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Got a spirit living rent-free in your home? Here’s how to get rid of it
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Is that creaking sound just the wind, or could it be something… paranormal ? If you suspect you’ve got a ghost in your house, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll help you identify the telltale signs you’ve got a ghost problem (as opposed to just like, a squirrel in your wall or something) and how to get it to leave. And in case you’re reluctant to evict your spooky houseguest, we’ll also explore whether or not a ghost is always an unwelcome visitor, or if it could be a chill roomie after all (Casper, anyone?).

Things You Should Know

  • Signs you’ve got a ghost on your hands include smelling or hearing unexplainable things, your electricity cutting out, or just sensing that a ghost is nearby.
  • Get rid of a ghost by asking it directly to leave you alone, and then cleanse your home of any negative energies by lighting white candles and burning lavender incense.
  • Prevent further paranormal activity by making a salt circle around your house and setting out protective crystals, like howlite, tourmaline, and agate.
Section 1 of 3:

How to Get Rid of a Ghost

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  1. Open your windows to let in some fresh air and sunlight, and burn lavender or sage incense to infuse your home with a fresh, lively scent. [1] Deep-cleaning your house can exorcise any paranormal energies lurking there.
    • A clean, fresh-smelling house is also a major mood-booster, and our own positive vibes may help eliminate any negative ones.
    • Light white candles anywhere you’ve sensed paranormal activity: this will help fight any negative energies as well. [2]
  2. Once you’ve banished your ghost and cleansed your home of any negative vibes, it’s important to set up spiritual barriers to prevent any new paranormal entities from entering. You can protect your space with specific stones—but if you’ve got to order them online, you can get a jumpstart on shielding your house using plain old table salt.
    • Create a ring of salt around your house to protect it from spirits entering. Any spirit, good or…not good, who wants to enter your house will be unable to cross the salt barrier. [3]
    • Set howlite and tourmaline around your house to protect you from negative spiritual energy. Putting agate by your bedside may help you have sweeter dreams. [4]
  3. It may sound obvious, but sometimes the most direct approach is the most helpful. Your ghost may not realize it’s an unwelcome presence in your home, so telling it (politely) to leave may be effective. [5]
    • Next time you feel the ghost’s presence, say something like, “Please leave.” If your ghost is really bugging you, be a bit more forceful: “You’re not welcome here. I command you to go.”
  4. Some ghosts just want attention (don’t we all?). If you tend to react to creaking floorboards or unexplained whispers with, “Who’s there?” your ghost may feel encouraged to continue their behavior. Pretending it doesn’t bother you may send the message to your ghost that they should give it up.
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Section 2 of 3:

