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Every sign in the zodiac has a set of lucky numbers that can bring them wealth and good fortune. For sensitive and nurturing Cancer, your lucky numbers (including 2, 7, 9, and 11) can help you balance your energy, go after your goals, and take risks in your personal and professional life. Read on to discover the luckiest numbers, years, days, colors, gemstones, and letters for the crab!

Things You Should Know

  • 2 is Cancer’s luckiest number, helping you relax, feel balanced, and find love.
  • 7 and 43 are Cancer’s lucky career numbers. These digits help you achieve your goals and stay motivated to find success and build your wealth.
  • 9 and 11 bring Cancer growth and clarity. 9 encourages you to feel confident and take risks while 11 helps you trust your intuition.
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Lucky Numbers for Cancer

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  1. As a sensitive Cancer, you tend to feel others’ emotions strongly, as well as your own. Luckily, the balanced energy of number 2 reminds you to practice self-care and soothe your soul . 2 is also considered lucky for your love life, helping you connect with new people and let love blossom. [1]
    • For instance, you might incorporate 2 relaxing activities into your day, like meditating or reading a good book.
    • Simply seeing 2 can be a sign that wealth, good health, and prosperity are on your way. 2 is associated with the Moon, which is the planet that rules over Cancer.
  2. With your gentle, nurturing nature, you probably have big dreams to make the world a better place. Lucky number 7 can help you stay focused and go after your goals, whether you’re working as a doctor or volunteering in your community. [2]
    • For example, break your to-do list into 7 items so your goals feel more manageable. Then, take a 7-minute break each hour to rejuvenate your energy.
    • Seeing 7 in your daily life can be a reminder of your mission, which helps keep you calm when life inevitably puts obstacles in your path.
  3. Cancer loves the warmth and safety of their shell, so you might not be a big fan of change. This makes 9 the perfect number for you, as its comforting energy gives you the courage to seek out new opportunities, take risks , and ultimately grow into the best version of yourself . [3]
    • For instance, if a job recruiter messages you at 9:00, it might be an encouraging nudge to go after this new opportunity to feel more fulfilled and find success.
    • Seeing 9 while you’re on a first date might indicate that they’re the one for you. So, take it as a sign to be brave and ask them on another date.
    • If you find cheap flights to an exciting destination that leaves on the 9th, that might be your sign to book the trip and get out of your comfort zone.
  4. If you’re overthinking a conversation with a friend or feeling unsure about a decision at work, 11 helps you calm your mind and think logically. Seeing this lucky number is a reminder to follow your intuition . After all, you do possess the strongest psychic abilities in the zodiac! [4]
    • When you see 11, you might meditate for 11 minutes to get in touch with your higher self. Or, you might take 11 deep breaths to ground and center yourself.
  5. Everybody likes to see more money in their bank account, and being a Cancer makes you no different! When you see 43 while you’re at work, take it as an encouraging sign from the Universe to stay motivated and be productive . Your determination might help you earn a hefty raise or get a huge promotion. [5]
    • To start the day strong and stay motivated, you might write or recite a positive affirmation 43 times, like “I am capable and intelligent,” or “I will check off my to-do list.”
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Lucky Years for Cancer

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  1. Years ending in these numbers, like 2025 and 2034, are especially fortunate for the crab. This can mean that prosperity and positivity are headed your way—you might win the jackpot in the lottery, get married to your soulmate, or climb even higher in your career during these years.
    • 2052, 2061, 2070, 2079, 2088, and 2097 are the rest of the lucky years for Cancer.
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Lucky Days for Cancer

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  1. There’s a reason why things seem to turn out in your favor on Mondays! The Moon, which is associated with your emotions and instincts, rules over Mondays and Cancer. This makes Monday the perfect day to boost your luck: play the lottery, go out on dates, or tackle your to-do list. [6]
    • Mondays that fall on your lucky numbers, like the 2nd, 7th, and 9th, are incredibly auspicious and can amplify your luck even further.
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Lucky Colors for Cancer

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  1. With the moon’s radiant glow shining over Cancer, it’s no wonder that silver is your ultimate power color. Silver represents grace and serenity, helping you feel self-assured , remember your strengths, and stay calm under pressure . This shiny hue also symbolizes wealth and glamor, reminding you to keep your eye on the prize and reach success. [7]
    • Increase your luck by wearing silver. For instance, wear silver jewelry on dates to feel confident and give yourself an elegant and alluring aura.
    • Or, add silver decorations to your office to stay level-headed while at work.
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Lucky Gemstones for Cancer

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  1. As Cancer’s birthstone for June, this glossy white gem is believed to increase your sensitivity, wisdom, and tranquility. If you’re struggling to make a decision in your personal life or career, wearing a pearl necklace or holding onto a stone can help you clear your mind, reflect on what you want, and make the best choice for you. [8]
  2. The moon-like glow of moonstone is associated with clarity and sensitivity. Wearing moonstone jewelry can deepen your intuition and balance your emotions so you feel clear-minded and in control. This stone can also boost your creativity, helping you achieve your goals, start new hobbies, or solve problems at work. [9]
  3. Shiny, red-green alexandrite is considered a lucky charm for Cancer. Putting on alexandrite jewelry or placing a stone in your pocket can bring you wealth and good fortune on days that you need an extra boost. You might find $20 on the ground, get asked on a date by your crush, or simply feel positive all day. [10]
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Lucky Letters for Cancer

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  1. These letters in the alphabet are believed to bring Cancer even more luck, prosperity, and abundance. H, N, Y, T, O, D, or C very well might be the first letter of your soulmate's name or the company where you find your dream job. Stopping in stores or walking down streets with these letters can also boost your luck: you might run into an old friend or stumble upon a lucrative job opportunity.

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