Have you ever unexpectedly encountered your brother's friends? Have you ever caught one of them staring at you? Maybe one of them smiles at you and flashes a grin, getting you all excited? Maybe you have been out with your brother and his friends tag along, or you need a ride and his friends offer? Sick of hearing how your friends get all the boys? And they flirt like a pro? Well here is a guide to girls about how to attract/flirt with your older brothers friends, and maybe, just maybe, they will like you back!
Say hi. When you see your brothers friends in the hallway, don't stare at them. If they're alone and you are the only two there, then you can smile or say "Hi_____", but don't be too forward or they will back off.
Chat a little. When you're at your house and they are over, with your brother there of course, make an excuse to go wherever they are and start a conversation. Boys actually like it when you confront them, and some find it attractive. Also don't just go over there and sit down and chat. Your brother will get annoyed, and know something is up. You could casually say something like "Hey guys, I'm gonna make myself a cup of coffee and just wanted to know if you would like some." If your brothers friends are into a sport then go to the games and "bump" into him. Don't be shy and make it awkward.Advertisement
Sometimes your looks don't even matter to a guy; it's how you act and approach him. Gain their interests, and don't just talk about yourself to them, talk about them . If it's one thing that almost all guys like loads is when they have attention. The shy guys usually need you to be open but don't get too pushy or involved in their business, it can come off as annoying.
Become an object of his desires. You know that if you saw him in the hallway with another girl you would get jealous. Well reverse it. Don't try to make him jealous by flirting with another guy, but casually meet a boy and talk to him in front of your brothers friend. He will go nuts wanting to get the same attention. He will want you!
Find out what he is passionate about and use it to your advantage! Don't like what he likes, unless you naturally do, but try to learn more about it. For example, he likes bowling. Next time you see him casually mention something about a bowling party. Who knows what he will say when he knows you like the same things as him.
Talk to your brother. You don't want to go too far without his consent. But that doesn't mean you have to tell him that you like his friend, especially if you know he would get mad/angry. [1] X Research source
Be Confident , and make him want to be with you more. You will definitely know if he comes over more and always is talking to you.
Present yourself well, Be healthy and clean your hair , brush teeth , clean nails, clean ears, eat healthy food, and remove acne. [2] X Research source Boys understand what its like to have some flaws, but don't be unhealthy about it. They will like you even more if they like you physically. That means stay active!
Be yourself . Try to show him that you are good the way you are and that you're not going to change for him. [3] X Research source Don't let him. If you want to get energized and change the way you look, or you want to change the way you do some things that's fine but don't do drugs, smoke, or drink just to get his attention or to be with him.
Expert Q&A
- Don't hover or even Hoover around them all the time. They might get annoyed!Thanks
- Joke with him! Guys love funny girls.Thanks
- Be positive. If you feel good about yourself, they will notice and enjoy that you like company and yourself.Thanks
Tips from our Readers
- If you notice him laughing after his friends make jokes and looking your way, take it as a positive sign. Giggle a little and return some subtle eye contact. And if you spot him in the halls, throw in a small wave or chat up another guy nearby so he tries to get your attention.
- Make an effort to entertain him with humor and lively conversation so he sees you as fun to be around. If you really like him, consider casually asking if he sees you two ever dating. But don't come on too strong.
- Pay attention to see if he notices little things you say or do. For instance, if you mention something to friends and he asks you about it later, he's likely listening closely when you speak.
- Slowly get a bit closer to him if you sense some subtle mutual interest. Maybe softly bump into him now and then or find natural excuses to sit nearer. But avoid invading personal space.
- Try taking an interest in his favorite TV shows or hobbies. Interact and be friendly without pushing limits. But keep realistic expectations on age gaps.
- If your brother doesn't associate with him much, you've already cleared one obstacle. Lack of closeness makes things simpler.
- Don't forget to be you and no one else. If it doesn't work out there are plenty other boys in this world and try not to make it awkward with your brother when you go out and break up. you wouldn't want him to lose a friendship just because of you.Thanks
- Don't be bland. Don't not talk, or be boring. Bring up interesting conversations and try to keep it going. But don't force to talk about something. Guys hate it when girls make them do something they don't want to do.Thanks
- Don't annoy him all the time. Don't pretend to be stupid or show off or brag. That's being really disrespectful. And don't talk about other people with them either, word travels fast even in the boy world.Thanks
- Don't look clumsy or lazy. Don't be waiting for him or them. When they are going out as a group and they are at your house, try to chill with them so you can go out with them. An invitation always opens up eventually.Thanks
- Don't chew gum, especially fruity flavor, and pop it while talking. It comes off as cheap and immature, you want the guy to think you are mature for your age.Thanks
- Don't look dirty or gross when you are with him/them. It'll make them feel uncomfortable.Thanks
- Don't be the girl to stalk them, or sit and wait for him. Take charge! and show him how amazing you are.Thanks
- Don't do this unless you know your brother won't mind. If he does, you wouldn't like him liking yours best friends.Thanks
- Since there are older girls that might like them too, don't tell all your friends about your secret crush on your brother's friends. If you do, it might get around and some girls can either get jealous or upset, because maybe your brother's friends are your friend's brothers.Thanks
- Don't be rude, disgusting, and icky.Thanks
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