for hours for the typing dots to become a message—with how long you’re “typing,” he’ll definitely think it’s going to be a lengthy message! [1]
    • To really spice things up send him a cryptic text first, then follow it up with the typing dots GIF. This will really get him invested in what you’re “typing”!
    • For example, you could start with:
      • “I have something I have to tell you.”
      • “We need to talk.”
      • “I haven’t been fully honest with you.”
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Tell him you brought a new pet home.

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  1. To make the prank extra convincing, you can search for a cute pic of a pet on the internet, then send a screenshot saying that this is the new friend you’ve adopted. Your boyfriend is especially likely to fall for this if you're an animal lover! Here are some example texts you could send:
    • “Okay don’t hate me…I may or may not have adopted a puppy.”
    • “So, when it comes to pets, how do we feel about turtles? Because I might have made an impulse purchase and bought one 😬”
    • “Get ready for some kitty cuddles when you get home! I saw her at the shelter and I just couldn’t say no 🥺”
    • Pro Tip: You can even use this prank as a trial run to gauge his reaction if you really do want to get a furry friend!

Text him saying you got a wild new hairdo.

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  1. You could edit the photo to add some wild blue or pink highlights to your hair, change your haircut into a shaggy mullet, or just use a filter to make your hair color look different. Just make sure to keep it slightly realistic, so he actually thinks this is your brand new ‘do! This is a great prank to pull to see how he would react if you really did make a drastic change. Will he be honest, or will he pretend to like it to support you? Here are some example texts to send with your pic:
    • “I dyed my hair 🤪 Promise you’ll be honest?”
    • “Got a new hairdo this morning and I love it! What do you think?”
    • “What would you think of mullets? Because I might have just gotten one…”
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Reminder him about a fake important event.

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  1. From there, all you have to do is send him a text saying good luck for something that isn’t happening for weeks. After he panics and checks his schedule, send “April Fools!” [2]
    • “Good luck with your speech tonight 😊”
    • “Heard they moved your test to tonight. That sucks, but you’ll do great!”
    • “Quick reminder that our dinner for you to meet my parents was moved to tonight!”

Pretend a super small issue is HUGE.

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  1. For example, you could say something like, “I have to come clean to you about something that’s been on my mind for a long time. It’s time for me to be brave and vulnerable about this and just tell you the truth. So, here goes. I just want you to know…” And then, right after this cryptic message, “reveal” something totally silly and miniscule, like:
    • “You’re the cutest guy I’ve ever seen 🤪”
    • “I forgot to kiss you goodnight last night 😣”
    • “I have a major crush on Shrek.”
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Reference a non-existent social media post.

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  1. He’ll likely start scrambling to make sure that he didn’t accidentally post a really embarrassing pic. To really amp things up, send your text when he won’t be able to check his social media profiles for a bit (like while he’s in a class at school or during his workday). He’ll totally panic while he’s waiting for a chance to look at his phone!
    • “I can’t believe you just posted that. You know your mom follows you, right?”
    • “Did you mean to post that pic on your public Insta story? 😳”
    • “Ummm did you not check the mirror in the pic you posted??”

Send him song lyrics like they were actual messages.

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  1. No matter how he responds, just keep going, replying with the next lines of the song until he finally realizes you’re pranking him. He’ll be so confused as he tries to piece together what you’re doing!
    • Songs like Elton John’s “Your Song,” One Direction’s “History,” and Ariana Grande’s “Into You” are great choices for this prank.
    • When he gets an opening text like “I’m so into you I can barely breathe,” or “It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside,” he’ll definitely wonder what’s going on!
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Send him a wild link to a fake news article.

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  1. Plug a silly made-up headline into the generator. You can make the article feature your hometown, or you can make it worldwide news. “Aliens Make First Contact in New York City,” “Local Grandpa Finds $100,000,000 Buried in Backyard,” and “Unicorn Spotted in Kansas” are a few good examples! Next, send him the link along with one of these messages to make him think something crazy is going down:
    • “Woah, should we be worried about this?”
    • “Wait, isn’t this your grandpa’s address…”
    • “And people said pigs can’t fly 🤯”
    • “An actual UNICORN has been spotted!!”

Send him some upside-down text messages.

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  1. First, start a normal text conversation with your boyfriend. Once you’ve been texting for a few minutes, plug your next text into a text flipping app , copy and paste, and then send the upside-down message to him. Keep the prank going while he goes crazy trying to figure out what’s going on with his phone! [3]
    • You can find text flipping apps by searching “flip text” in your device’s app store.
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"Subscribe" him to a silly text list.

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  1. For example, you could make him think he signed up for a message list for fun facts about cats or daily pics of cute capybaras. Next, change your name in his phone to match the fake subscription service you’re creating or use an unknown number, then send your text! [4]
    • “Thanks for subscribing to Crazy Cat Facts! You’ll now receive daily fun facts about cats. Today’s fact: cat whiskers are as sensitive as human fingertips. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.”
    • “Thank you for subscribing to Cool Capybaras. You’ll now receive a daily photo of a capybara from somewhere in the world. Here’s a picture of today’s capybara, Cupcake. Reply CANCEL to unsubscribe.”
    • Pro Tip: To keep the prank going, send something like “Command not recognized. You will continue to receive daily Capybara photos from Cool Capybaras.” He’ll totally lose it as he keeps trying to reply “CANCEL” or “STOP” to end his subscription!