Signs You’re Dealing with a Ghost

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  1. Whether your house gives you goosebumps or you just get the sensation you’re not alone, paranormal entities often communicate their presence through vibes. Trust your intuition here: if you feel like something’s up, it very well might be.
    • At the same time, if you’ve been reading a lot of Stephen King lately, you may be primed to sense paranormal presences! If you share your living space with someone, check to make sure they’re not at home next time you sense you’re not alone. Your “ghost” could just be, like, your dad.
  2. If you can’t rely on vibes alone, follow your nose. Ghosts and other paranormal entities famously present as unusual scents, from the foul (like sulfur or rotting meat) to the more cheery (like roses).
    • We’ve got to say it: make sure you didn’t lose a boiled egg behind the fridge last Easter or that someone didn’t accidentally spill their perfume on the rug. If you’re smelling something unexpected, make sure it doesn’t have a normal source before assuming it’s para normal.
    • Sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, aging, certain meds, and other causes could also contribute to phantosmia , a.k.a. olfactory hallucinations, a.k.a. imaginary smells, so make sure your nose is in tip-top shape before turning to ghosts. [6] Better yet, see if anyone else can smell what you’re smelling.
  3. Whether it’s whispers in the dark or mysterious creaks and thuds, unexplained or unexpected noises are a classic sign of paranormal activity. [7] It might be a spirit trying to talk to you, or your house may be host to a residual haunting —that is, when a ghost relives an event from their life over and over again (like in that one episode of Buffy ).
    • Sometimes places can hold onto the energy from past events, so try Googling your address to see if anything comes up about past residents or events that occurred that might be contributing to a residual haunting.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Get a Ghost out of Your House
    Many people who have reportedly dealt with ghosts say the ghosts communicated their presence by messing with the electricity. Think lights flickering or the TV going fuzzy or shutting off. [8]
    • Of course, rule out issues with your electrical wiring first, for your own safety! Get an electrician to check on things, and if they can’t determine the cause of your electrical troubles, then it might just be paranormal.
  5. Maybe there’s a particular room in your house that’s always inexplicably frigid, or the temperature unexpectedly plunges at random times. Many people cite cold temps as a sign that ghosts are near. [9]
    • Know that your body responds to fear similarly to how it responds to cold temps, so if you’ve got goosebumps or can’t stop shivering, it may not be a ghost—just your fear of ghosts.
  6. This is what’s known as a peripheral ghost sighting. When you think you see someone out of the corner of your eye or disappearing through a far-off doorway as you enter a room, it could be your ghost guest. [10]
  7. Your usually chill dog won’t stop barking at nothing. Your cat hisses at imaginary threats. Is it a fluke? Are there mice in your walls setting your pets on edge? Or are you being visited by beings only your furry friends can detect?
  8. It’s almost as if the thing got up and moved by itself…or was moved. Losing objects only for them to turn up in random places or places you know you didn’t put them is a big sign you could have some paranormal activity going on.
    • If the object you keep misplacing belonged to someone who has since passed, like a relative, it may be their way of reaching out to you—or of saying they miss their stuff!
  9. As anyone who’s ever experienced night terrors or sleep paralysis can attest, dreams can really mess with your mind. While poor sleep may just be manifestations of stress, anxiety, or fear, some people believe the strange visions you might see in the throes of sleep paralysis or in your nightmares are rooted in the paranormal. [11]
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Section 3 of 3:

Are ghosts always bad?

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  1. Your ghost might be a friendly one, a la Casper, or it might have some bad intentions. You may be able to get a sense of which one you’ve got based on its behavior: if it keeps the disturbances to a minimum or seems to enjoy being near you, it may not be a problem, but if it’s throwing things around the house or making a lot of noise, you could have a poltergeist on your hands. [12]
    • Remember that as afraid as you might be of your ghost, it’s possible your ghost is far more scared of you. They may not be alive, but they are (or were) people, just like you.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you catch a ghost in your house?
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director
    Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
    Spiritual Director
    Expert Answer
    Never do that! Instead of trying to catch the ghost, focus on sending the spirit to its proper place. Imagine that place and ask your higher self to take them where they need to be (or should be). Then, envision an open door and try to shoot the spirit out of your house.
  • Question
    What if I hear a girl scream in my basement, what could that mean?
    Community Answer
    It could mean that you have a ghost in your basement that is very upset. You could also be hearing someone's television or something going on outside or in a neighbor's house.
  • Question
    What do I do if ghosts are haunting paintings in my house?
    Community Answer
    If the ghosts are haunting paintings, take them down - either permanently, or put them back up in places where you don't normally go (in your house).
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • If a spirit tries to get your attention by simply touching you or moving things without harming you, it's almost positively not a vengeful spirit. It could possibly be a deceased family member or a previous owner of the home you are in depending on how long the property has been there. But rest assured, it's not trying to harm you.
      • If the ghost doesn’t go away, or if it is a very dangerous ghost, there is a way to destroy it. All you need is a very bright flashlight. When you see the ghost, aim the flashlight at it and blast it with a beam of light.
      • If you feel a spirit nearby, try talking to it. Explain what it is, since it may not know it's a ghost. Tell the spirit that you mean it no home and that it is safe to cross over. It works, I've done it!
      • Don't act scared. Even if you are scared deep inside, acting nervous will only make the ghost feel confident. Smile, laugh, and play it off like this is no big deal.
      • If you have a fear of ghosts, try listening to upbeat music you enjoy. That will fill you with positive energy and keep the ghost from appearing.
      • Try not to talk about your ghost experience where it happened. This can alert the ghost and reactivate its interest in you.
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      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about relationships, check out our in-depth interview with Jennifer McVey, Cht .

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        Feb 12, 2017

        "I left a note that just said, "You are not welcome here. Go to another house." But I will try another ..." more
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