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Show support post-surgery with these comforting messages
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If you want to reach out to someone who’s recovering from surgery, sending a “get well” message is one of the best ways to show your support. Post-surgical care can be tricky to address at times, but luckily, we’ll teach you how to share some positive words of encouragement! In this article, we’re providing the ultimate list of “get well” wishes after surgery to help your friends, family members, and colleagues feel optimistic during their recovery.

Section 1 of 11:

Short “Get Well” Messages

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  1. Recovering from surgery can be extremely exhausting, so keep your wishes short, sweet, and sincere for maximum impact. Whether you’re texting or sending a card, a little support can go a long way in helping the other person feel loved and supported.
    • Feel better!
    • Take it easy!
    • You’ve got this!
    • Thinking of you🧸
    • Sending you all my love❤️‍🩹
    • Wishing you a speedy recovery!
    • Know that I’m always here for you.
    • Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers💐
    • Rest and recover so we can meet up soon!
    • Hurry up and get back to your amazing self!
    • Hang in there, better days are heading your way💗
    • Remember, each day brings you closer to a full recovery.
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Section 2 of 11:

Funny “Get Well” Messages

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  1. We’ve all heard that laughter is the best medicine, and it turns out, it’s true—humor is scientifically proven to relieve stress and pain, elevate your mood, and make you more resilient! [1] If you suspect someone is having a hard time with their recovery, send them a silly message to make them smile and forget about their worries for a while.
    • All this for a bit of attention? Get well soon!
    • Wishing you lots of love, hugs, and effective drugs!
    • Feel better so I can make fun of you and not feel bad.
    • Get well soon because I can only be nice to you for so long.
    • They say laughter is the best medicine…because it doesn’t require a copay!
    • Just think of this as the universe’s way of letting you catch up on Love Island.
    • You made it out of surgery? I guess I didn’t pay the doctor enough! Feel better!!
    • Hoping you don’t have to endure hospital food for much longer! Get better soon!!
    • Praying for you to get better so we can get back to focusing all the attention on me.
    • I hope you feel better…than you look! Medicine might fix your pain, but not your ugly face😂
    • Did they manage to find your heart when you went under? Hope the rest of your recovery runs smoothly!
    • The doctor said you need plenty of fluids, so I’ve got an ice-cold beer chillin’ in the fridge for you🍺 Take care and feel better soon❤️
Section 3 of 11:

Thoughtful "Get Well" Messages

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  1. While encouraging words can go a long way to lift someone’s spirits, doing something on their behalf is even more meaningful. Some people don’t feel comfortable asking for help when they need it, so include a specific task you can cover for them post-surgery. If you can’t provide physical support, offer emotional support to let them feel your love. [2]
    • So happy to hear you’re on the mend! I’m picking up your kids from school until you’re fully recovered—no ifs, ands, or buts!!
    • Get well soon! I wanted to drop off some groceries so you can come home to a fully stocked fridge!! Is there anything specific you want?
    • The doctor told me that you need to move your legs frequently to speed up the recovery process, so let’s go for a quick walk around the block every morning!
    • Just wanted to let you know that you’re in my thoughts, and I started a fundraiser to cover some of your hospital bills. I hope it helps and your recovery runs smoothly!
    • Even though we’re in different cities, I’m thinking about you every day as you recover. Please know that I’ll always provide a listening ear or shoulder to cry on!!!
    • I’m so glad your surgery went well! I’m taking notes during our meetings so you won’t have to worry about missing any new information, but please focus on your recovery!
    • Wishing you a quick and speedy recovery! I want to bring some books and magazines to the hospital, so let me know what you’re interested in reading. I’ll probably stop by on Friday!!
    • I know you’re probably exhausted from the surgery, but I promise you’ll feel better soon! In the meantime, I want to help you out at the house!! Is there something that’s stressing you out that I can tackle for you?
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Section 4 of 11:

