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Plus, the pros & cons of purchasing an UPPAbaby Vista
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Whether you’re packing up the car or stowing away your stroller, there comes a time when you need to fold your UPPAbaby Vista. Luckily, folding it is pretty easy—simply press the brake, ensure the seat is forward-facing, and pull the trigger buttons below the handlebar. In this article, we’ll show you how to fold and unfold your UPPAbaby Vista, explain if you can fold it with the bassinet or RumbleSeat, and tell you how to carry it. Read on to learn more!

The Easiest Way to Fold an UPPAbaby Vista

Press the brake pedal and extend the handlebar fully. Ensure the seat is facing forward and push the canopy back. Then, push back the seat so it’s parallel to the handlebars. Pull upwards on both of the trigger buttons below the handlebar and push the stroller down to fold it.

Section 1 of 8:

Folding the UPPAbaby Vista V1, V2, and V3

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  1. Press your foot on the rear wheel brake to lock the stroller in place. Then, press the button at the top of the handlebar and pull upwards to extend the handlebar fully. [1]
    • The brake pedal indicator turns red when the rear wheels are locked.
    • Remove any items from the bottom basket and pockets to ensure the stroller folds flat.
  2. You can fold the UPPAbaby Vista with the toddler seat attached, it just needs to be in the forward-facing position (facing away from you while you push the stroller). Then, push back the canopy so it’s flat against the top of the seat. [2]
    • To make the seat forward facing , push down on the gray buttons on either side of the seat. Lift up the seat and flip it around. Then, push it into the brackets until you hear a “click” sound. [3]
    • For a more compact fold , remove the seat from the stroller. Just press down on the gray buttons on either side of the seat and lift it up.
  3. Press the lever on the back of the seat. Then, pull the seat backward until it is parallel with the stroller’s arms—this is the seat’s second most upright position. [4]
  4. Below the stroller’s handlebar are 2 gray trigger buttons. Simply pull upwards on both of the buttons to unlock the stroller. Then, push the handlebar towards the floor to fold the stroller back. [5]
    • The stroller stands upright in the folded position.
  5. Press the gray buttons on either side of the leg rest and push it forward so it lays on top of the stroller. [6] To remove the back wheels, press the gray button in the center and pull off the wheel. To remove the front wheels, slide the lever on top of the wheel and pull off the wheel. [7]
    • Removing the front and back wheels is a great idea when traveling with your stroller or putting it away in storage.
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Unfolding the UPPAbaby Vista V1, V2, and V3

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  1. Look for the gray safety latch on the rear wheel’s leg. Simply push the latch forward and pull the seat upwards to unfold the stroller. [8]
    • Fold the leg rest back up by pressing the gray buttons on either side and pushing it upwards.
    • Don’t forget to press the rear brake pedal to unlock the stroller once you’re ready to get going. The brake has to stay locked when taking your child in and out of the stroller.
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Can you fold the UPPAbaby Vista with the bassinet attached?

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  1. To remove the bassinet, slide the button on top of the canopy forward and press down. [9] Then, lift the bassinet from the stroller. [10]
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Can you fold the UPPAbaby Vista with the RumbleSeat attached?

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  1. The RumbleSeat is a second seat that you add to the lower portion of the stroller, allowing you to stroll with 2 children at once. [11] To remove the seat, press down on the gray buttons on either side of the seat. Then, lift the seat up. [12]
    • Note : You do not have to remove the RumbleSeat attachments to fold up the stroller.
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The Best Way to Carry a Folded UPPAbaby Vista

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  1. When you need to put your UPPAbaby Vista in the car or store it away, simply grab the leg frames on either side of the stroller (these are the widest bars) and lift the stroller up. Or, grab one of the leg frames for a one-handed carry. [13]
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Storing and Traveling with the UPPAbaby Vista

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  1. If you use your stroller frequently, store it in the trunk of your car, your garage, your front hallway, or a closet when you’re not using it. For long-term storage, place your stroller in UPPAbaby’s Travel Bag and keep it in a cool, dry room, like your garage.
    • If you have limited floor space, hang your stroller on a stroller hanger . Just ensure the hanger can support the weight of your stroller.
    • Keeping your stroller in a cool, dry place helps prevent it from growing mold and mildew and getting damaged by the elements.
  2. Consider putting the folded stroller in a Travel Bag when traveling. UPPAbaby sells a Travel Bag that helps protect your stroller when you fly, drive, or take a train to your destination. The bag also comes with UPPAbaby’s TravelSafe Program, which covers any damage to your stroller when you fly.
    • To fit your stroller in the bag , fold it down and remove the rear wheels. Then, place the stroller in the bag with the front wheels facing the bottom. [14]
    • The bag keeps the stroller’s wheels exposed, making it easy to transport through the airport or to your car.
    • The Travel Bag fits the stroller frame and the bassinet or toddler seat inside (not both). It is also compatible with the Vista V1, V2, and V3. It is not compatible with Vista models made before 2015.
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How to Fold the UPPAbaby Bassinet

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  1. Press the buttons on either side of the base of the canopy and push the canopy back. Then, lift out the mattress from the bassinet. [15]
    • You might want to fold the bassinet to save space when traveling or putting it in long-term storage.
  2. Look in the bottom of the bassinet for the 2 metal bars on either end. Simply push both bars towards each other and to the center of the bassinet. Then, push the bassinet down to collapse it. [16]
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Section 8 of 8:

Is the UPPAbaby Vista a good purchase?

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  1. The UPPAbaby Vista is consistently one of the highest-rated strollers due to its sturdy and durable design—many people use the same stroller for multiple kids and report little wear and tear. It is also easy to push and provides a smooth ride. The stroller is designed to grow up with your baby with easy-to-use attachments that allow you to change out the bassinet with a front or rear-facing toddler seat.
    • The UPPAbaby Vista can accommodate up to 3 children at a time with optional attachments, so it can also grow with your family.
    • The base stroller comes with several attachments, including the bassinet, toddler seat, bug shield, rain shield, and storage bag.
  2. The UPPAbaby Vista costs around $1,000 due to its high-quality design, which puts it on the pricier end of strollers. It is also larger and bulkier than other strollers, so it takes up more space in your car and home. The stroller is also pretty heavy and can be difficult to carry.
    • Most optional attachments cost at least $50, so upgrading your UPPAbaby Vista can be costly, too.
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