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Top reasons to skip class & tips to “get proof” for your professor
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If you need a valid excuse to miss class, there are tons of options that won’t raise any questions from your professor. In this article, we’ve put together the ultimate list of excuses to get out of class, along with examples and tips to provide “proof.” Whether you’re taking classes in person or online, here’s how you can get a much-needed break anytime in the semester!

Best Excuses to Skip Class Online or In Person

  • Make an excuse that you’re sick, have food poisoning, or are experiencing an allergic reaction.
  • Email your professor that there’s been a family or household emergency, or that you have a job interview. If you have an online class, tell them your WiFi is out.
  • It’s best to be as vague as possible so you don’t get caught in a lie. After stating your reason for skipping class, explain how you plan to stay on top of your work.

You’re not feeling well.

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  1. Whether it’s Covid, the flu, or a sinus infection, being sick is a foolproof excuse because it can affect the entire classroom. Most professors won’t ask for too many details, but if they do, mention a few symptoms that could spread quickly. Having a cough, fever, or Covid-related symptom is a solid reason to stay home. [1]
    • “Dear Professor, I wanted to inform you that I will be unable to attend class tomorrow due to a sinus infection. I hope to maintain and complete all course requirements that I will miss during my time away.”
    • “Professor, I have to miss class today because I have a serious case of the flu. I hope to return to class on Thursday, but please let me know if I need to fill out any documentation. Thank you in advance.”
    • “Professor, I am writing to share with you that I will not be able to attend your class on Monday, September 13th. My roommate tested positive for Covid, and I am starting to exhibit symptoms. Would it be possible to set a time to meet up and discuss missed work? Thank you in advance for your time.”
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You have food poisoning.

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  1. A bad reaction to food can happen at any time, with symptoms ranging from bad to horrific. Your professor will definitely understand if you tell them you’re vomiting uncontrollably or running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Plus, you won’t have to provide proof that you’re sick! Most people recover in 12 to 48 hours, so it’s a great excuse if you want to miss class 2 days in a row. [2]
    • “Dear Professor, I won’t be able to attend the socratic seminar this evening because I have contracted the stomach flu. The situation was unexpected, but I will attend your office hours on Friday to go over the next steps. Thank you for your time and understanding.”
    • “Professor Smith, I wanted to inform you that I will be unable to attend the lecture tomorrow because I am recovering from food poisoning. I’m sorry for the short notice, but my symptoms have been serious. Would it be possible to set up a meeting to go over missed work next week? Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.”
    • “Professor, I wanted to let you know that I missed class on Monday due to food poisoning. I apologize for the late notice, but I have been trying to catch up on coursework as best as possible. Can we schedule a meeting to discuss missed work and possible next steps? Thank you in advance. I look forward to talking to you soon.”

You’re having an allergic reaction.

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  1. Some allergic reactions are life threatening, so your professor is more likely to be empathetic than suspicious. To be on the safe side, be as vague as possible—you could mention you ate something, then list a few allergy symptoms like hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing. [3]
    • “Professor, I will be missing the lecture tonight because of an allergic reaction. My apologies for the short notice, but I am breaking out in hives. I plan to return to class on Friday and attend your office hours to catch up on any missed work.”
    • “Dear Professor, I will not be able to attend class today, January 25th, because of an allergic reaction. I am aware of the attendance policy, but I wanted to inform you about my absence anyways. Would it be possible to schedule a meeting to go over possible next steps? Thank you.”
    • “Professor, I could not attend the lecture yesterday due to an allergic reaction to a new medication. I apologize for the late notice, but it was an unexpected situation. I have already received notes from a classmate, but could we schedule a meeting to discuss missed work? Thank you in advance.”
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You’re injured.

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  1. Increase your believability by explaining what type of injury, but stick to something that isn’t too serious. [4] A sprained ankle is your best bet since it impedes on your ability to walk to class, but if you need more time to create a story, simply state there’s been a “freak accident” and then develop the details during your time off.
    • “Professor, I was not in class yesterday because I twisted my ankle. My apologies for not informing you earlier, but I was getting treated at Urgent Doc. Could we set up a meeting to go over missed work? Thank you in advance.”
    • “Professor, I will be out on Friday because of an injury. I’m sorry for the short notice, but I’m in the process of recovering. I have received notes from a classmate, but please let me know how I can make up for the work I missed in class. Thank you.”
    • “Professor, I wanted to inform you that I am missing class today because of an ankle injury. I apologize for the late notice, but I will complete my missed assignments as soon as possible. Could we schedule a meeting sometime on Thursday or Friday to go over next possible steps?”

