wikiHow Forums Pest Control

Need advice on getting rid of fungus gnats

09/03/24 11:52 AM
I have fungus gnats in every single one of my poor plants!! I desperately want to get rid of them. What's the most effective way to get rid of them permanently?
wikiHow Expert
09/03/24 1:22 PM
The fastest way to get rid of gnats is going to be to figure out what it is that is attracting them and get rid of it. With flying insects, it's always about step one: identify what's attracting them.

When it comes to black fungus gnats, they are generally attracted to areas of organic matter that are oversaturated with water and what that usually is is that it's someone who's overwatering their plants and has damp soil. That could also be if your yard has poor drainage and ends up collecting a lot of water if your soil feels oversaturated. But generally, areas of large moisture buildup are what are going to be the gnat attractant, and solving that will help get rid of the gnats. For me personally, if I have potted plants and I suddenly notice a gnat issue, I'll let my plants dry out and maybe even scoop off the top inch of soil and I'll find that the gnat population will drop or completely disappear after a couple of weeks. If you are trying for a very quick reduction of gnats, then most likely you want to use actual chemicals labeled for gnats and you want to combine that most likely with a kind of UV light trap.
09/03/24 2:02 PM
I know that damp soil can lead to gnat infestations, so I've been bottom watering my plants because it doesn't leave the topsoil wet. I just place my potted plants in a dish with water so it soaks up through the drainage holes.

While it seems to be working so far, there are still a few bugs flying around. Am I making a mistake, or are there any other causes for fungus gnats I should know about?
wikiHow Expert
09/03/24 7:26 PM
When getting rid of flies, a common mistake people make is not identifying the kind of fly they're targeting. If you're targeting fungus gnats, you should know that they come from overwatered plants, so you'll want to reduce having overwatered plants in your home as much as possible. Some bait you can use in a trap for fungus gnats is raw potato chunks.
09/04/24 10:04 AM
Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control is what helped me get rid of my fungus gnat infestation. All you have to do is sprinkle a little on the soil of each of your plants and water it for it to start working. Just keep in mind that plants that are naturally pet-friendly will become more toxic when treated with Bonide Systemic, so if you have kids or pets that like to eat your plants, you should be careful about using this.
09/04/24 12:02 PM
Ohh now I'm wondering if I've been watering my plants a little too often, oops. It's been hot this summer so I've probably been going a little overboard and maybe I should back off.... But I'll try the potato trick and see how it goes in the meantime. Fingers crossed

What do other wikiHow readers have to say?

Other wikiHow readers have submitted their own tips on topics similar to this one.

Anonymous wikiMeerkat
Anonymous wikiMeerkat
Use potting soil designed specifically for houseplants so it's less likely to attract bugs and gnats.
Anonymous wikiDugong
Anonymous wikiDugong
You may have heard about using coffee grounds or cinnamon to get rid of fruit flies. These methods aren’t as effective, and you’re better off making a vinegar trap.
Anonymous wikiMoose
Anonymous wikiMoose
The best way to deal with gnats is to prevent them from appearing. But, if they do appear, it will likely only take 2-3 days to completely rid your house of them.
Anonymous wikiButterfly
Anonymous wikiButterfly
If your pet is bothered by gnats, try spraying your pet with an apple cider vinegar and water mixture. Make sure to cover their eyes so they don’t get irritated!
Anonymous wikiGorilla
Anonymous wikiGorilla
Mold and mildew should always be cleared up right away with bleach to prevent gnats and health issues.
Anonymous wikiFrog
Anonymous wikiFrog
Remember to seal up any cracks or openings in your home, particularly around your kitchen. If gnats can get in, you may see repeated infestations even after cleaning up.
Anonymous wikiLemur
Anonymous wikiLemur
Compost piles are a big source of gnats, so keep them far away from your kitchen and your home. Cover the compost as well to prevent gnats from getting to it.