Q&A for How to Have Fun Without Electronics

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    How do I reconnect with myself again?
    Wes Pinkston
    Certified Holistic Life Coach
    Wes Pinkston is a Certified Holistic Life Coach and the Founder of Wes Pinkston Life Coaching. With more than five years of experience, he specializes in helping people achieve greater fulfillment and understand their full potential. He received his Holistic Lifestyle Coach Certification from The CHEK Institute.
    Certified Holistic Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    Try to become more present by tuning into your senses. Close your eyes and allow yourself to hear all the sounds around you. You will begin to realize what is going on outside you and what is going on inside you. True mindfulness is when you realize that life in general acts in the same way, it is both something you are doing and something that is happening on its own.
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    My friends and I, at 13, don't play hide and seek or pretend anymore. Are there any electronic free things that we can do that don't include leaving the house or going outside?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You could try playing a board game or a game of "would you rather" and things like that. You could also try baking something, like cookies or a cake. You could even design a bedroom door sign to stop any annoying little brothers and sisters coming in.
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    What can I play with my friend that's not electronic?
    Community Answer
    Board games, card games, hide and seek, pretend, chasing each other, kicking/throwing a ball, building a fort or something else out of stuff around the house, playing with toys or other objects, exploring outside, making up your own game, etc.
  • Question
    What kind of games can two people play on a long bus ride with no internet access?
    Community Answer
    You could play rock, paper, scissors, but if that gets old, play "would you rather" or a simple game. Invent funny stories about your friend/family member.
  • Question
    What if it's raining outside and I can't go out there?
    Community Answer
    Play a board game, or make up your own game, play dress up or put on makeup, read a book, or color or paint a picture.
  • Question
    I'm 11 and I am going to India. What can I do for fun there?
    Community Answer
    Explore the outdoors, read books, draw, talk with your family, etc. You can also go shopping and see the cool souvenirs India has!
  • Question
    What can I do if it's just me and I'm bored?
    Community Answer
    You could draw something, make a poster or sign or try some do-it-yourself activity, like making slime. If you have access to a computer or laptop, you could browse the internet or play a fun online game. If not, you could read something.
  • Question
    I don't have cable or an internet connection. What can I do to keep myself entertained?
    Community Answer
    Do you have any talents you could exercise? Do you think you need to earn some money? Try finding a job you can do for pay or a talent to pursue.
  • Question
    What if my parents won't let me go outside or anything? If I have to stay in my room what could I do?
    Community Answer
    You could read a book or just do a few stretching moves. Or open the window and just clean a bit. Play some music or listen to your favorite songs, even if it's on a radio because your phone and/or computer are gone. Then here is always the possibility of doing homework or writing some stories of your own.
  • Question
    What do I do when my friend and I are bored and we have no electronics?
    Community Answer
    You can play: Hide and seek, tag, Marco Polo, TTT, water balloon fights, freeze tag, etc. Or, you can talk, go to stores, and walk and talk. The article has plentiful suggestions.
  • Question
    Are there some games for 2 or 4 players that can be played offline?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Many board games have a range of 2 to 6 players.
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    How can I have fun without electronics if I am at a camp where they are not allowed?
    Community Answer
    Explore the camp, make friends, and take part in camp-related activities. If there's nothing going on, organize an activity of your own, like a game of tag, truth or dare, red rover, etc.
  • Question
    Are there any good DIY activities for two?
    Community Answer
    Yes, just get creative and make something that seems impossible. When you are done you will be proud of it.
  • Question
    I am not allowed to have electronics on a bus. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try reading a book or talk to people you know. It's also nice to look out the window.
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    My brother is 16 and wants nothing to do with a 12-year-old, and my mom's too busy watching TV. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You could do plenty of things. For instance, draw someone from your favorite TV show or video game. If you like to watch TV, binge watch an old TV show you loved to watch when you were younger, or watch a new one you've been meaning to watch. You could also spy on or harass your brother for fun, if you don't think you'll get caught, or play outside, bake, make crafts, etc.
  • Question
    Do you have any more suggestions?
    Community Answer
    Make your own little universe of characters. Start out with one, draw them out, give them traits and a backstory, and build off of that. Eventually, you'll have a whole world that you can use to write stories.
  • Question
    How do I get my mind off of computer games and electronics?
    Community Answer
    Try being around other people. If you are all by yourself, try writing a story, drawing a picture, or doing something else creative. Creative activities are great for staying busy.
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    How can I have fun without electronics if I am home alone and can't leave the house or make a mess? I don't like to draw or read.
    Community Answer
    If you are alone, maybe listen to some music. Even if it is on a radio, you can still have some fun. Maybe look through some old stuff and think of memories from when you made/had them. Or maybe eat or bake something. Take a nap. There are many possibilities for having fun by yourself.
  • Question
    What can a kid who has no entertainment sources and privileges to talk to friends do for fun?
    Community Answer
    I’m sure you have something entertaining in your house, such as a puzzle or book. With even a simple pen and paper, you could sketch, write a story or journal entry.
  • Question
    I don't have a sibling, and my friends don't live close to me either. What are some things I can do by myself or with my parents without electronics and at home? (I'm 13)
    Community Answer
    If you want to do something by yourself, try doing something productive like organizing your stuff or learning something new by reading a book. Or you could draw something, paint a picture, play music or make a puzzle. If your parents are free you could play board games or card games with them.
  • Question
    I am punished and cannot go visit a friend or use electronics, and the rest of my family is using electronics. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Do nature walks by yourself. Paint and draw on some paper or canvas. Or just enjoy yourself doing some hobbies you haven't done for a while.
  • Question
    What if my friend is sick and I am not home I am in a coffee shop with my mom?
    Community Answer
    Think about what you could do with your mom, such as guessing games or I spy type games. If your mom isn't available, then you can guess yourself what the other customers are having, thinking or planning.
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