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Decode the meaning behind the acronym GRWM
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While scrolling on TikTok or YouTube, you’ve probably seen GRWM in hashtags and video titles. It seems like everyone is posting about GRWM, but what does it mean? With new acronyms seeming to pop up online every day, it’s totally okay if you’re unfamiliar with this slang term. We’re here to tell you what it means! In this article, we’ll go over what GRWM stands for and what it is on social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube. Read on to learn more!

Things You Should Know

  • GRWM stands for “Get Ready With Me” and typically refers to videos on social media where a creator applies their makeup and puts together an outfit for their day.
  • On TikTok, GRWM also means “Get Ready With Me.” Creators typically share relatable routines as they get ready for school, work, or running errands.
  • GRWM videos are also popular on YouTube. Beauty, fashion, and lifestyle influencers often post longer, more chatty videos.
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What does GRWM stand for?

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  1. GRWM usually refers to a style of video where creators on social media share their process for getting ready for their day or night. Influencers with a beauty and fashion focus typically apply their makeup, do their hair, and plan out their outfits while they talk about the products and clothes they’re wearing.
    • GRWM is commonly used on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram where creators share their getting-ready routines for heading to class, going on a date, having a cozy night in, and traveling.
    • GRWM is also used in texts. You might message your friends, “Come over to grwm,” or ask, “Did you see Ashley’s grwm video?”
    • When watching a GRWM video, you might hear other slang terms like OOTD, which stands for “Outfit of the day,” and haul, which refers to products the creator bought or was gifted.
    • Aaron Makelky, influencer and content creator, says GRWM videos aren't exclusively about an influencer's outfit and makeup. The content of the video can be about their day, telling a story, or going shopping, for instance.
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GRWM Meaning on TikTok

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  1. TikTok creators tend to share honest and authentic GRWMs. They typically apply their skincare and makeup products while sharing their plans for the day or what’s going on in their lives. There’s no shortage of GRWMs on TikTok, with videos showing creators getting ready for bed, running errands, getting a tattoo, and cramming for a test. [1]
    • Some TikTokers do live GRWMs, allowing their viewers to interact with them as they choose their makeup and style their outfits.
    • Both famous TikTokers and regular users post GRWM videos that often go viral.
    • GRWM videos on TikTok are typically posted with the hashtag #grwm, which has almost 86 billion views! [2]
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GRWM Meaning on YouTube

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  1. Beauty, lifestyle, and fashion YouTubers typically post GRWM videos telling viewers about their favorite products and how they apply them. These videos tend to be longer than TikToks and have a friendly, chit-chat vibe. Some creators post their GRWM as a segment in their daily or travel vlogs, or share personal or true-crime stories as they get ready. [3]
    • The most popular GRWM videos on YouTube are typically posted by YouTubers with large, established followings.
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Where did GRWM start?

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  1. While GRWM has blown up recently on TikTok, it’s not a new slang term. In 2011, the beauty YouTuber Shaaanxo posted a video titled “Get Ready With Me :)” where she showed her current daily makeup routine without talking. Other creators saw how popular her GRWM videos were, and started making their own. The rest, as they say, is history! [4]
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Why are GRWM videos popular?

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  1. Lots of people feel soothed by watching someone else put on makeup and talk through their outfit styling. The videos are typically slower-paced and not as high-energy as other forms of content. Some people like to watch GRWM videos as they’re doing their own makeup routine, which makes them feel like they’re getting ready with a friend. [5]
    • GRWM videos are generally positive and innocent, so they’re mostly safe for kids to watch, too. Some creators do share very personal information or talk about true crime stories, which might not be suitable for younger children.
  2. You might know that the influencers you follow have impeccable tastes, but it’s another thing to see the products they use and what their routines really look like. Because GRWMs are often personable and chatty, it’s a great way for creators to relate to their viewers, and for viewers to learn more about them. [6]
    • Seeing what their favorite creator uses also leaves lots of viewers inspired to try new makeup products and outfits.
  3. Lots of times, creators use and review products in their GRWM that were sent to them by a brand. They might even have a GRWM video sponsored by a skincare or makeup brand. So, creators are often paid to promote the skincare, makeup, and accessories they use in a video. [7]
    • Knowing whether a GRWM video is sponsored helps you make a more informed decision about buying a product or not. Creators have to state when they’re being sponsored, so look out for hashtags like #sponsored, #ad, and #affiliate on GRWM videos.
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