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Excited for the winter solstice? Traditionally known as Yule, this ancient, 12-day pagan celebration highlights the Sun’s return and the land beginning to thaw and heal. [1] Thankfully, you don’t need to be an ancient pagan to take part in this celebration of healing and revitalization. We’ve put together some festive and spiritual winter solstice traditions from multiple cultures to help you make the most of the upcoming holiday.
In 2024, the winter solstice is celebrated between December 21 and January 1, 2025. [2]


Make a Yule altar.

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  1. Modern-day witches suggest using a simple table as the base for your Yule altar, covered with a blue, green, or white altar cloth. Then, place symbolic items on top of your altar, like candles, snowflake decorations, mistletoe, sun wheels, Yule wreaths, and bells. [3]
    • Blue and white items are a great way to represent winter’s cold weather. These colors also represent protection, tranquility, purity, and cleansing, making them a great addition to your altar.
    • Red and green is another excellent color pairing for your altar.
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Build an evergreen wreath.

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  1. They’re an umbrella term for a variety of wintry greens, including mistletoe, holly, pine, ivy, and yew. Weave these plants together into a wreath and display it in your home throughout the winter solstice. Here’s what each type of evergreen represents: [4]
    • Yew: Eternal life and being born again
    • Pine: Healing
    • Holly and ivy: Bad vibes and energy
    • Mistletoe: Affluence and fertility

Burn a Yule log.

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  1. Start by cutting up your own oak log or buying one from your local home improvement shop or big box retail store. Surround the log with pinecones, whole cinnamon sticks, and sprigs of mistletoe, and set the arrangement down in the middle of your fireplace. Then, light the Yule log on fire to help get rid of any negative energy. [5]
    • If your home doesn’t have a working fireplace, light the log up in an outdoor bonfire instead. Just make sure you have the proper legal permits and permissions before you get started!
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Decorate a Yule tree.

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  1. Yule trees go way back to the days of early pagans, where practitioners would use trees to represent the fact that life continues on. Back in the day, some pagans would even adorn their trees with coins, corn, and lights, which signified affluence, a big harvest, and the Sun’s returning light. [6] Feel free to decorate your tree with your own meaningful ornaments and trinkets, though!
    • Yule trees became a popular Christmas tradition in the age of Queen Victoria, who first adopted the tree into the Christian faith.

Make a Yule log cake.

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  1. Popularly known as bûche de Noël, this French dessert is an iconic way to celebrate the winter solstice with your loved ones. [7] Dress up your cake with mint leaves and cranberries to give it an extra rustic touch. [8]
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Munch on pomegranate seeds and nuts.

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  1. During this holiday, Iranian citizens snack on pomegranate seeds and nuts, read poetry written by the poet Hafiz, and pull an all-nighter to celebrate the sunrise together. Pick up some of these snacks before the winter solstice to make the most out of your celebration! [9]

Take a citrus bath.

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  1. During the winter solstice holiday of Toji, some people like to toss many citrus fruits, or yuzu, into their warm bathwater. According to Japanese tradition, these citrus baths can help you stay healthy and prevent you from catching a cold. [10]
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Participate in a wishing ritual.

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  1. Grab a candle and place it in front of you. Then, light the wick and express your goals and hopes for the new year. While the candle burns, imagine all of these hopes and dreams coming true, and being able to live the life you always wanted. Take some time to draft a “to-do” list of tasks that will help you reach these goals and resolutions. [11]
    • If your goal is to make more money, your to-do list could include steps like “update my resume” and “apply to higher-paying jobs”.
    • If your aspiration is to buy a new house, your task list might have steps like “improve my credit score”, “consult with a real estate agent”, and “browse homes within my price range”.
    • To make the most of this ritual, pick out candles that will burn down quickly as you reflect on your goals, like tea lights.

Do a tarot card reading.

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  1. Gain some perspective with 3-card spread . Draw 3 different tarot cards and set them down in front of you. Reflect on the first card to see what you shouldn’t be taking with you into the new year. Then, mull over the second card to identify a hidden blessing waiting for you in the here and now. Finish things off by using the third card to set a new goal or resolution for yourself in the upcoming year. [12]
    • This isn’t connected directly to ancient pagan traditions, but it’s a popular practice by modern witches.
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Read books related to the winter solstice.

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  1. The cold, dark days of the winter solstice are the best time to dive into a new book—and why not read about the winter solstice, while you’re at it? From wellness books to cookbooks, authors have tackled just about every angle of the solstice season. Here are a few titles you can try: [13]
    • Yoga Throughout the Year: A Seasonal Approach to Your Practice by Jilly Shipway
    • Winter Harvest Cookbook: How to Select and Prepare Fresh Seasonal Produce All Winter Long by Lane Morgan
    • Yule: A Celebration of Light and Warmth by Dorothy Morrison
    • Yule: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for the Winter Solstice by Susan Pesznecker and Llewellyn

Clean out your living space.

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  1. Go through your bedroom, living room, or any other living space that’s looking a bit cluttered and messy. Toss out any items that you no longer need, and take some time to reorganize and spruce up your newly-cleaned living space. [14]
    • The Yule celebration is all about letting go of the past and looking toward the future. Cleaning out your living space really embodies this tradition.
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Spend time with your family.

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  1. Scandinavia’s St. Lucia Day involves a festive feast, while China’s Dong Zhi winter solstice holiday encourages families to gather, celebrate the new year, and enjoy delicious food together. No matter where you are, spending time with loved ones is a great way to reflect on what you’ve learned over the past year and celebrate what the new year has to offer! [15]

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Do I have to be religious or a non-Christian to celebrate winter solstice?
    Community Answer
    No, definitely not. Customize your celebration so it fits you and your family.
  • Question
    What do I need to do to spiritually to prepare for Winter solstice?
    Community Answer
    Cast a circle or cast a spell. You can also make your altar or write in your Book of Shadows!
  • Question
    What is a book of shadows?
    Community Answer
    A book of shadows is essentially a personal spell diary. Traditionally, they were destroyed upon one's death.
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      Fun Facts

      • During the winter solstice, the Hopi Native Americans celebrate throughout the night with a special ceremony. [16]
      • Dong Zhi is the name of the traditional winter solstice celebration in China. Many southern Chinese citizens prepare tang yuan (glutinous rice balls), while northern Chinese citizens cook regular and/or meat-filled dumplings. [17]

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