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If you and your date love the movies, going to the drive-in can be a ton of fun. Since you have more privacy than an actual theater, you get the chance to get a little closer with your boo while checking out the latest movie. If you want to stay comfortable while cuddling with your date in your vehicle, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about planning a cuddle-worthy drive-in movie date.


Pick a fun date movie to go see.

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  1. Serious dramas or action movies might set the wrong mood when you’re trying to cuddle. Check the drive-in schedule and find a new release or classic movie that you’re both excited to see. Romance movies are always a great choice since they’ll make you feel more affectionate and cuddle. Scary movies are another good option because your date will hug you tighter when they get scared.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 565 wikiHow readers about what movie genre makes for the best first date, and only 8% of them recommended action movies . [Take Poll] So to have a great time on your date, try a different genre, like romance or drama.
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Wear comfortable clothes.

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  1. Put on clothes that aren’t too restrictive since they could be hard to cuddle in. Try to wear clothes that still make you look and feel good, but make comfort a priority. Clothes like joggers, yoga pants, sweatshirts, hoodies, and plain T-shirts are all great choices. [1]
    • Go for a pair of shoes that are easy to slip on and off so you don’t have to wear them during the entire movie.

Bring along a few blankets.

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  1. Pack a couple of different blankets so you can layer them up if you start getting cold. If you plan on sharing a blanket, make sure it’s big enough to cover both of you. You can even put larger blankets on top of the seats before you sit down for the movie so they’re softer and more relaxing. [2]
    • Blankets can also help you make a little more privacy too since you could use them to block out other windows if you wanted.
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Pack a few pillows.

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  1. Even if you plan on sitting in your seats, the headrests might make you a little achy by the end of the night. Bring enough pillows for you and your date, plus a few extras to line the inside of your vehicle. That way, you can lean against them or lie on top of them to get extra comfy. [3]

Take lawn chairs for the option to sit outside.

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  1. If you don’t want to cuddle in your vehicle, toss a couple of lawn chairs in your trunk. When you get to the drive-in, you can set them up close together outside your vehicle and cover up with a blanket so you can both stay warm and cuddle up. [4]
    • Pack some bug spray and put some on before the movie starts so you don’t get bit by mosquitoes.
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Get to the drive-in early for the best view.

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  1. If you’re stuck in the back of a drive-in, you might not be able to see the movie while you’re cuddling. Plan on getting to the drive-in about 30 minutes or an hour before it starts. That way, you get first dibs on all the spots so you can get up to the front and set up. [5]

Lean in close if you’re in the front seats.

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  1. Even though you’re separated by the center console, you can still get cozy in the front seats. Push your seats back as far as they can go to stretch your legs, tilt the seat down until you get a good view, and then cozy up with your date. You can reach across and hold hands or lean in and rest your head on their shoulder.
    • Some older vehicles have bench seats without a center console so you can easily slide up next to your date.
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Move to the backseat to have more space.

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  1. The backseat is a great place to spread out so you can lie down or get really close with your date. To give yourself the most space, slide the front seats forward as far as you can. If you can, take off the headrests so you can get a good view through the windshield. [6]

Set up a spot to lie down in the back of an SUV or van.

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  1. Hide the seats in the back of your vehicle so you have a nice flat spot to hang out with your date. Spread out the blankets and prop yourselves up with some pillows. Rather than pulling into your parking spot at the drive-in, just back into it and pop the trunk open to watch the movie. [7]
    • Depending on the model of your vehicle, you may need to remove the backseats completely before you leave.
    • Most drive-ins make you tie your trunk lid down so it doesn’t block anyone else’s view. Bring some rope or cable ties along with you just in case.
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Relax in the bed of a truck if you have one.

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  1. If you have a pickup truck, back into the parking spot at the drive-in so you can watch from the back. Line the bed with some blankets and pillows so you can both lie down inside and cuddle up together. [8]
    • If you want to be extra comfortable, set an air mattress in the bed of your truck.

Break the touch barrier once the movie starts.

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  1. Even if you’re at the drive-in together, you can’t assume your date wants to cuddle right away. Hint that you want to cuddle by brushing your arm against them or resting your hand on their leg. If they seem like they’re into it, try putting your arm around them and pulling them closer. [9]
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