Whether your phone or tablet is out of battery, or you just need a break from screen time, sometimes you need to entertain yourself without electronics. It can be hard to think of screen-free activities when you’re so used to being plugged in. But by exploring the outdoors, finding ways to socialize with other people, and using your imagination, you can discover many fun and interesting things to do without electronics. [1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Enjoying the Outdoors

  1. Stroll around the block, taking in some of your favorite sights of the neighborhood. Or walk a different route than you’re used to so you can see something new. If you have access to a car or public transportation, visit a park or forest preserve and do some walking there. [2]
    • Taking a walk, run, or hike when you're bored is a great way to get in nature and boost your mood. [3]
    • Carry a backpack to collect things you might want, like interesting rocks or leaves.
  2. Strap on a helmet and ride your bike through your city or town. If you don’t own a bike, many cities offer bike rentals or bike sharing programs. Try to bike down quiet, residential streets where you can enjoy the sights without stressing about the vehicle traffic around you.
  3. If you’re alone, kick a soccer ball around in the backyard or grab a basketball and practice free throws at the park. If there are friends you can play with, meet up at a park and play softball or frisbee. [4] Or, try kickball, tennis, or volleyball.
  4. If you live near any wooded areas, scour the ground there for sticks or branches that have fallen. Stack and prop them up against a thick tree to build a little enclosure. If you’re really handy, you can print off blueprints from the internet and have someone help you construct a more intricate fort. [5]
  5. Buy seeds or seedlings at your local hardware store or greenhouse and plant them around your house. Try planting herbs that you could later cook with, like oregano, mint, thyme, or parsley.
  6. If you live in a big city, it may be difficult to see any stars, but if they’re visible, go outside once it’s dark out and lay down on a blanket. You can print off constellation charts and try to find the patterns in the sky, or you can just lay back and relax. [6]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Socializing with Others

  1. Ask an old or a new friend to meet you at a casual spot that serves coffee, tea, or even ice cream. Sit down, talk, and catch up. If you want to keep the conversation going, offer to split a pastry or other treat with them.
  2. See if your local food pantry, animal shelter, or soup kitchen need any volunteers. Local schools may need assistance with gardening or fundraising, so check with administrators to see if there’s anything you can help with.
    • Look for something that aligns with your interests and skills. For example, if you’re not a people person, volunteer at an animal rescue organization. [8]
    • Consider starting your own project. Get friends and community members to help you pick up trash along the street or create a mural somewhere.
  3. Go see a grandparent or aunt or uncle if they live nearby. [9] Ask them to tell stories about what they did before today's electronics. Not only will this offer them a greater sense of bonding and connection with you, but you'll probably learn a lot from them. [10]
  4. Gather everyone around the table and take turns playing each person’s favorite game. If you don’t have any board games, go on a group shopping trip and pick one out together, or just make your own from materials you have around the house. [11] Toys like Legos or action figures can act as game pieces, and a small piece of cardboard folded into a cube can be a die.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using Your Imagination

  1. Pick up a story you’ve been meaning to read, or reread an old one that you loved when you were younger. If there’s nothing at home that interests you, visit your local library. Pick out a few books at random or ask the librarian to help you find something specific.
  2. Pull out a notebook and a pen and start writing. Either brainstorm ideas for a new story, or just dive right into an idea that’s forming in your mind. Try free-writing an entire page without stopping the movement of your pen. You may end up with something nonsensical, but it’s a good way to avoid second-guessing yourself during the creative process. [13]
  3. Pull out any old instruments that may be lying around the house – a guitar, a drum, or even an old player piano that's gathering dust. Find some sheet music to play, or just improvise a tune off the top of your head. Not only can playing music put you in a better mood, but it will also help to increase cognitive function and improve memory. [14]
    • You don't have to go out and buy a brand new instrument if you don't have one at home. Rent one, borrow one, or find an inexpensive one to play around with. [15]
    • You could even make a drum using a tin can and some construction paper or leather.
  4. Gather any art supplies you have lying around, like paper, canvas, paints, paintbrushes, charcoal, or just plain pencils. Find a sunny spot and draw an image that’s in your mind or paint a canvas to match your home’s decor. If you make your drawings or paintings small, you could give them away later as greeting cards. [16]

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I reconnect with myself again?
    Wes Pinkston
    Certified Holistic Life Coach
    Wes Pinkston is a Certified Holistic Life Coach and the Founder of Wes Pinkston Life Coaching. With more than five years of experience, he specializes in helping people achieve greater fulfillment and understand their full potential. He received his Holistic Lifestyle Coach Certification from The CHEK Institute.
    Certified Holistic Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    Try to become more present by tuning into your senses. Close your eyes and allow yourself to hear all the sounds around you. You will begin to realize what is going on outside you and what is going on inside you. True mindfulness is when you realize that life in general acts in the same way, it is both something you are doing and something that is happening on its own.
  • Question
    My friends and I, at 13, don't play hide and seek or pretend anymore. Are there any electronic free things that we can do that don't include leaving the house or going outside?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You could try playing a board game or a game of "would you rather" and things like that. You could also try baking something, like cookies or a cake. You could even design a bedroom door sign to stop any annoying little brothers and sisters coming in.
  • Question
    What can I play with my friend that's not electronic?
    Community Answer
    Board games, card games, hide and seek, pretend, chasing each other, kicking/throwing a ball, building a fort or something else out of stuff around the house, playing with toys or other objects, exploring outside, making up your own game, etc.
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      1. Wes Pinkston. Certified Holistic Life Coach. Expert Interview. 18 January 2022.
      2. Wes Pinkston. Certified Holistic Life Coach. Expert Interview. 18 January 2022.
      3. Desiree Panlilio. Teen Life Coach. Expert Interview. 12 October 2021.
      4. Desiree Panlilio. Teen Life Coach. Expert Interview. 12 October 2021.
      5. https://www.thebalance.com/free-playhouse-plans-1357134
      6. https://stardate.org/nightsky/constellations
      7. Desiree Panlilio. Teen Life Coach. Expert Interview. 12 October 2021.
      8. https://www.volunteermatch.org/volunteers/gettingstarted/
      9. Desiree Panlilio. Teen Life Coach. Expert Interview. 12 October 2021.

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        Aug 2, 2018

        "Thank you so much! I found many ways to have fun without any Internet or anything connected to electronics. I had ..." more

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