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Conjugating verbs in Spanish can be tricky. To conjugate a regular verb in the present tense, all you have to do is know your subject, remove the ending from the verb, and add the ending for the corresponding subject. When you start conjugating reflexive or irregular verbs, the rules change a bit, but you can still do it once you learn a few key facts. If you want to know how to conjugate Spanish verbs in the present tense, just follow these steps.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Conjugating Regular Verbs

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  1. The subject is the noun that the verb is referring to. To conjugate a verb in Spanish, you'll first need to be familiar with the several different personal subject pronouns in the language. Here they are:
    • Yo — I(formal)
    • — you (singular familiar)
    • Usted — you (singular formal)
    • Él, ella — he, she
    • Nosotros/as — we
    • Vosotros/as — you (plural familiar)
    • Ustedes — you (plural formal)
    • Ellos/as — they
      • Note that while there are eight different subjects, there are only six different forms for conjugation. Él, ella, and usted are conjugated the same way, and so are ellos, ellas, and ustedes.
  2. Once you're familiar with subjects, you'll need to find the corresponding noun for the verb. If the verb is necesitar (to need), who is it that needs something? Is it you? The person you're talking to? A group of boys? The subject will determine the form of the conjugation.
  3. All Spanish verbs have the endings of either "-ar," "-ir," or "-er." Once you remove the current ending, you can add on the new corresponding ending. Unless the verb is reflexive; then it will have "se" tacked on past the end of the verb.
  4. Once you learn the form of conjugation for "-ar" verbs in the present tense, you can just add the form to the end of any regular "-ar" verbs. Here are the rules for conjugating them in the present tense, using the verb hablar (to talk):
    • Yo : o - hablo
    • : as - hablas
    • Él, Ella, Usted : a - habla
    • Nosotros/as : amos - hablamos
    • Vosotros/as : áis - habláis
    • Ellos/as, Ustedes : an - hablan
  5. Learn the form for conjugating "-er" verbs in the present tense and just add it to the end of each verb. [1] Here are the endings for the verb "-er" in the present tense using the verb beber (to drink) as an example:
    • Yo : o - bebo
    • : es - bebes
    • Él, Ella, Usted : e - bebe
    • Nosotros/as : emos - bebemos
    • Vosotros/as : éis - bebéis
    • Ellos/as, Ustedes : en - beben
  6. Conjugate "-ir" verbs . Learn the form for conjugating "-ir" verbs in the present tense and just add it to the end of each verb. Here are the endings for the verb "-ir" in the present tense, using the verb vivir (to live): [2]
    • Yo : o - vivo
    • : es - vives
    • Él, Ella, Usted : e - vive
    • Nosotros/as : imos - vivimos
    • Vosotros/as : ís - vivís
    • Ellos/as, Ustedes : en - viven
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Conjugating Reflexive Verbs

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  1. To conjugate a reflexive verb, the first thing you'll have to do is to learn how to conjugate it depending on the subject pronoun. Each subject pronoun has a distinct form of se. These conjugated forms of se will work in any tense. Here they are: [3]
    • Yo : me
    • : te
    • Él, Ella, Usted : se
    • Nosotros/as : nos
    • Vosotros/as : os
    • Ellos/as, Ustedes : se
  2. Before you proceed, you can place the appropriate form of "se" before the verb. You can think of this as removing the "se" at the end of the verb before you conjugate it. Remove the "se" ending from the end -- you've already conjugated it. [4]
  3. Now just conjugate the verb according to the rules of conjugating a verb in the present tense -- provided that it's a regular verb. Place the verb after the correct form of se and you'll be done conjugating. [5] You can eliminate the subject pronoun before the reflexive pronoun when you make a statement using a reflexive verb; for example, you can say " Yo me lavo " to say "I wash myself," but the statement " Me lavo " is more common. Here are the forms of the conjugated reflexive verb levanto (to get up) in the present tense:
    • Yo : me levanto
    • : te levantas
    • Él, Ella, Usted : se levanta
    • Nosotros/as : nos levantamos
    • Vosotros/as : os levantáis
    • Ellos/as, Ustedes : se levantan
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Conjugating Irregular Verbs