Send him “nudes” that aren’t nudes at all.

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  1. He’ll automatically think you’re about to send some explicit pictures his way, but he’s about to be bamboozled! Instead of nudes, send him a picture of nude lipsticks or eyeshadows. This is sure to make you both chuckle!
    • Build the anticipation by texting, “Hold on! I gotta make sure they’re perfect 😉” and then wait a good hour before sending him the “nudes.”
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Pretend to be your mother.

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  1. This is a fun and clever prank, especially if you’re curious about his future intentions. Ask him uncomfortable questions, or give him a motherly lecture. Have fun, and remember to tell him it's all a prank in the end! Here are some example texts you could send:
    • “Hello Robert. This is Alyson’s mom. I’m very disappointed in you.”
    • “Is this Billy? I haven’t been able to get a hold of Bridget. Have you spoken to her?”
    • “Have you two talked about marriage? I want some grandkids!”

Say your parents are unexpectedly visiting.

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  1. He’ll jump out of bed frantic and utterly confused, but how were you supposed to know your parents would surprise you? This is a great little prank to see how he’d react to an actual sudden parent visit—just make sure to say, “April Fools!” after he’s gotten dressed.
    • “Sooo don’t hate me, but my mom’s on her way over. She wants to talk to you 😬”
    • “Just got a text from my dad. He wants to take us out for breakfast in an hour!”
    • “I may have forgotten to tell you that my parents are in town this weekend 😅”
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Say you have the biggest prank planned ever.

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  1. Simply text him throughout the month of March saying you’re going to prank him so hard on April 1st that he won’t know what hit him. Drop some not-so-subtle hints to keep him guessing, and when the day comes, do absolutely nothing! He’ll be jumping at every door squeak and text notification wondering when the epic prank will come. The kicker? The actual prank was the fact that there isn’t one!
    • “They’re going to write a news article on me because of how epic this prank will be!”
    • “How do you feel about spiders? 😏”
    • “If I were you, I would avoid showers today hehe”

Get his hopes up with a fake lottery ticket.

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  1. He may think it’s a prank at first, (which it is) but the more you insist, the more he’ll fall for it! After he’s had a few moments of glee, text back, “APRIL FOOLS! 🤣”
    • Prepare for this epic prank by buying a fake winning ticket. All you have to do is search “fake winning lottery ticket” online.
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Send a “we need to talk” text.

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  1. He’ll immediately wonder what he did and why you want to talk. Tell him you want to chat about it later when you see him, and then when the time finally comes, fill him in on the silly reason you wanted to talk. Maybe McDonald’s is discontinuing your favorite cheeseburger, or you don’t know what color to paint your nails. When he realizes there isn’t actually an issue, say “April Fools!”
    • “Babe, we need to talk.”
    • “Can we talk tonight? I have something I need to ask you.”
    • “We need to talk about the elephant in the room.”

Text him in only GIFs.

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  1. This is a cute and funny prank that’ll keep him guessing. Watch as he quickly gets frustrated, and then send him an innocent animal GIF along with “April Fools! 😂”
    • Add some classic memes to your constant GIF responses to mix things up.
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Pretend your phone is glitching.

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  1. No matter what he sends, keep replying with the same message. He’ll be convinced that your phone is freaking out, and you can have a good chuckle as you read his reactions. Just make sure you fill him in on your awesome prank after you’ve had your fun!
    • If he tries texting you through another platform, keep the gag going!

“Lose” his contact info.

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  1. will have him baffled. Wait for your boyfriend to text you first. Then, ask “Who are you?” and keep the tease going by pretending you don’t know who he is no matter what he texts next. Just make sure you eventually say, “April Fools!” [5]
    • “Who’s this?”
    • “Do I know you?”
    • “Uhh who is this??”
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Pretend to be someone else.

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  1. This is sure to confuse him, especially since he just texted you! Have a little fun and pretend a stranger received his text. You can even ask who he’s looking for to see what he’ll say about you.
    • “Umm I think you have the wrong number.”
    • “Who are you looking for?”
    • “This is Bob. You’ve got the wrong number bro.”

Convince him that your phone is out of service.

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  1. Send an “automated” message that your phone’s been disconnected. First, wait for him to text you about something normal. When you receive his message, reply with something like, “SMS SERVICE ERROR 404: the phone number you are trying to reach has been disconnected.” He’ll totally lose his mind trying to figure out what happened! If you’re not quite sure what to type, check out this helpful list of fake error messages you can copy and paste!
    • If you really want to make the prank convincing, do a Google search for fake automated voicemail greetings saying the number has been disconnected, then record one of these as your voicemail greeting.
    • When he tries to call your number to figure out what’s up, he’ll totally think your phone is actually disconnected!
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Example Pranks to Text on April Fools Day

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