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If you want to save time and money making outfits, a capsule wardrobe is a perfect sustainable way to cut down your closet. Even though capsule wardrobes have limited items, you’ll be able to mix and match your clothes to make a lot of stylish and sophisticated outfits on a budget. We know you’re probably wondering just what you should include and how to build your capsule wardrobe, so keep reading for all the information you need to know!

Section 1 of 5:

What is a capsule wardrobe?

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  1. You get to specifically curate all the items in your capsule wardrobe so you can combine them into a variety of outfits. While that number of items you keep isn’t a hard limit, it helps limit your options so you don’t spend as much time choosing what to wear. You can either put your other clothes in storage for the time being or donate them if you want to be minimalistic. [1]
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Section 2 of 5:

What to Include in Your Capsule Wardrobe

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  1. Choose your favorite basic and patterned tees, fashionable tanks, long-sleeved button-ups, and nice blouses. Stick with items made from high-quality material rather than fast-fashion brands, and make sure they fit comfortably on you. [2] Consider which tops you absolutely love and hang them up in your capsule wardrobe. [3]
    • Any T-shirt or tank top pairs well with a pair of jeans for an easy casual look.
    • A long-sleeved top with a long skirt works well for a stylish fall fashion statement.
  2. If you’re aiming for a chic or professional look, throw on a blazer or sweater to make your outfit look even more complete. Choose a few neutral colors or accent pieces and see how well they match with the other tops you’ve picked out for your wardrobe. Save about 2–4 options so you can mix it up every day and create new looks on the fly. [4]
    • If you live in a colder area, save room for 1–2 jackets or coats in your wardrobe for additional layering and warmth. [5]
    • A cardigan over a T-shirt works well for a chilly summer night or a brisk winter day.
    • Wear a bright blazer over a neutral-colored blouse for a professional look that makes you stand out.
  3. You can get a lot of mileage out of your tops just by changing the bottoms you’re wearing. For example, a T-shirt can pair well with some classic jeans for a casual style, or you can make it a little more fashionable by tucking it into a pencil skirt. Choose bottoms that make you feel the most confident and fit your body. Even with just 5 or 6 different bottoms, you can get a variety of looks. [6] A few classic pieces to keep in your wardrobe include:
    • Black or blue denim jeans
    • Khaki pants
    • Dress trousers
    • Shorts
    • Leggings
    • Pencil skirts
    • Skirts and dresses
  4. Choose the shoes that fit you the best and match the other clothes you’ve picked out. Keep a few different styles so you can prepare for any type of occasion. A few options you may consider for your wardrobe include: [7]
    • Flats for daily wear or a modest look
    • Heels for something fun and flirty
    • Dress shoes for a professional look
    • Sneakers for running everyday errands
    • Sandals for casual days
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Section 3 of 5:

What Doesn’t Count toward Your Capsule Wardrobe

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  1. Accessories and jewelry are great ways to add variety to your outfits, so don’t limit yourself. Spruce up your regular outfits with hats, belts, bracelets, necklaces, or earrings. Try pairing them with your outfits to change up your style and keep your look more interesting. [8]
    • Scarves are really fashionable and cozy accessories, especially in colder weather.
  2. You don’t need to limit how many underwear or lingerie options you have since you’ll probably wear new ones every day. Keep anything that you normally wear underneath your main outfits in a separate drawer and feel free to keep as many pieces as you feel comfortable having.
    • Plain white T-shirts, tank tops, or cami tops can also be considered undergarments if you only wear them under your clothes. If you wear them on their own as an outfit, then you should include them in your count.
  3. You won’t wear sleepwear, workout attire, and upscale outfits as regularly, but you should still keep them in your closet. Leave these options out of your capsule wardrobe, but make sure you only wear them while you’re doing the activity that they’re intended for. If you end up wearing yoga pants or sweatpants while you run errands rather than when you’re relaxing or working out, then you should count it as one of the pieces in your wardrobe. [9]
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Section 4 of 5:

