Jonathan Frank, MD
Sports Orthopedic Surgeon & Joint Preservation Specialist
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Co-authored Articles (28)
How to Tell if Your Thumb is Broken (with Pictures)
What to do when your thumb is broken, fractured, or sprained Diagnosing a broken thumb is the first step to seeking the proper care. Thumb injuries have a range of causes, from a nasty jam while playing sports to a simpl...
How to Fix Knock Knees in Adults
When you stand with your legs together, do your knees touch but your ankles don’t? If so, you may have knock knees, or genu valgum. This condition is treatable, and many people find success with exercises and simple li...
How to
Know if You're Double Jointed
In medical terms, double-jointedness is referred to as hypermobility, and it simply means that you have a greater range of motion in some or all of your joints than most people. To determine if you have hypermobility, tr...
How to Wash Icy Hot off
Icy Hot is great at tackling muscle aches and pains, but what about when it hurts more than it helps? If you applied Icy Hot and it’s itching or burning, getting it off quickly is probably your top priority. In this ar...
How to
Wrap Your Knee
There are many reasons to wrap your knee. You can wrap your knee for sports, due to injury, and for weightlifting. Although it may seem simple, you need to wrap your knee in the correct way to avoid hurting yourself and ...
How to
Treat a Knee Sprain
A knee sprain is an injury to the ligaments in the knee, which are the tough, elastic-like bands in the knee that connect your bones together and hold your joints in place. A sprain can affect many of the ligaments in yo...
How to
Measure Knee Flexion at Home
Knee flexion is the degree to which you can bend your knee. Knowing your knee flexion limit can help you to assess your range of motion, which may be helpful if you’re recovering from an injury or surgery.. 31 July 202...
How to
Crack Your Knee
There are some times when you may feel like your knee just needs to be popped. This is often a perfectly normal thing that does not signal a problem in the knee and can be done quite easily.. 31 July 2020.All it takes is...
How to
Crack Your Elbow
If your elbow feels tense or stiff, like it needs to pop, try flexing and relaxing your triceps. Cracking your elbow can feel good (like cracking your knuckles) and relieves pressure from your joint. However, if you’re...
How to
Crack Your Hip
Cracking tight hips can be very satisfying, and as long as you don’t do it too often, it’s generally safe. Simple floor stretches generally do the trick. If those don’t work, though, a seated hip rotator stretch or...
How to
Confirm a Partial ACL Tear
It can be hard to determine whether or not your ACL is partially torn, particularly because a partial tear keeps your ACL from presenting normal signs of being torn, like your knee ‘buckling’. Luckily, there are stil...
How to
Treat Knee Inflammation
If your knee is red, swollen, sore, or warm to the touch, it is inflamed. Inflammation in the knee can be caused by a lot of different conditions, such as arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, or an injury to the muscles or t...
How to
Apply Shoulder Injury Compression Wraps
Compression wraps are recommended for non-serious shoulder injuries. Wrapping the shoulder in a compression bandage may help it heal by promoting blood flow, which allows nutrients vital to recovery to access damaged tis...
How to
Fix a Pinched Nerve in the Shoulder
If you have a pinched nerve in your shoulder, the pain is probably the first thing you'll notice. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to ease the pain. Try to relax as best you can and rest your shoulder—your pinched...
How to
Deal With the Pain of a Door Being Shut on Your Finger
Slamming a door on your finger can be extremely painful! The good news is that the vast majority of the time, your finger will heal up just fine on its own. But how can you deal with the pain right now? Don’t worry. Th...
How to Side Sleep (without Neck Pain)
How to train yourself to become a side sleeper Sleeping on your side has a number of benefits, including reduced snoring, better digestion, and improved circulation. It is important to take measures to ensure that you li...
How to
Cure Knock Knees Naturally
Knock knees is a medical condition in which a person’s knees point inward and touch when they stand. While the condition is most prevalent in children younger than 10 years old, it can also afflict adults of any age. I...
How to
Treat a Neck Strain
A neck strain is an injury to the muscles or tendons in your neck. With a strain, you may experience neck stiffness along with aching, throbbing, or sharp pain in your neck that gets worse with movement. Fortunately, mos...
How to
Stretch Your Elbow
There are a number of different reasons why you may need to stretch your elbow. Injuries to your elbow or lower arm, such as tennis elbow, or regular sports activities, such as martial arts, may require regular elbow str...
How to
Treat a Swollen Knee
A knee may appear swollen from an injury to the tendons, ligaments or meniscus. Other medical problems such as arthritis might contribute to swelling in the knee joint. Even overuse can make your knees swollen.. 31 July ...