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Oddly specific red flags you shouldn't ignore (and how to handle them)
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She only listens to EDM. He doesn’t own a bed frame. They drink Starbucks every day. These oddly specific red flags might seem out of pocket, but they also reveal a lot about someone’s personality and lifestyle. In this article, we’re providing the ultimate list of funny (but true) red flags to look out for. We also spoke to clinical psychologist Asa Don Brown for tips on how to identify and address red flags in your relationship. If anything on this list resonates with your crush, you may not be as compatible as you think!

Section 1 of 6:

Hilarious Red Flags in Guys

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  1. Some of the biggest red flags in guys might be funny at first glance, but they can also ring true. These relationship “deal breakers” are sure to get the giggles going, plus save you from taking the wrong step:
    • He’s a Pisces.
    • He drives a truck.
    • He’s from Florida.
    • He owns a fedora.
    • He drinks plain milk.
    • He wears Pit Vipers.
    • He has a snake tattoo.
    • He idolizes Tom Brady.
    • He only watches anime.
    • He doesn’t wash his face.
    • He has a flag in his room.
    • He constantly licks his lips.
    • He uses the phrase “teehee.”
    • He goes by his middle name.
    • He doesn’t have a bed frame.
    • His favorite movie is Fight Club .
    • The stock market is his personality.
    • He uses the 🥺 (pleading face) emoji.
    • He carries a gallon of water everywhere.
    • He wears ankle socks when working out.
    • His favorite restaurant is Texas Roadhouse.
    • He uploads a story every time he goes golfing.
    • He uses 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.
    • He does the humming chant from the Wolf of Wall Street .
    • His cologne is Dior Sauvage or 1 Million by Paco Rabanne.
    • He says “Kobe” every time he throws something away in the trash can.
    • What's your biggest dating red flag? Add it to the "Tell me your biggest dating red flags" forum and join the lively discussion!
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Section 2 of 6:

Funny Red Flags in Girls

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  1. These red flags might not “make or break” your relationship, but they’re definitely eyebrow raising. If multiple options in the following list apply to the girl you’re dating or talking to, tread carefully:
    • She drives a white car.
    • She never drinks water.
    • She’s a die-hard Swiftie.
    • She always hits the curb.
    • She has an infinity tattoo.
    • She raves every weekend.
    • She doesn’t wash her legs.
    • She collects Sonny Angels.
    • She has insanely long nails.
    • She’s obsessed with horses.
    • She only watches reality TV.
    • She prefers Pepsi over Coke.
    • She listens to Call Her Daddy .
    • She has a tapestry on her wall.
    • She puts ice cubes in her wine.
    • She has a beat-up Stanley cup.
    • She makes dinner before 5 PM.
    • She goes to Starbucks every day.
    • She listens to Machine Gun Kelly.
    • She uses the 🤪 (zany face) emoji.
    • She doesn’t like Will Ferrell movies.
    • Her favorite show is Sex in the City .
    • She has everything monogrammed.
    • She takes astrology way too seriously.
    • She doesn’t know how to cut a cucumber.
    • She has an Instagram account for her pet.
Section 3 of 6:

Silly Red Flags in Friends

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  1. Looking for a silly way to roast your friends ? Point out their quirky habits and questionable preferences to make them laugh out loud. Take turns going back and forth to keep things entertaining—the more specific and random your red flag, the better!
    • They wear Crocs.
    • They’re an only child.
    • They have an Android.
    • They still use Snapchat.
    • They only listen to EDM.
    • They don’t eat vegetables.
    • They majored in psychology.
    • They like pineapple on pizza.
    • Their favorite sauce is ranch.
    • They pour milk before cereal.
    • They wear flip flops in the city.
    • They have pet birds or reptiles.
    • They only use spray deodorant.
    • They drink iced coffee in the winter.
    • They sit through the intro of a show.
    • They think all water tastes the same.
    • They take 10 years to respond to a text.
    • They soften ice cream in the microwave.
    • They think Apple Music is better than Spotify.
    • They have more than 3 cups in their bedroom.
    • They text exclamation points at the end of every sentence.
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Section 4 of 6:

What is a red flag?

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  1. According to clinical psychologist Asa Don Brown, “red flags are behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions that are toxic…not personal quirks, such as an individual’s particular desires, tastes or interests.” They’re not always easy to identify in the early stages of a relationship, but they can become more serious and problematic over time. Some severe, not funny red flags include: [1]
    • Gaslighting
    • Love bombing
    • Never apologizing
    • Being rude to strangers
    • Getting serious too fast
    • Previous history of infidelity
    • Lack of emotional intelligence
    • Not respecting your boundaries
    • Lack of friends or social connections
    • Overly controlling or jealous behavior
    • Bashing or bringing up their exes a lot
    • Negatively affecting your relationship with friends and family
Section 5 of 6:

Why do people ignore red flags?

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  1. Clinical psychologist Asa Don Brown says that “infatuation masks the red flags, causing us to be blinded by egregious behaviors.” When you’re infatuated with someone, your brain releases love and pleasure hormones, which help bond you to a new person. This creates a euphoric feeling in your body, but also makes it hard to recognize any flaws in your partner. [2]
    • Infatuation can seriously impair your judgment, and by the time you notice red flags in your relationship, it may be difficult to leave your partner.
    • Denial, pride, and fear of failure can also keep you hostage in a toxic relationship. Some people believe their partner will change so they disregard red flags in their relationships.
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Section 6 of 6:

How to Deal with Red Flags

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  1. While everyone has things they can work on, clinical psychologist Asa Don Brown says you should “never ignore or dismiss red flags.” Pay attention to toxic patterns of behavior, and address red flags as soon as possible. Bring up the most pressing issue at hand, and use “I” statements to describe how you feel. Once you communicate with your partner, set healthy boundaries so you can move forward. [3]
    • End your relationship if your partner refuses to change their behavior or does not respect your boundaries. Talk to trusted friends and family members about your situation, and establish an exit plan so you can make a clean break.
    • If your partner makes you feel unsafe, call emergency services or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 as soon as possible. [4]

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      • On TikTok, many people host “red flag” themed parties where they write their silliest red flag on a t-shirt, then record a video of each person introducing themself and stating their red flag.
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