Best ways to get a lot of Hardwood pieces in Stardew Valley
Are you trying to get lots of Hardwood quickly in Stardew? Hardwood is needed to upgrade your farmhouse and build a stable. You'll also need Hardwood for crafting recipes. Luckily, there are many ways to obtain large amounts of Hardwood. If you farm these locations daily, you'll reach your goal quickly. This wikiHow will show you where and how to get Hardwood in Stardew Valley.
Things You Should Know
- Hardwood can be obtained from Mahogany Trees, Large Stumps, and Large Logs.
- Large Stumps must be cut with a Copper Axe or better, and Large Logs must be cut with a Steel Axe or better.
- Six (6) stumps respawn at the Secret Woods daily, so you can get at least 12 Hardwood per day.
Robin may gift players during Feast of the Winter Star. As Stardew's holiday event, Feast of the Winter Star allows players to give a gift to an NPC and receive one in return. If you are gifted by Robin, you may receive 25 Hardwood.
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