Tips for Creating Your Capsule Wardrobe

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  1. Even though you’ll have fewer items in your closet, you can still express yourself and have a unique style. As you’re going through your closet, try your clothes on and check yourself out in the mirror. If the clothes fit you snugly but not too tight and you think you look good wearing them, then keep them for your wardrobe.
    • Keep in mind what types of activities you do every day when you’re picking your clothes. For example, if you work in an office, you’ll need more dressier options, like blouses and button-ups, than leisurewear.
  2. You’ll be cycling through the same clothes throughout the season, so low-quality fast-fashion styles that only last for a season won’t hold up very well. Try to stick with sustainable, natural fabrics, like cotton or wool, rather than synthetics like polyester or rayon. Pay close attention to the stitching in the fabric too since loose threads, crooked seams, and messy hems could be signs that the garments are of lower quality. [10]
    • Many fast-fashion items are cheap and trendy while higher-quality items will be a little more pricey. Focus on the quality of your garments rather than the quantity.

    Alena Le Blanc

    Personal Stylist
    Alena Le Blanc is the Personal Stylist and the Founder of Le Blanc Label. Based in San Francisco, California, Le Blanc Label is the leading personal stylist brand for sustainable style transformations. Alena and her team specialize in seasonal wardrobe refreshes, closet edits, styling for special events, travel, photoshoots, and general personal needs. Alena has been featured in podcasts including EMPOWERED BY WMN, I Am Fearless, and Mind Power Meets Mystic. Alena received her BFA in Fashion and Apparel Design from the Academy of Art University.
    Alena Le Blanc
    Personal Stylist

    Invest in high-quality garments. Instead of a pile of trendy fashion, choose a few well-crafted, timeless pieces you can wear in many ways and never go out of style. Doing so will ensure you look your best, promote sustainable choices, and build a sophisticated and enduring style.

  3. Timeless clothes never go out of style, so they’re always safe picks for your capsule wardrobe. A few items that are considered timeless are nice jeans, a simple white blouse, a little black dress, T-shirts, and plain sweaters. Fill the majority of your capsule wardrobe with these styles since they’ll be the most fashionable regardless of the current trends. [11]
  4. Since you won’t have as many options to choose from when you’re selecting outfits, most of the clothes in your wardrobe need to match or complement one another. Try to keep the main clothes in your wardrobe simple colors, such as black, white, grey, beige, and khaki. That way, you can pretty much wear any combination of clothes and still look stylish. [12]
    • Other neutral options include cream, dark brown, and dark blue denim.
  5. Even though you want most of your items to follow a similar color palette, wearing something bright makes your outfit stand out and feels a little less repetitive. Colors like yellows, reds, oranges, and light blues work really well, but choose whatever makes you feel the most confident. [13]
  6. Making a capsule wardrobe doesn’t mean you have to go out and buy new clothes. Instead, think about how versatile the items you already own could be when you pair them with a different piece of clothing. It’s alright if you still have some fast-fashion pieces that you want to include, but avoid filling your capsule wardrobe with them entirely. Try to pair your favorite items in fun and interesting ways so you can save your money to upgrade to higher-quality items later on. [14]
    • For example, you can style a T-shirt by layering a jacket over it, tucking it into a skirt, or wearing it with a pair of pants.
  7. You probably won’t wear the same clothes in winter as you would in the summer, and that’s perfectly okay! If you live somewhere that goes through all 4 seasons, then you can definitely make 4 different capsule wardrobes. At the end of the season, go through your wardrobe and see if there are any pieces you want to carry over into the next season. Store any clothes that you don’t plan on wearing in a tote bin or under your bed so they’re not taking up space in your closet before adding in your other pieces. [15]
    • For example, if you’re transitioning from winter to summer, you may put all your sweaters and thick pants in storage to make room for short-sleeved blouses and shorts.
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Section 5 of 5:

Why choose a capsule wardrobe?

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  1. It can be really easy to get caught up in the latest fashion trends and buy the hot new items, but capsule wardrobes help you appreciate what you already have. Since you’re not impulse buying fast-fashion items or adding new clothes to your wardrobe, you won’t fill up your closet with unnecessary items, and you can save your money for higher-quality pieces that you’ll wear more than a few times. [16]
  2. Having fewer clothes makes it a lot easier to see exactly what options you have rather than searching through your closet for a long time. [17] Now you can have some extra time in your routine to sleep in a little, have some you-time, or try out some new activities. [18]
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      • Ask a friend to come over and help go through your clothes as you plan a capsule wardrobe so you can get another person’s opinion. [19]
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