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Learn why Cancer identifies with the crab and other earthly creatures
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The animal that represents the zodiac sign Cancer is the crab, which might not seem like the most complimentary animal symbol at first blush. But the crab is a resilient creature that actually represents Cancerians (also called "moon children," because the sign is ruled by the Moon) in some pretty neat ways! We talked to astrologer Stina Garbis to find out everything you need to know about the animal that represents this warm and empathetic sign.

Cancer's Animal Symbol

The zodiac sign Cancer is most commonly symbolized by the crab. The name Cancer (both the zodiac sign and the constellation) comes from the Greek word karkinos , meaning “crab.” The crab also represents typical Cancerian personality traits, like resilience and the tendency to retreat when threatened.

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What is Cancer's zodiac animal?

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  1. This is because the zodiac sign Cancer is named after the constellation of the same name that forms a crab shape in the sky. Over the course of history, other animals have also been associated with Cancer (though none so much as the crab), including lobsters, crayfish, and other oceanic creatures. This is likely because Cancer is a water sign .
    • The word "cancer" itself comes from the Greek word for crab, karkinos .
    • The disease cancer was also likely given the same name because of how the veins and damaged tissue of a tumor radiate outward like the legs of a crab. [1]
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How Cancer Relates to the Crab

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  1. There's no question that a moon child can be a tough nut to crack. They don't tend to like being vulnerable and put up walls to avoid it. Under the influence of water, Cancerians are emotionally sensitive and keen to protect themselves from getting hurt.
    • For this reason, it can take some time to get close to a Cancer. Because they're so protective of their sensitive inner selves, they aren't willing to let very many people get too close to them.
    • At the same time, if you do make it into a Cancer's inner circle, they'll be dedicated and loyal . Garbis notes that crabs are "highly protective of their inner shell and inner circle."
  2. Moon children aren't known for being particularly mean—in fact, they usually go out of their way to be nice. But that doesn't mean they won't lash out if threatened. Like the crab, if you back a moon child into a corner, you're likely to catch those claws!
    • It can take a lot to get a crab to pinch you—they'd typically rather back away and go about their own business. But if you leave them no other option, they do know how to fight back.
  3. Your typical moon child would prefer if everybody could just get along, even though things don't always work out that way. If they see an issue, they're more likely to find a way around it than to address it head on—just like a crab sidles across the sand to avoid predators.
    • It can also be pretty difficult to get a Cancerian to talk about what's bothering them. They don't want to make any waves, so they'll find ways to hint around the issue and hope you get their drift without them having to say it directly.
    • Ask them open-ended questions about how they feel. If you validate their feelings and respond without judgment, they'll feel more comfortable opening up to you.
  4. You might think of a crab as a pretty resilient creature, capable of surviving on land and sea through a wide variety of elements. Moon children are similar, capable of adapting to a variety of circumstances with their kind, loving nature intact.
    • Cancerians are known for being extra sensitive to their environment, but a lot of times it means they've already made accommodations for something before anyone else even notices.
    • For example, a Cancerian might feel a draft and gather up some blankets and put a kettle on. By the time anyone else notices, the adaptable crab has blankets and hot cocoa for everyone.
  5. Crabs carry their homes around with them, never leaving their protective shells—and if a Cancerian could do this, they probably would. They're natural "nesters" who have a knack for making any space feel warm and inviting, mostly because they hope you'll come to them so they don't have to go anywhere.
    • It's no secret that moon children have excellent domestic skills, and their empathetic, nurturing personality helps them ensure that everyone who comes calling always leaves comfortable and relaxed with full bellies and warm hearts.
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Cancer Constellation Mythology

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  1. Cancer is a pretty dim constellation in the North sky that contains a couple of interesting star clusters. Legend says it's named after a crab that attacked Hercules by the goddess Hera. While the constellation is said to be in the shape of a crab, some star-gazers have drawn the constellation in the shape of a lobster. [2]
    • Ancient Egyptians associated the constellation with the scarab beetle, while Mesopotamians associated it with the turtle. Either of these creatures could also be represented by the constellation. [3]

    Stina Garbis

    Spiritual Advisor
    Reverend Stina Garbis is a Spiritual Advisor and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary.
    Stina Garbis
    Spiritual Advisor

    The Cancer constellation is a crab. This is from the myth where Hercules was bitten by a crab while he was fighting Hydra. The goddess Hera, who was an enemy to Hercules, put the crab's remains in the sky as a constellation.

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Cancer Spirit Animals

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  1. While the crab might be the ultimate symbol for Cancer, it should come as no surprise that the creature is also considered a spirit animal for the sign. Spirit animals are believed to protect and guide those born under the sign, as well as offer a little bit of luck. [4]
    • Crabs are thought to symbolize protection and guidance in and of themselves, and Cancerians are known for their protective and guiding nature, so this makes the crab a perfect fit as Cancer's spirit animal.
  2. Turtles have been associated with Cancer going back to the Ancient Mesopotamians. [5] These creatures symbolize strength and protection. They might also be considered home bodies, just like a moon child, since they carry their homes around with them on their backs.
    • Turtles are also signs of good luck and believed to protect you from any negative energy that might cross your path.
  3. Dolphins personify a moon child's playfulness and joy while also being symbols of intelligence and good luck. These graceful and friendly water creatures are also frequently associated with Cancer because of their loyalty and protectiveness.
    • Dolphins are also considered intuitive and empathetic—more traits they have in common with moon children.
  4. These fierce animals reflect a Cancerian's natural loyalty, protectiveness, and intuition. A wolf cares for the members of its pack the way a Cancerian looks after those in their inner circle.
    • Wolves are also pretty sensitive to changes in their environment, just as moon children often are.
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Cancerian Compatibility

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  1. Pisces and Scorpio just understand Cancer in a way that other signs just don't get. Water signs are so deeply emotional and intuitive that when they get together, it can sometimes seem like they communicate without even talking.
    • It's all about the emotions when it comes to water signs, so you can also expect these relationships to be fairly intense.
    • This doesn't mean they don't have their problems. Pisces can be too dreamy and flighty for Cancer, and Scorpio might just be too secretive for Cancer to trust.
  2. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn tend to care about domestic bliss as much as Cancer does, and they can help Cancer embrace their homebody nature instead of trying to resist it. Earth signs also tend to be pretty solid and even-keeled folks, which gives emotional Cancer the emotional support a water sign needs. [6]
    • Capricorn and Cancer might have a harder time seeing eye to eye, only because Capricorns tend to be pretty emotionally attached, which a Cancerian is not going to understand.
  3. As fire signs, Aries , Leo , and Sagittarius tend to feel smothered by Cancer's protective and nurturing qualities. A similar thing happens with the air signs ( Gemini , Libra, and Aquarius ), who tend to feel like Cancer is too clingy and restricts their freedom.
    • For their part, Cancerians are likely to get frustrated with both fire and air signs because none of them put much stock in emotions and emotions are everything to a water sign.
    • At the same time, Cancerians can often find a way to make any relationship work as long as they appreciate and respect their partner's differences.
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Cancer Zodiac Basics

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  1. People born under this sign tend to be inside cats! Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and known for producing people who are as nurturing as they are empathetic. According to Garbis, "this water sign can exhibit fine intuitive and emotional traits." Here are some more basic facts about this kind and loving sign: [7]
    • Dates: June 21—July 22
    • Element: Water
    • Modality: Cardinal
    • Ruling planet: Moon
    • Famous moon children: Ariana Grande, Tom Hanks, Khloé Kardashian, Kevin Hart, Lana Del Ray, Elon Musk, Selena Gomez, Jaden Smith

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