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At some point, everyone has to deal with put-downs from others. Whether it's a bully at school or a nasty coworker, we've all been insulted at some point. Some people say nasty things to get attention, and in some cases, the best response is just to ignore them. If that isn't working though, at some point you'll need to respond. A good comeback, whether humorous or earnest, can sometimes put a stop to a bully's insults.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Making Funny Comebacks

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  1. The first step in determining how best to respond to any insult is to think about the situation and the source of the insult. [1] How best to respond will depend on what's going on.
    • If the person who is insulting you is a friend and is joking around, feel free to joke back! If they have actually hurt your feelings though, you may want to discuss that. If this person is really your friend, they will not want to hurt you. [2]
  2. If the person is a bully or someone else who wants to hurt your feelings, decide if you want to ignore them or respond. If you want to respond, you have a few options: [3]
    • Make a funny comeback to make them feel foolish.
    • Make an earnest comeback aimed at stopping the behavior.
    • Try to have a conversation with them to try to get at the root of the problem.
  3. To make a good humorous comeback, you need to respond directly to what the other person said to you. A comeback that is off-topic won't be effective or funny. People won't get it, and you'll be the one who ends up looking silly. [4]
    • It's easy to get caught up in thinking about what you are going to say next and not pay attention to what the other person is saying, especially if what the bully is saying isn't very nice. Try to pay close attention to what they are saying about you. Their insults should provide the basis for your comeback.
    • A good comeback makes the other person look foolish for insulting you. Think of something that will turn the other person's words back on him.
    • For example, if someone calls you ugly, you could respond by saying: "Too bad you can't Photoshop your ugly personality."
    • If someone makes a joke at your expense, you could respond: "Bet you were up all night thinking about that one."
    • If someone insults your ability or skill at something, you could say: "Well, I learned by watching you."
  4. Before delivering your comeback, you need to show that the insult hasn't hurt you — on the contrary, you should make it apparent that you think what the bully has said to you is stupid. Your look has to match your words. [5]
    • Use your body language. Raise an eyebrow, laugh, roll your eyes. Anything to show how ridiculous you think the other person's words were.
  5. For a funny comeback to work, you have to get it out right away. If you are halfway down the hall before you think it up, it won't be effective. [6]
    • If you don't come up with a funny comeback right away, it's better to just save it for another time. If this is an ongoing problem, there's a good possibility you'll have another chance.
  6. If the bully you are responding to is someone you work with, stand up for yourself. Do not, however, cross the line into being unprofessional.
    • In a workplace situation, for example, a good comeback might point out how the bully's behavior is hurting productivity. Don't make one that mocks their appearance or intelligence. [7] You might say, "If you put as much effort into your work as you put into making fun of me, you might not be behind on your project."
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Serious Comebacks

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  1. Sometimes a more earnest response is a better one — an insulting comeback can end up provoking more of the same (or worse). You still, however, need to show the bully that you aren't hurt by his words, even if you are.
    • Take a deep breath. If you are angry, try to let the feeling go. Anger is what the bully wants to see, so don't give in and show it.
    • Try to put on a "poker face" that doesn't reveal any feelings one way or the other. You can practice this in the mirror at home to make this easier.
  2. When you respond to the bully, show that you are confident. It's not just that you aren't angry or hurt — you feel fine about yourself and confident in your response. [8]
    • Stand up straight, and look the bully in the eye. Speak in a calm, clear voice.
    • You can tell the person insulting you something like: "Your words don't affect me," or, "I don't let people like you get to me."
  3. Respond verbally with a comment that shows that the insult hasn't hurt you, or that the bully's words are unimportant to you. Here are some good examples: [9]
    • I heard you, but I don't care.
    • You're wasting your breath.
    • Real mature.
    • Are you done?
    • Wow, you discovered I look different than you.
  4. You might consider a response that promotes feelings of shame for the bully. Ideally, you can make them feel bad for insulting you. Here are some examples: [10]
    • I feel sorry for you.
    • Build up your self-esteem some other way.
    • Your parents must be proud of you.
    • It's sad that you feel a need to do this.
  5. Some people have found it effective to respond to insults with questions aimed at making the other person open up about the real problem. If you think the person insulting you might be open to a conversation about the real issues that are upsetting him, this might be worth a try.
    • For example, if someone calls you stupid, you might respond by asking: "What is it exactly that makes you feel I am not intelligent?" Even if this doesn't start a heart-to-heart conversation about the bully's feelings of inadequacy or jealousy, it might disarm him just by being unexpected.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Thinking Ahead