There’s been a family emergency.

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  1. Most professors won’t question this excuse because it’s considered personal, but you might want to think of a backstory in case you get questioned later on. [5] Common family emergency excuses include surgeries, car accidents, and mental health crises, so choose one that you can discuss on the spot.
    • “Professor, I am writing to share with you that I will be missing class today due to a family emergency. I apologize for the short notice, but it is an extremely urgent situation. Could we set up a meeting next week to discuss missed work? Thank you in advance.”
    • “Professor, I wanted to let you know that I won’t be in class today because my mom has gotten into a car accident. I need to take the day off to go to the hospital, but I will catch up on any missed assignments when I return. Thank you for your time and understanding.”
    • “Dear Professor, I will not be able to attend tonight’s lecture due to a family emergency. My dad is at the hospital, and I need to make sure he is okay. I apologize for the late notice, but I assure you I will stay on top of my missed work. Please let me know if it’s possible to schedule a meeting next week.”
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There’s been a household emergency.

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  1. If you need to get out of class at the last minute, this excuse works like a charm! Serious issues, like gas leaks or burst pipes, need to be addressed immediately, so use either one when you need a reason to skip. [6] To really sell your story, you might mention that your roommate is in another class so it’s up to you to fix the problem.
    • “Professor, there has been a gas leak in my apartment, so I will be missing today’s class. I’m sorry for the late notice, but I will drop by your office hours to pick up any missed assignments.”
    • “Professor, my roommate just informed me that someone broke into our apartment, so I will not be in class today. I have to talk to the police, but I will get notes from one of my classmates.”
    • “Dear Professor, I apologize for the late notice, but there’s a burst pipe in my apartment and my kitchen is completely flooded. I cannot attend class today because I need to take care of this issue immediately.”

You have a pet emergency.

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  1. If you think your professor will ask for a doctor’s note or some other kind of proof, let your pet take the fall for you. Most people think of pets as part of their family, so you’ll probably be able to miss class without much pushback. [7] Just tell your professor that there’s no one else who can take your pet to the vet.
    • “I was walking my dog and he was just attacked, so I am taking him to the vet. I apologize for the short notice, but I will be missing today’s lecture.”
    • “Professor Smith, I’m sorry for the late notice, but my dog ate something outside and is now very sick. I need to skip class to take care of him, but I am going to get notes from a classmate and watch the lecture online. Please let me know if I need to fill out any documents.”
    • “My cat has not been eating for the past few days, so I had to make a last-minute appointment to take her to the vet. I’m aware this is an unexcused absence, but I wanted to let you know that I will be attending your office hours tomorrow to ask questions about the recorded lecture.”
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Your WiFi is down.

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  1. Simply put, you can’t attend a virtual class if your WiFi is acting up. Some professors outline their policies about technical issues in the syllabus, but if yours doesn’t, feel free to shoot them an email . [8] It might be more believable if you show up to class and disconnect your WiFi a few times in the beginning so it looks like you’re trying to join.
    • “Professor, I wanted to let you know that I was not in class earlier due to a poor WiFi signal. My sincerest apologies for the absence, but it was not possible for me to connect to the lecture.”
    • “Professor, I am writing to let you know that I missed class today because my Internet went out. Would it be possible to schedule a one-on-one meet to go over missed assignments? Thank you.”
    • “Dear Professor, I was absent from class today because I did not have WiFi. I apologize for the late notice, but I am prepared to make up any missed assignments. Could we set up a meeting to discuss possible next steps? Thank you in advance.”

You’re having car issues.

