Best home remedies for a migraine?

01/30/25 11:33am
I recently started getting migraines. In fact, it’s starting to become bad enough that I’m getting them multiple times a week. I get really nauseous and I have to go lie down in a cool, dark room until I feel better. That can take hours sometimes, though. Does anyone else have any better home remedies? What else can I do besides just waiting it out?
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Expert Comments

wikiHow Expert
Eric Baron, DO
Board Certified Neurologist
01/31/25 1:15pm
Getting to a darker, more quiet environment where you can relax can be helpful. Applying a cold pack to the temples and forehead can also help ease the pain. You could also try yoga, meditation, massage therapy, accupressure, or eating anti-nausea foods if you're looking for home remedies.

Neuromodulatory devices are a very effective non-medication option. Complementary methods such as behavioral therapy, acupuncture, psychological counseling, and biofeedback can also be helpful. Such measures may reduce the need for medications. Counseling for pain management, where patients learn to function and ignore/minimize their pain, seems to work very well.

Think of a migraine like an electric switch that gets turned on in the brain. The goal is to shut that switch off as quickly as possible to stop the migraine from becoming full blown. The key is having a good abortive (acute) migraine treatment and taking it as early as possible. Common abortive options include over the counter medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen. You could also ask your doctor about common prescription abortive treatments, like triptans, gepants, and ditans. The trick is that you have to take the medication as soon as you feel something coming on—not after the migraine has already set in.
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Reader Comments

02/01/25 1:44pm
I haven't been able to completely cure my migraines with home remedies, but they help take the edge off. I like taking a hot bath or shower for some relief. Peppermint is also helpful. I use a peppermint shampoo, but you could also use peppermint shower steamers, shower sprays, body washes, or essential oils. Or drink a cup of peppermint tea. Hope this helps you feel better!
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02/02/25 6:53pm
If home remedies worked well I wouldn't be paying so much for my meds lol. But when I get migraines and I'm in a pinch, I'll drink a cup of strong coffee (the caffeine helps) and then go for a walk or do some stretches. I think a little bit of light exercise makes the migraine better.
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02/10/25 3:22am
I have suffered from headaches and migraines for most of my life! I've tried every trick you can imagine and I found a routine that provides tremendous relief and at times completely dissolves my migraine. First I immediately drink a full bottle of water. Then I start with a cool compress (I have the hot/cold gel beads but you can use literally anything cold: ice, cold rag, frozen veggies, etc). And I put it on my forehead for about 20-30 mins and then I put it on the back of my neck..I tried same time but it ends up being too much and one at a time works just fine. After that I get my heating pad out, set it on 4 out of 6 heat level and lay down on it where the main target area of my head is directly on it (it's almost always the side of my head down into my neck area). And at the same time I put a freshly cooled pack on my forehead and close my eyes. 9 times out of 10 this does the trick. Even if the migraine isn't in your forehead area or behind your eyes, the cool on your forehead is still necessary. Usually I can't fall asleep cause my headaches are so bad but when I get my heating pad and cool pack out, I fall asleep immediately and am at least 85% better when I wake up.
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