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A list of thrilling questions to make your crush blush, laugh, or smile
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Looking to impress your crush, partner, or date? Well, why not break the ice with a flirtatious game of Would You Rather? This classic party game can be played in person or over the phone , making it perfect for just about any occasion. If you’re not sure what flirty questions to ask, no worries! We’ve compiled the cutest, silliest, deepest, and spiciest Would You Rather questions for your romantic interest, so all you have to do is read them out loud or copy and paste.

Things You Should Know

  • Keep things cute, silly, and positive if you’re talking to your crush . Ask them something sweet, like: "Would you rather find love or win the lottery?"
  • Ask your date or partner deeper questions to connect, like: "Would your rather live in a big city or a small town?" [1]
  • Get a little saucy and ask your crush, partner, or date a spicy question to put them in the mood. [2]
Section 1 of 7:

Cute Questions

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  1. 2
    Would you rather have dessert before or after a meal?
  2. 3
    Would you rather hold hands or hug?
  3. 4
    Would you rather kiss me or not?
  4. 6
    Would you rather wake up with the sun or watch the moon rise?
  5. 7
    Would you rather be snowed in or stranded on a beach?
  6. 8
    Would you rather sleep under the stars or stay in a nice hotel?
  7. 9
    Would you rather be kissed on the cheek or lips?
  8. 11
    Would you rather find love today or win the lottery?
  9. 12
    Would you rather receive a sentimental or expensive gift?
  10. 13
    Would you rather watch a romantic comedy or read a romance book?
  11. 14
    Would you rather take a long walk on the beach or go for a hike?
  12. Advertisement
Section 2 of 7:

Silly Questions

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  1. 1
    Would you rather sing karaoke or do the macarena?
  2. 2
    Would you rather live in a musical or a music video?
  3. 3
    Would you rather eat potatoes or cheese for the rest of your life?
  4. 4
    Would you rather date a superhero or a spy?
  5. 6
    Would you rather have a private plane or be able to teleport?
  6. 7
    Would you rather be on a dating show or a survival show?
  7. 8
    Would you rather have an unlimited gift card to McDonald’s or Wendy’s?
  8. 9
    Would you rather tell your dirtiest secrets to your boss or parents?
  9. 11
    Would you rather only be able to walk backwards or skip?
  10. 12
    Would you rather only speak in rhyme or sing everything?
  11. 13
    Would you rather have a lion or an elephant as a pet?
  12. 14
    Would you rather have super strength or super speed?
  13. Advertisement
Section 3 of 7:

Deep Questions

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  1. 1
    Would you rather have your dream partner or dream job?
  1. 1
    Would you rather have your friend's or parent’s approval?
  2. 2
    Would you rather get married or never get married?
  3. 3
    Would you rather have kids or travel the world?
  4. 5
    Would you rather be friends with an ex or never talk to them again?
  5. 6
    Would you rather be loved or be in love?
  6. 7
    Would you rather predict the future or change the past?
  7. 8
    Would you rather go back in time to meet your grandparents or go to the future to meet your grandchildren?
  8. Advertisement
Section 4 of 7:

Spicy Questions

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  1. 1
    Would you rather make out in the back seat of a car or in a dark closet?
  2. 2
    Would you rather go skinny dip in the ocean or a lake?
  3. 3
    Would you rather do it with your socks on or off?
  4. 4
    Would you rather get a striptease or give a striptease?
  5. 6
    Would you rather kiss your ex or enemy?
  6. 7
    Would you rather have a one-night stand with Harry Styles or Taylor Swift?
  7. 8
    Would you rather kiss every person in the room or sleep with one person in the room?
  8. 9
    Would you rather give up kissing or give up sex?
  9. Advertisement
Section 5 of 7:

Questions For Your Crush

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  1. 1
    Would you rather get a box of chocolates or a bouquet of roses?
  2. 2
    Would you rather be told about the location of a date or surprised?
  3. 3
    Would you rather receive a good morning or good night text?
  4. 4
    Would you rather have a private chef or a driver to take you anywhere?
  5. 6
    Would you rather marry the world’s smartest or hottest person?
  6. 7
    Would you rather have a shy or outgoing partner?
  7. 8
    Would you rather be with someone who’s always late or always early?
  8. 9
    Would you rather live in an RV or a mansion?
  9. 11
    Would you rather go a year without watching movies or listening to music?
  10. 12
    Would you rather eat funnel cake at a fair or popcorn at the movies?
  11. Advertisement
Section 6 of 7:

Questions For the First Date

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  1. 1
    Would you rather date someone you like more or someone who likes you more?
  2. 2
    Would you rather live in the city or the country?
  3. 4
    Would you rather watch a romantic comedy or horror movie?
  4. 5
    Would you rather star in a reality show or a game show?
  5. 6
    Would you rather pay for a meal or have someone pay for you?
  6. 7
    Would you rather find true love or be a millionaire?
  7. 9
    Would you rather say “I love you” to everyone or never say it again?
  8. 10
    Would you rather have all your photos or Google search history be made public?
  9. 11
    Would you rather always be late or early?
  10. 12
    Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
  11. Advertisement
Section 7 of 7:

Questions For Your Partner

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  1. 2
    Would you rather see a movie every week or go on a wild adventure?
  2. 3
    Would you rather only be able to text or call me ever again?
  3. 4
    Would you rather ask for help or do things on your own?
  4. 5
    Would you rather get up early or sleep in late?
  5. 7
    Would you rather live in a big city or a small town?
  6. 8
    Would you rather wear my underwear or go commando?
  7. 9
    Would you rather be constantly surprised or always know what’s coming?
  8. Advertisement

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