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  1. Whether it’s a flat tire or a fender bender, accidents are a great reason to skip school. Just let your professor know that you were driving to class and something unexpected happened. [9] If they’re the type to ask for proof, tell them your car broke down and buy some spare parts that you can show a receipt for—remember, you can always return the parts and get a refund!
    • “Professor, I wanted to let you know that I will not be in class today because I cannot get my car to start. I apologize for the short notice, but I will watch the recorded lecture and attend your office hours tomorrow. Please let me know if I need to provide any documentation.”
    • “Professor, I am so sorry for the late notice, but I missed today’s lecture because my car broke down. I would have informed you earlier, but I was stressed about getting off of the highway safely. Would it be possible to meet up sometime this week to go over missed work?”
    • “Dear Professor, I am writing to inform you that I was not in class today because of a flat tire. I have received notes from a classmate, but I would love to schedule a meeting to go over missed assignments and possible next steps. Could you meet sometime on Wednesday or Thursday? Thank you in advance.”
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You have a medical appointment.

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  1. This excuse works when used sparingly, and most people won’t ask for details because medical information is personal. [10] Whether it’s a dentist appointment or a routine check-up, tell your professor that you need to skip class because there weren’t any available times in the next few weeks. If they do ask for proof, you can always fill out a free doctor appointment form online.
    • “Professor, I have been experiencing issues with my vision and had to make a last-minute appointment to get it checked out. I apologize for the short notice, but I will not be in class tonight.”
    • “Professor, I need to skip class on Wednesday because of a medical appointment. I just received a call that my doctor will be out of office due to an emergency, so I had to reschedule my appointment at the last minute. I apologize in advance.”
    • “Professor, I am writing to share that I will be missing tomorrow’s lecture due to a dentist appointment. I have been trying to schedule an appointment for weeks, and this was the only available slot. My apologies for missing class, but I assure you I will stay on top of things.”

You have a job or internship interview.

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  1. One of the main reasons for attending college is to secure a job after graduation, making this the perfect excuse to miss class. [11] Tell your professor that you have an interview for a job or internship opportunity at least 2-3 days in advance, and stress that there weren't any times available outside of class.
    • “Professor, I won’t be attending the lecture on Thursday because I have a job interview. I will attend office hours on Friday to go over any missed work, but please let me know if I need to do anything before then. Thank you.”
    • “Professor, I will be missing class next Monday due to an internship interview. I have already made arrangements to get notes from a classmate, but I wanted to know if we could schedule a meeting to go over missed work. Please let me know what days work best for you. Thank you.”
    • “Professor, I wanted to inform you that I will not be in class on Friday because I have a job interview. My apologies for missing class, but this was the only available time that I could schedule an interview with the recruiter. Could we set up a meeting to discuss missed work next week? Thank you in advance.”
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You’re attending a career fair.

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  1. While you can’t pull out this excuse on any given day, it’s a solid reason if your school is hosting a career fair. Just email your professor(s) a week in advance and let them know you’re taking advantage of an exciting opportunity. If you want to take it a step further, mention all the benefits, too—networking with potential employers, getting your resume reviewed, and learning more about different industries. [12]
    • “Professor, I will not be in class this Friday because of the university’s career fair. Would it be possible to schedule a meeting to go over any missed work and possible next steps? Thank you in advance.”
    • “Professor, I wanted to inform you that I will be missing class on Thursday because of the spring career fair. Please let me know if I need to submit any documentation, and I will see you in class on Friday.”
    • “Professor, I wanted to let you know that I will not be in class on Friday because of the career fair. I believe it’s a great opportunity to learn more about my major and network with potential employees. However, I will be attending your office hours on Monday to go over any missed work. Please let me know if I need to submit anything before then. Thank you.”

You have to attend a family function.

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  1. Most professors will understand if you need to prioritize family over school, especially if there’s a milestone event happening. [13] Email them as early as possible if you’re using an excuse like a wedding or birthday. If you need to miss class at the last minute, say your sibling just gave birth or your family flew in from another country without notice.
    • “Professor, I apologize for the late notice, but my sister just gave birth, so I will not be attending class tomorrow. I will be out of Austin until Sunday, but I will attend your office hours the following week. Please let me know if I need to submit anything in the meantime.”
    • “Professor, I wanted to inform you that I will be absent next Friday because my brother is getting married. The ceremony is in New Jersey, so I will be flying out on Thursday night. I apologize for missing class, but I plan to attend office hours and catch up on any missed assignments.”
    • “Professor, I am writing to let you know that I will not be in class next Thursday. My grandmother is turning 90, so my family is having a huge celebration in Maine. I return home on Saturday, and I plan to catch up on work over the weekend. I’m more than happy to meet sometime this week to pick up any assignments. Please let me know what works best for you.”
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You have jury duty.

