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Learn where “ate down” came from & how to use it
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When someone on TikTok says you “ate down,” they mean that you did everything right and it turned out really well. This usually refers to outfits, but it can be used to refer to anything that is done well. It’s tough to know when to use this one, and how to respond when someone says you ate down, but that’s why we’re here. In this article, we talk about what the term “ate down” means, its origins, and other similar terms.

What does the slang “ate down” mean?

“Ate down” is a slang phrase that means you did a really good job at something. It is used as a compliment, often when referring to an outfit or action. It can also apply to the way someone walks, dances, does their hair, or handles an interaction. It is a very big compliment.

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What does “ate down” mean?

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  1. If you put a lot of time and effort into something and pulled it off well, you ate down. The phrase is mainly used to refer to an outfit, but it can be used to refer to any action or thing you do. For example, if you’re walking down the street and a friend thinks you have a model walk, a nice hairstyle, and a good outfit, they’ll say “Dang girl! You ate down, today!!” [1]
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How to Use “Ate Down” In a Sentence

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  1. For example, say “Okay, I see the outfit! You ate down,” when your friend is wearing a nice outfit. To “eat down” is an action, so use it when someone does something well. Only use it when someone does something that you really like. [2]
    • When someone is walking down the street with a really nice outfit, a fresh haircut, and an expensive bag to match, say they “ate down.”
    • Example: “Your outfit is fire! The boots are giving, the dress is chic, and that PURSE! Girl you ate down!”
    • Example: “I can’t believe he tried to argue! He didn’t have anything to say after you called him out, though. You ate down!”
    • Example: “I ate down with that quiz.”
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Where does “ate down” come from?

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  1. It is an expansion of the term “ate,” which became popular in Black LGBTQ spaces in the 2000s. There isn’t much else known about the origin of “ate down,” but it has been used in Black Twitter (now X) spaces for years. [3]
    • Since it became popular, the term has been used on social media by all types of people.
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How to Respond to “Ate Down”

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  1. Since ate down is a term of extreme endearment, it’s best to thank the person who said you ate down. To match their energy, compliment them on something they did well, too.
    • For example, if you notice that their shoes are new, say “Thanks! I see those shoes, too. You ate with those!”
    • If you’re texting someone and they say you ate, say “THANK U BB” to let them know how thankful you are. [4]
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“Ate Down” vs. “Ate Up”

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  1. “Ate down,” on the other hand, is used when someone does everything well. When everything someone does is on point, use “ate down.” On June 23, 2024, @yagirlhanz posted a video explaining that “When someone says ‘you ate down,’ they’re talking about your entire look. Like, your entire being just ate.”
    • If someone has a really nice outfit and good jewelry, say “Ooo, you ate down!” But if someone just has an average outfit with really nice jewelry, say “I love your jewelry! You ate that up.”
    • Example: “Okay, I see you just got your hair done. It looks really good! Your stylist ate that up!”
    • Example: “I love the new hairdo! Your outfit is gorgeous too! Ooo and those nails are on point! Girl, you ate down with this look!”
    • Example: “She ate that up!”
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Similar Slang Phrases

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  1. This is a simple way to say someone “ate down.” ”Ate” isn’t as strong of a term as “ate down,” but it is still used to express that someone did something really well.
    • If you did really well on a presentation, your friend may say “you ate with that presentation!”
  2. When someone understood the assignment, that means they did a really good job on something and knew what they were doing when they did it. [5]
    • If you’re trying out a new look, like winged eyeliner, and it looks good, your friends may say “Okay!! You understood the assignment.”
  3. Slay is a Gen Z term that means someone did something really well. It is used as an expression when someone does something well, like making a good meal or doing their makeup really well.
    • If your makeup looks really good, your friend will say “Slay! Your beat is giving!”
  4. When someone says you ate and left no crumbs , they’re praising you and expressing admiration for your look. This is the highest tier of the “ate” compliments, as it implies that you’ve done everything right with your look or action.
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