Picking a Discord display name doesn't have to be tricky! Our generator provides endless ideas to match your personality and vibe. Find the perfect Discord name today, whether you're looking for something memorable, funny, aesthetic, trendy or just ultra cool.

More on Discord Usernames
Since Discord’s switch to unique usernames (rather than usernames with a #0000 tag), Discord has some new username requirements—and restrictions. Here, we’ll review those requirements and give you a few tips for developing your clever Discord username!
Firstly, usernames are all lowercase and alphanumeric. The special characters you can use are limited, and usernames don’t contain discriminators. The idea behind these new rules is to make usernames easier to type and remember—as well as more distinct from one another.
In a Discord username, you can include:
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- Latin characters (a-z)
- Numbers (0-9)
- Particular special characters, specifically the underscore ( _ ) and the period ( . )
The following restrictions apply to Discord usernames:
- They must be between 2 and 32 characters long
- They’re case-insensitive (all lowercase)
- They can’t use two consecutive periods ( . )
- They must be totally unique—no two Discord users can have the same username
- They must follow all Discord Community Guidelines
Still need some more tips as you come up with a great (and unique) Discord username? We can help with that, too. Try to keep the following tips in mind as you brainstorm:
Think of something memorable.
The key idea here is that your username should be easy to remember—both for you and for the people you connect with on Discord. That means the goal is to come up with something catchy and unique.
For example, a catchy username could include some sort of wordplay, rhyme, or pun. And, for a unique username, avoid using your real name—particularly a common name. The more common it is, the more likely it’s been used in many different ways already!
Highlight your personality.
A username is all about you, so consider what you can do to incorporate aspects of your personality into it, from character traits to your interests, hobbies, skills, and passions. For example:
- If you have any unique hobbies, include one in your username. An avid D&D player could call themselves “dm_danielle.” A lover of art and drawing could choose a name like “rileydoodles.”
- Think of the books, movies, shows, and games you love most. Is there a character you really identify with or a story that’s near and dear to your heart? A Lord of the Rings fan might call themselves “ellieofrivendell,” while a Marvel fan might call themselves “spidey_jake.”
- You could even pick a username based on habits or quirks. Someone totally obsessed with Italian food might use the name “benlovesgarlicbread.” Or, someone who always wears their favorite boots every day might use a name like “kimandheryellowboots.”
- Include a descriptor. Pick a few adjectives you’d use to describe yourself, then see how you can work them into a username. For example, someone really sassy or spunky might choose the name “spunkylioness.”
- Bring your profession (or any special skills) into your username. For example, a teacher might have a username like “jim_thesuperteacher,” while a nurse might choose something like “nurselena.”
Combine multiple interests.
If you can’t choose which interest to put in your username, well, you don’t have to! Try putting two together; for example, if you love tennis and koalas, your username could be “tenniskoala.” If you love music and spooky, supernatural stories, your username could be “ghostytunes.” Play around and see what works!
Check the username’s availability before getting attached.
Since Discord has all the new rules about “unique” usernames, check the availability of any names you’re seriously considering to ensure you can claim them. You don’t want to get your heart totally set on a username before discovering it’s unavailable!
Be concise.
It’s easy to forget or misspell a long username—and, of course, you don't want to go over the Discord character limit. To make your life as easy as possible, keep your username short and sweet, so it’s easy to type.
Ensure your username follows the Community Guidelines.
According to Discord’s Community Guidelines, Discord usernames can’t be used to impersonate Discord (the platform), its staff, or any other person, group, or organization. They also can't attack people, use hate speech, or contain sexually explicit language. [2]
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