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Use advanced filters to sort your search results on YouTube
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Because of the overwhelming amount of videos on YouTube, it can be hard to find exactly what you are looking for. Luckily, YouTube offers a way for you to filter your results so you can find what you need. Here's how to filter YouTube search results on your iPhone, iPad, Android, or computer.

Quick Steps

  1. Launch the YouTube app.
  2. Tap the magnifying glass icon and enter a search.
  3. Tap â‹® in the top-right corner.
  4. Tap Search filters .
  5. Select a search filter, such as: Type , Upload date , Duration , or Features .
  6. Tap the back arrow to see the filtered results.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using the Mobile App

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  1. This looks like a white play button in a red box.
    • This method will filter YouTube videos based on upload date, duration, and more.
    • If you're a parent looking to filter YouTube videos for your child, see our article to put parental controls on YouTube instead.
  2. Tap the magnifying glass in the top-right corner and enter keywords to search YouTube. Then, tap Search . [1]
  3. This is in the top-right corner. A pop-up menu will open at the bottom of the screen.
  4. A new menu will open.
  5. You can select filters for Sort by , Type , Upload date , Duration , and Features . There will be a checkmark next to the option you select.
    • Sort by : Relevance, Upload date, View count, or Rating
    • Type : All, Video, Channel, Playlist, or Movie
    • Upload date : Anytime, Last hour, Today, This week, This month, This year
    • Duration : Any, Under 4 minutes, 4 - 20 minutes, or Over 20 minutes
    • Features : Live, 4K, HD, Subtitles/CC, Creative Commons, 360°, VR180, 3D, HDR, Location, or Purchased
  6. This is in the top-left corner. You'll return to the search results with the new search filters applied.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using a Computer

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  1. Go to https://www.youtube.com/ in a web browser. You can use any browser.
  2. Click the field at the top and enter keywords to search YouTube.
  3. This is at the top-right corner of the search results. A pop-up window will open.
  4. You can select filters for Upload date , Type , Duration , Features , and Sort by . When you click a search filter, it will be applied immediately.
    • Upload date : Anytime, Last hour, Today, This week, This month, This year
    • Type : All, Video, Channel, Playlist, or Movie
    • Duration : Any, Under 4 minutes, 4 - 20 minutes, or Over 20 minutes
    • Features : Live, 4K, HD, Subtitles/CC, Creative Commons, 360°, VR180, 3D, HDR, Location, or Purchased
    • Sort by : Relevance, Upload date , View count, or Rating
  5. When you select a search filter, the window will close and your search results will reload with the filter applied. To add more, click Filter again and select a new filter. Repeat if you want to add more.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Why does sorting by upload date give a different amount of results?
    Community Answer
    It just arranges everything by the date it was uploaded instead of popularity or views.
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      • If you are using the method for your computer, you can tap as many filters as you want. The more specific you are the easier it will be to find the video.
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