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  1. Jury duty is required by law, so your professor can’t punish you for skipping class. However, tread lightly if they’re the type to ask for proof. Fabricating court documents (and getting caught) may subject you to serious disciplinary action, such as automatically failing the class or being suspended. [14]
    • “Dear Professor, I will not be in class next Friday because I have jury duty. Please let me know if I can pick up any assignments for that day in advance. Thank you.”
    • “Professor, I am writing to inform you that I am missing class on Thursday due to jury duty, but I will attend your office hours on Friday to pick up any missed assignments. Thank you for your understanding.”
    • “Professor, I won’t be in class on Wednesday due to jury duty. I’m more than happy to meet on Thursday or Friday to discuss missed work, but please let me know what works best for you. Thank you in advance.”

You’re observing a religious holiday.

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  1. Look at the calendar to see if there are any upcoming holidays, then send an email about missing class at least one week in advance. [15] To avoid raising suspicion, choose a holiday that aligns with your faith. If your professor knows you’re Christian, for example, it wouldn’t make sense for you to skip class in observance of Ramadan.
    • “Professor, I wanted to inform you that I will not be in class next Friday in observance of Diwali. Please let me know if I need to submit anything formally.”
    • “Professor, I wanted to let you know that I will not be in class next Friday due to Good Friday. I plan to attend your office hours on Thursday to go over what I will be missing.”
    • “Professor, I will be missing class next week because of Yom Kippur. I have made arrangements to receive notes from a classmate, but please let me know if I need to turn in any assignments before then.”
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You’re taking a mental health day.

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  1. Most professors understand that college can be emotionally challenging, and allowing students to take a day off is becoming more accepted. [16] This might be the exact reason you want to skip class, and if that rings true, it’s totally valid! Let your professor know you’re extremely stressed and need to prioritize your mental health. If they won’t accept your excuse, report them to the department chair.
    • “Dear Professor, I am taking a mental health day, so I will not be attending today’s lecture. I apologize for the late notice, but I have been struggling with my mental health lately and I can tell it’s affecting my physical health. I plan to return to class on Friday and attend office hours to pick up missed work. Thank you for your understanding.”
    • “Hello Professor, I just wanted to check in with you. I didn’t attend class yesterday because I am struggling with my mental health, and it has been causing me insomnia. I will work harder this week and try my best to complete my assignments on time. My deepest apologies for missing class.”
    • “Professor, I’m writing to let you know that I am taking a mental health day. With finals looming, I have been struggling with my mental health, and it has been severely impacting my well-being. I apologize for the late notice, but I will return to class on Thursday. Thank you.”

There’s been a death in your family.

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  1. Funerals are a popular excuse to skip school (or any other occasion) because people won’t grill you with questions. They’ll give condolences and, in most cases, ample time to grieve. [17] Don’t be afraid to use this one for a few days off, but don’t pull it out too often. After the second or third death in a month, your professor will start to question your integrity and you could get into more serious trouble.
    • “Dear Professor, I will not be able to attend class on Friday because there has been an unexpected death in my family. I plan to return to class next Wednesday, but please let me know if I need to fill out any documentation.”
    • “Professor, I wanted to inform you that I will be absent next week because my uncle just passed away. His funeral is in Maine, so I will be out of town until Saturday. I plan to attend office hours when I return, but please let me know if I need to make up any assignments before then. Thank you.”
    • “Professor, I am writing to let you know that I won’t be able to attend class this week. My grandfather passed away last night, and the funeral is in Pennsylvania. I will be flying out tomorrow morning and won’t be home until Sunday. I know the paper is due on Thursday, but would it be possible to request an extension? I have completed all my research, but due to the circumstances, I’d like to take this weekend to finish it once I return home. My apologies for missing these three classes.”
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Expert Q&A

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      • It’s better to be vague than go into too much detail. Otherwise, your professor might think you’re overcompensating. Develop a backstory for whatever excuse you choose and stick with it!
      • After explaining why you need to skip class, state how you’re going to stay on top of things to be a good student . You could say you’re getting notes from another classmate, attending office hours the following week, or scheduling a tutoring session with the teaching assistant.
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