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Wax can be incredibly annoying to remove from tables and will often leave a residue that makes the table sticky. Whether it's a furniture polish or silicone buildup, dewaxing a table is something you may want to do to help restore the table to its natural state. Luckily, you can easily remove wax using vinegar, cream of tartar, or mineral spirits.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Using a Vinegar Solution

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  1. Use a measuring cup to pour white vinegar and water in a bowl and mix it thoroughly to incorporate both ingredients together. This slightly acidic solution will help remove wax and silicone buildup on wood tables. [1]
    • You can also purchase chemical wax polish remover at most furniture stores or online. [2]
  2. Put your rag in the bowl and wring it out before wiping along the grain of the wood to start working the solution into the table. As the wax transfers to your cloth, it will start to become black. As it darkens, use a different, clean portion of the rag. Continue to do this over the surface of the table until you remove the wax. [3]
    • If you are using a chemical wax remover, remember to wear gloves.
    • You may have to use many rags for this step.
  3. Once you're done removing the wax from the table, saturate a separate cloth and wipe down the surface of the table. Continue wiping over the surface of the table until all of the leftover wax buildup has been removed. [4]
  4. Use another dry cloth or paper towels to dry down your table. Once you remove the wax buildup, maintain your table by cleaning it regularly with water and a mild dish detergent.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Using Cream of Tartar

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  1. Pour 1 cup of vinegar into a bowl and use a fork or whisk to mix the cream of tartar until the solution is thick. The cream of tartar will act as a natural abrasive that will help remove the wax finish. [5]
  2. Smear some of the solution on a rag and work it in the direction of your table's grain. Continue working the solution into the wood until the wax finish begins to come off. [6]
  3. Get a separate clean rag and saturate it in water. Use the wet rag to rinse off the table's surface. Make sure that there is no more vinegar and tartar solution remaining on the table. [7]
  4. Once you're done rinsing off your table, you can use another clean rag or paper towels to thoroughly dry your table. If you notice there is still a wax finish, repeat the process until you remove it. [8]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Using Mineral Spirits

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  1. You can purchase mineral spirits online or at most hardware stores. Wear gloves and work in a well-ventilated area when working with mineral spirits. Carefully pour some of the mineral spirits onto your rag. [9]
    • Mineral spirits is flammable, so keep it away from open flames.
  2. Work the mineral spirits into the wood with the grain until the wax finish starts to come up. Continue to scrub the table until the wax is lifted off, then move onto the next section of the table. Continue to saturate your rag as you go across the table.
    • You can use a toothbrush if you are having problems lifting the wax.
  3. As you work the mineral spirits into the wood, the old wax will transform into a black gunk. Use a dry rag to remove the gunk before rinsing the table. Use a rag saturated with plain water to rinse the table. [10]
  4. Use a dry cloth to buff the water and mineral spirits off the table. The wax finish should now be removed.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Removing Candle Wax with Cold and Heat

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  1. You can also place a bag of ice cubes or frozen vegetables over the wax. Getting the wax cold will harden it and make it easier to scrape off of your table. [11]
  2. Use a dull instrument like a credit card so that you don't chip or scratch the surface of your table. Push the credit card under the wax and try to work it off the table. If it helps, break the wax up into smaller pieces to make it more manageable. [12]
  3. Putting a cotton rag over the top of the remaining wax will protect the surface of the table from the heat that you apply to it. Lay the cloth over the portion of the table that still has wax on it. [13]
  4. Use a hairdryer or iron and apply heat to the cloth that's lying over the wax. Go over the area with the wax in a back and forth motion, making sure not to apply heat to a single area for too long. Continue to apply heat the area that has wax for five minutes. Doing this will heat up the wax and make it easier to remove. [14]
    • Applying heat to one part of the table for an extended period of time can damage the finish on your table.
  5. Lift up the rag that you used to protect the table top to uncover the melted wax. If the wax is still solid, put the rag back down and continue heating it until it melts. You should be able to then remove the wax easily by wiping it down with a damp rag or cloth. [15]
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      Things You'll Need

      • Icepack
      • Credit card or spatula
      • Rags
      • Cream polish
      • Hair dryer or iron
      • Water
      • Vinegar
      • Water

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