wikiHow Forums Food

How do you make the perfect hard boiled egg?

09/06/24 5:25 AM
I know it seems like an easy question but I've heard so many different ways to hard boil eggs. Is there a good rule of thumb for how long to cook eggs? What are your tips and tricks for achieving the perfect hard boiled egg?
09/06/24 7:11 AM
I don't think it's a silly question! I used to struggle with boiling eggs. The mistakes I used to make were dropping the eggs into boiling water and boiling them at a heat that was too high. When I dropped the eggs into the boiling water, I'd often crack them because I dropped them from too high (I didn't want to put my fingers near the boiling water). And if the eggs weren't cracked after I dropped them, they'd often crack because the heat was too high and the bubbling water would crack the eggs. Now, I put the eggs in before bringing the water to a boil and I use a soft boil so that the eggs don't get tossed around.
wikiHow Expert
09/06/24 9:18 AM
I find success in boiling eggs in general, whether they're soft-boiled or hard-boiled. And number one, the fresher the eggs are, the better. Number two, you need to make sure your water is heavily salted. And you want to put the eggs in room-temperature water, and then bring them up to a boil. That's going to make your eggs much easier to peel. When you remove them, you want to cool them down as quickly as possible by running cool water over them. I continue to allow the cool water to run while I peel them.
09/06/24 2:18 PM
I never knew about starting eggs in room-temp water before bringing them to a boil, but this is such a helpful tip! Definitely trying this next time.

When the eggs finish boiling, I fill up a bowl with ice water and dunk the eggs in to stop them from getting overcooked. I leave them in the water for like 10 minutes until they're completely cooled down so I'm able to peel them easily.
09/06/24 10:12 PM
One downside of boiling fresher eggs is they're harder to peel, I've discovered. But they do taste better so!

For hard-boiled eggs, I always bring the eggs to a boil and then immediately shut off the stove and let the eggs sit in the water for ~15 minutes. (I usually set a timer because I've definitely let my eggs sit too long, ha.) Then immediately put them under cold/iced water as others have already said.

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Other wikiHow readers have submitted their own tips on topics similar to this one.

Anonymous wikiFerret
Anonymous wikiFerret
Stirring the eggs a couple of times while the water is coming to a boil helps center the yolk and ensure even cooking.
Anonymous wikiMongoose
Anonymous wikiMongoose
Using a teaspoon can help keep the egg white intact while you peel it. Pinch off a small section of shell and membrane from the large end. Insert spoon under shell and membrane so that the spoon cups the egg. Then just slide the spoon around and peel off sections of shell.
Anonymous wikiRhino
Anonymous wikiRhino
Use a slotted spoon when lowering eggs into boiling water to prevent cracking them on the bottom of the pan.
Anonymous wikiMist
Anonymous wikiMist
If you only have very fresh eggs, try steaming them instead of boiling them. Place a steamer basket inside a pot with about an inch of water and bring it to a boil. Put your eggs inside the steamer basket, then cover and steam for 10-12 minutes.
Anonymous wikiFox
Anonymous wikiFox
Extra-large eggs need to cook for slightly longer than large eggs. Add about three minutes to the cooking time, depending on how large the egg is. For instance, an extra-large hardboiled egg might take as long as 15 minutes.
Anonymous wikiCapybara
Anonymous wikiCapybara
Wondering if raw eggs are still good? Try an egg water test by dropping the egg in a glass of cold water. A fresh egg will sink and lay on its side at the bottom. An egg that’s a week or two old stands up on its end, and a bad egg floats on the surface.
Anonymous wikiGorilla
Anonymous wikiGorilla
To prevent the egg from leaking while boiling, add a little vinegar to the water. It won't effect the taste of the egg.