For a Serious Injury or Illness

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  1. Letting someone know that you’re thinking about them can be a source of comfort, especially if they’re recovering from a serious procedure or terminal illness. When writing your message, try to view the world from their perspective and focus on instilling hope and optimism. [3]
    • Your bravery is inspiring, and I’m praying for your complete recovery.
    • You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met—you’ll get through this like a champ!
    • There might be a long road ahead, but you don’t need to walk it alone. I’m here for you every step of the way.
    • I hope you feel all the love surrounding you right now. We can’t wait to see you get back to your funny, smart, and amazing self!
    • The most important thing is to never lose hope. Remember that I love you, I believe in you, and I’ll always be here to support you.
    • Keeping you in my prayers as you recover from your accident. I know you’ll get through this and come out even stronger than before!
    • Thinking of you during this difficult time. I care about you and your health, and I hope you feel better soon. Please let me know if you need anything!
    • I’ve always admired your ability to handle anything life throws your way. You’re stronger than you know and have a lot of people rooting for you!
    • Recovery is a process that takes time, patience, and everything you've got. But you’ve got this! I’m thinking about you every day and wishing you a fast recovery.
    • Remember, it’s okay to have good days, bad days, and just-getting-by days, but you can get through it all! Take each day as it comes, and know that I believe in you!!
Section 5 of 11:

For a Child

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  1. To help your child heal after surgery, reassure them that they’re safe and supported. Children can pick up on your anxieties, so maintaining a calm attitude can help them cope with the stressors of surgery. [4] Try to stick to their usual routine to make them feel like their normal self, and offer them a treat or reward to make the recovery process easier. [5]
    • Wow, you’re one tough cookie!
    • You’re the bravest little girl in the entire world!
    • It’s no fun being in the hospital, but you’ll be back in action in no time!
    • Sending you lots of love, hugs, and pixie dust so you can feel better soon!
    • Stay strong, sweetheart! Once you recover, we’ll take a family trip to the zoo!!
    • Be brave, buddy! You light up our world, and we can’t wait to see you smile again.
    • Recovery might be boring, but it’s the perfect time to watch all your favorite cartoons!
    • When you’re feeling better, we can trade the chicken soup and jello for your favorite meal!
    • You’re proof that even superheroes break their legs sometimes. Remember to rest up and use your superpowers to heal quickly!
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Section 6 of 11:

For a Parent

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  1. One of the best ways to express love to your parents is to offer them tangible support. Recovery can be especially difficult for older adults, so being present during this time can make a huge difference. Whether you’re taking care of your parents directly or making arrangements on their behalf, play an active role in their recovery journey to help lift their spirits. [6]
    • Get well soon so we can continue to learn from your amazing spirit!
    • You always took care of me when I was little, so now it’s my turn to take care of you.
    • Please take extra care of yourself for me. I’m looking forward to your recovery so we can spend some time together.
    • Dad, please don’t worry about us and focus on your recovery! We’re here for you every step of the way, and we can’t wait to have you back!!
    • It’s hard for me to see you like this because I only want the best for you, but I have faith that you’ll recover soon and get back to doing what you love.
    • I think the hospital is just keeping you there because they love you so much! Get well soon so we can cherish many more happy moments together!!
    • Mom, I never thought I would say this but I really miss your scolding. Home doesn’t feel the same without you, so please get better and come back to us soon!
    • To the strongest and most caring mother in the world, get well soon! Your health is our top-priority, and we can’t wait to see you come back stronger than ever!!
    • You taught me that a positive attitude can make anything better, so I’m sending you lots of hugs, positivity, and prayers! Here’s to a smooth and quick recovery!!
    • You raised me to be the strong person I am today, so I wanted to return some of that strength during this time. I love you, and I know you can get through anything.
Section 7 of 11:

For a Partner

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  1. When your significant other doesn’t feel their best, remind them that you have their back through thick and thin. Letting your partner know that you’ll look after them is one of the most meaningful ways to show support , along with helping out with daily chores. [7]
    • Get well soon, my love. The world needs your love, laughter, and kindness.
    • I know your road to recovery will take time, but we’ll get through this together!
    • When I said “In sickness and in health,” I meant it. I’ll love and support you no matter what.
    • My bed is really cold without you. Get better soon so you can come back to where you belong!
    • I’ve got everything covered at home, so please give all your energy and attention to healing. You’ve got this, baby!
    • Remember, you don’t always have to be the strong one. I love you, and I’m here every step of the way in your recovery process.
    • It hurts my heart to see you in a hospital bed, but I know you’ll bounce back in no time! You’re a fighter till the end, and I love you so much.
    • I promise to always hold your hand, lift your spirits, and care for you when you’re down. Here’s to an easy recovery and getting back to our lives together!
    • Wishing you a quick and speedy recovery, babe. Your charm, wit, and presence are irreplaceable, and I can’t wait to make even more beautiful memories together!
    • You always know what to say when I’m feeling down, and I hope I can be that person for you during this time. You’re the strongest person I know, and I’m confident you’ll be better in no time. Please lean on me when you need extra strength, and let’s get you back on track!
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Section 8 of 11:

For a Friend

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  1. If you really want to support your friend after surgery , mention details from the past and make future plans together. This can remind them of positive memories and give them something to look forward to during the recovery process. [8]
    • Get well soon so we can plan our next adventure together!
    • Keep thinking positively and stay strong! You’ll be back to your old self in no time!!
    • Feel better, bestie! Sending you lots of hugs and healing energy so we can hang out soon.
    • They say laughter is the best medicine, so I’ve got 100+ memes locked and loaded for you!
    • Game night isn’t as fun without you. Get well soon so I can beat you in World of Warcraft.
    • I hope you feel better in no time! Everyone misses your smile, laughter, and cheesy dad jokes.
    • While you’re resting in bed, plan some cute outfits…because we’re going on a girl’s trip as soon as you recover!
    • You’re the most selfless person I know, and now it’s time to put yourself first. Enjoy getting to rest, relax, and recover, and get well soon!
    • You’ve gone through the worst part, and now you just have to focus on healing. I’m sending you all my love and support, and don’t forget I’m only one call away!
    • Thinking about all the memories we’ve shared as a group, and we can’t wait to make even more together. Bring yourself back to health and rejoin us, buddy. We’ll be waiting for you🍻
Section 9 of 11:

For a Colleague

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  1. Trying to wish your colleague a “get well” message that’s sincere yet professional? Convey your concern and best wishes by highlighting their importance in the workplace. By letting them know that everyone misses them, they’ll feel valued and appreciated during their recovery. [9]
    • Take all the time you need to rest and recover!
    • Missing your contagious smile and spirit! Get better soon!!
    • Feel better before the company realizes you’re expendable!
    • Lunchtime ping-pong isn’t the same without you. Hope you feel better soon!
    • The office isn’t the same without you. Once you feel better, we’ll feel better too.
    • I know you told me you wanted to take time off, but did you really have to take it in the hospital?
    • Your smile makes the office a little brighter, so we hope this card makes your recovery a little brighter too.
    • I’m so sorry about your accident. We’ve got everything covered here, so please focus on healing. Best wishes for a smooth recovery!
    • Since you’ve been gone, we’ve realized how much you actually do around here. Please feel better and come back soon! We need you!!
    • I hope you’re recovering well. Take it easy, and don’t think about the project for a second. If I catch you active on Slack, I’m confiscating your laptop!
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Section 10 of 11:

“Get Well” Bible Verses

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  1. If the person recovering from surgery is religious, turn to a verse from the Bible to share your love and support. Or, let them know that you’re praying for them to give them hope in the recovery process!
    • "And the power of the Lord was with him to heal." —Luke 5:17
    • “Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint. Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.” —Psalm 6:2
    • "For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord." —Jeremiah 30:17
    • “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” —Proverbs 16:24
    • “The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.” —Psalm 41:3
    • “It wasn’t any herb or ointment that healed them but your word alone, Lord, which heals everything.” —Wisdom of Soloman 16:12
    • “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” —Phillipians 4:6
    • “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” —John 14:27
    • “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” —Revelation 21:4
    • “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” —Isaiah 41:10
Section 11 of 11:

Heartfelt “Get Well” Quotes

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  1. Struggling to find the right sentiments? Get help from someone else to share your “get well” wishes! Choose an author, celebrity, or activist that the other person admires, and jot down a bit of their wisdom to help them feel motivated and optimistic.
    • "The best of healers is good cheer." —Pindus
    • "You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in." —Dr. Seuss
    • "Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health." —Carl Jung
    • "Tough times never last, but tough people do." —Robert H. Schuller
    • “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” —C.S. Lewis
    • “Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.” —George S. Patton
    • “It’s not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.” —J.R.R. Tolkien
    • “Be strong because things will get better. It may be stormy now but it never rains forever.” – Evan Carmichael
    • “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
    • "There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow." —Orison Swett Marden
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