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  1. These verbs are also referred to as “radical changing verbs”, which means “stem” or “root” in Spanish. In stem-changing verbs, the stem vowel of the verb changes in the present tense. However, the stem does not change in the nosotros or vosotros forms of the verb. There are a few different ways that the stem vowel can change. Here are some examples: [6]
    • Conjugate verbs with a stem change from o to ue using dormir (to sleep) as an example:
      • Yo : duermo
      • : duermes
      • Él, Ella, Usted : duerme
      • Nosotros/as : dormimos
      • Vosotros/as : dormís
      • Ellos/as, Ustedes : duermen
    • Conjugate verbs with a stem change from e to ie using querer (to want) as an example:
      • Yo : quiero
      • : quieres
      • Él, Ella, Usted : quiere
      • Nosotros/as : queremos
      • Vosotros/as : queréis
      • Ellos/as, Ustedes : quieren
    • Conjugate verbs with a stem change from e to i using seguir (to follow or continue) as an example:
      • Yo : sigo
      • : sigues
      • Él, Ella, Usted : sigue
      • Nosotros/as : seguimos
      • Vosotros/as : seguís
      • Ellos/as, Ustedes : siguen
  2. Some verbs are irregular in their first-person present tense form. The rest of the forms of the verbs will follow the conventions of conjugating regular verbs. It's best to memorize these verbs to conjugate them correctly. [7] Here are a few example of verbs that are only irregular in the first person (the yo form):
    • Conjugate verbs that change from c to zc in the first person:
      • Conocer (to be acquainted with): Yo conozco
      • Agradecer (to thank): Yo agradezco
      • Ofrecer (to be acquainted with): Yo ofrezco
    • Conjugate verbs that have a g appear in the first person:
      • Caer (to fall): Yo caigo
      • Salir (to go out): Yo salgo
      • Tener (to have): Yo tengo
      • Traer (to bring): "Yo traigo"
    • Conjugate verbs with others changes in the yo form:
      • Dar (to give): Yo doy
      • Saber (to know): Yo sé
      • Ver (to see): Yo veo
  3. There are other commonly used verbs -- and some not so commonly used -- that are not stem-changing verbs but which are just conjugated in an irregular way. Memorizing these words will help you speak basic Spanish. Here are some of the most common irregular verbs conjugated in the present tense: [8]
    • Estar (to be):
      • Yo : estoy
      • : estás
      • Él, Ella, Usted : está
      • Nosotros/as : estamos
      • Vosotros/as : estáis
      • Ellos/as, Ustedes : están
    • Ser (to be):
      • Yo : soy
      • : eres
      • Él, Ella, Usted : es
      • Nosotros/as : somos
      • Vosotros/as : sois
      • Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes : son
    • Ir (to go):
      • Yo : voy
      • : vas
      • Él, Ella, Usted : va
      • Nosotros/as : vamos
      • Vosotros/as : vais
      • Ellos/as, Ustedes : van
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  • Question
    What is the difference between "ser" and "estar"?
    Top Answerer
    "Ser" indicates a permanent (or nearly so) state of being, such as in saying "I am tall." "Estar" is a less permanent state of being or location, such as when saying "I am tired," or "I am in the house."
  • Question
    How do I say "We are here" in Spanish?
    Community Answer
    "Estamos aqui."
  • Question
    Is "hacer" also an irregular verb, and if so, how do I conjugate it?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it's irregular. Simple present tense: hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacéis, hacen.
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      • You don't always need to include the pronoun. It's just to clarify. Necesito una toalla means the same thing as Yo necesito una toalla . However, with él/ella/usted and ellos/ellas/ustedes conjugations of verbs it is helpful to include the subject.
      • In Latin America, vosotros is not used commonly. You will be more readily understood if you use ustedes, which is usted as informal and formal and is the subject you guys .
      • Want to use the future tense? Just tack on a conjugation of "ir" at the beginning and leave the actual verb in its infinitive form. Ex: Voy a pasear al perro. This translates as, "I am going to walk the dog." There is a real future tense, but if you are just learning Spanish, this is a good trick.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To conjugate regular verbs in Spanish, start by identifying the subject, such as "yo" for "I." Next, you'll need to remove the verb ending, which with regular verbs, is either "ar," "ir," or "er." Then, add the correct ending to create the appropriate form, such as "yo hablo" for "hablar," which means to talk. Alternatively, if the verb ends in "er," like "beber" meaning to drink, conjugate it as "yo bebo." If the verb ends in "ir," like "vivir" meaning to live, make it "yo vivo." To learn more, including how to conjugate reflexive and irregular verbs in Spanish, read on!

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