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  1. Comebacks are all about timing and confidence. Most people think comebacks have to be spontaneous, but you can improve yours by practicing. [11]
    • Find a friend or a sympathetic adult and have her deliver the insults so you can practice your responses. If you don't feel comfortable with this, you can try it on your own in the mirror.
    • Notice which style of comeback feels most natural to you. If you struggle to come up with a funny one-liner in the moment, then using this tactic will not be very successful for you. Use a different response — like a poker face and saying "Are you finished?" if that comes more naturally. Use what works best for you until you can practice and use the other methods effectively.
  2. Bullies are usually very socially intelligent and great people-readers. They can easily see which comments get under people's skin. You can benefit from building up this same skill, but using it for defense instead of for aggression (like the bully). Watch the bully's reaction when you deliver your comeback and the reaction of others around him. Did they respond with surprise? Become angry, quiet, walk away? Then the comeback style used was successful.
    • Watch for patterns and make note of what worked and what didn't. Notice, for instance, if humor seems to egg them on. If this is the case, switch to indifference or seriousness.
    • Use the group dynamic to take control of the situation. Did the reactions of others watching tell you that you made an impact? Then what you said is working. Did they laugh at you and continue to support the bully? Then try a new tactic.
  3. When you are thinking about comebacks, try to come up with ideas that insult the bully's behavior, not characteristics they can't change. Your goal isn't to be as mean as the bully; your goal is to make the put-downs stop.
    • Don't use stereotypes or attack a person based on her gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, or other characteristics such as these. This is just as bad as what the bully is doing to you, and possibly worse. You can also get in a lot of trouble for using these kinds of insults.
  4. Sometimes comebacks can lead to more insults. More concerning, however, is that some bullies might respond with violence, especially to insulting comebacks. Keep an eye out for signs that the person is becoming aggressive. [12]
    • Think carefully about the comebacks you use, and if a violent reaction seems like a possibility, remove yourself from the situation. Do you know if this person has ever gotten in trouble for violence before? Have you heard about him hitting or fighting with others? Or is he a social bully who just uses words? If you know this person has gotten violent in the past, you will want to be very cautious.
    • Watch for physical cues of violence. The person may touch his head or face (rubbing his face or scalp or almost touching his face) and clench his fists, wring his hands, or pop his knuckles. The bully may remove an article of clothing, like a hat or a jacket, and may crouch down slightly. In addition, the person may turn his non-dominant side toward you; so, a left-handed person may turn his right side toward you. [13] If you notice any of these behaviors, do not try to make a comeback and back away from the person.
    • Do not make comebacks to threats of violence. The bully may threaten to hit or beat you, so remain confident. Don't look like you're scared. Instead, get away from the bully and report the threat to a trusted adult.
  5. If someone is bullying you regularly get help from a teacher, manager, or coworker. Bullies are less likely to pick on you if you aren't isolated. [14]
    • If you can't solve the problem informally, get someone in a position of authority involved. You shouldn't have to deal with constant insults from a bully in any situation. [15]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What if they have an attitude and come right back with more?
    Community Answer
    If this happens all you need to do is put a little smirk on your face, look them up and down shrug your shoulders with a small laugh and walk in the complete opposite direction. Be confident in the choices you made. They will be busy trying to figure out what you were laughing at.
  • Question
    What if someone makes fun of me because I am Asian?
    Community Answer
    Don't try to give them a snappy comeback. Just say something like, "You know, that's really offensive. It's not cool to discriminate against people or use hateful stereotypes." People will usually be surprised by this response, and it might even make them rethink what they've just said.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone makes a comeback to my comeback?
    Community Answer
    Make another comeback! It's good to practice these things so your mind is sharp when it happens. Try working on your comebacks with a friend or sibling, or even just riffing by yourself.
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      • Keep your comebacks short. Short, witty comebacks work best.
      • Keep a "comeback database." Add new comments you recently thought of at home, copy from websites, anything. Add to it often. That way you're up to date.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • If you can’t think of a comeback on the spot, just throw your head back and laugh before walking away. Make it clear the bully hasn’t hurt you.
      • Make sure not to reuse the same comebacks everytime. If you can't think of another comeback, then rephrase the comeback.
      • Don't show that it has upset you. All they want to do is annoy or upset you, so do the opposite.
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      • Try not to show a negative reaction (crying, threatening to tell on them) if you can avoid it. Bullies feel a sense of power if they see that you're upset. If you don't give it to them, they'll usually stop targeting you.
      • Don't play embarrassing pranks on your bullies. You may start a never-ending prank war, or worse, lead the bully to escalate with violence.

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      • Amallaris Grady

        Jan 24, 2017

        "I have been being bullied for some time now, and just the other day the bully said something really hurtful. ..." more
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