Toads are often highly beneficial to your yard and garden, eating tons of insect pests such as flies and mosquitoes. But sometimes they can be an invasive nuisance and need to be removed. There are actually a lot of simple changes you can make to your yard or garden to drive away toads and keep them from coming back without having to kill them. However, it’s possible to humanely kill toads in a refrigerator or using specific pesticides, especially if you’re dealing with invasive, poisonous toads like cane toads.
Place the toads in a plastic bag and tie it closed with a small gap for air. Put on a pair of gloves to keep your hands clean and pick up the toads and place them in a plastic bag, such as a grocery bag or gift bag. Tie the bag closed so it’s shut and the toads can’t get out, but it isn’t sealed so they don’t suffocate. [1] X Research source
- Suffocation is a painful and inhumane way to kill toads.
- You could also poke a few small holes into the bag to allow air in so the toads can breathe.
Put the plastic bag into an open container. Place the bag into a large bowl or plastic container so they toads won’t knock the bag over if they hop around. Don’t seal the container shut or the toads could suffocate and die slowly and painfully. [2] X Research sourceAdvertisement
Stick the container in your refrigerator for 12 hours. Put the container with the plastic bag full of toads into your refrigerator to slowly cool down the toads until they’re unconscious. After about 12 hours, check the bag to see if the toads are sedated. [3] X Research source
- If the toads are still active, leave them in the refrigerator for another 2-3 hours, then check them again.
Did you know?
Cooling the toads down slowly renders them unconscious without causing any pain.
Remove the container and place it in your freezer for 24 hours. Once the toads are sedated, take the container out of your refrigerator and place it into your freezer. Leave the toads for a full day so they’re fully frozen and die painlessly. After a day, check the container to see if the toads are completely frozen through and dead. [4] X Research source
- Some frogs can survive being frozen, but toads cannot.
Take the container out of your freezer and dispose of the dead toads. Remove the container from the freezer and take the plastic bag full of dead toads out of it. Throw the bag into the garbage to dispose of the toads, or dig a hole and bury the dead toads in the ground to get rid of them. [5] X Research source
- Take the toads out of the plastic bag if you plan to bury them.
Choose a pesticide designed to kill toads specifically. Applying a standard pesticide to kill toads will cause them pain and take several hours to kill them. The more humane option is to use a pesticide that’s specifically designed to kill toads quickly and efficiently. Look for a toad-specific pesticide to use. [6] X Research source
- You may be able to find toad-specific pesticides at your local hardware store, but you may need to order some online.
- Toad sprays designed for cane toads, such as HopStop, are effective against all types of toads.
Use a sprayer to spray the toads with pesticide. Add your pesticide to a large 1 gallon (3.8 L) sprayer. Spray the entire area that’s infested with toads so the solution comes into direct contact with them. [7] X Research source
- You can find sprayers at your local hardware or home improvement store.
Check the toads after 2 hours and dispose of them. Allow the pesticide enough time to effectively kill the toads. After about 2 hours, check the area for dead toads. Collect the dead toads and place them into a bag to be disposed of in the garbage, or bury them in the ground. [8] X Research source
- Don’t leave the toads out in the open or other wildlife or pets may eat them and could get sick.
Warning: Wear gloves when you’re picking up the toads to avoid getting any pesticide or bacteria from the toads onto your skin.
Get rid of any night lighting that could attract insects. Toads eat bugs and other insects, which are attracted to light. If your yard has any sources of night lighting, such as a lamp or a floodlight, remove them to reduce the number of insects in the area, which will help keep toads away. [9] X Research source
Remove sources of water from the area. Toads need water to survive, find their food, and hatch their eggs, so take out any ponds or fountains in your yard or outdoor area to deter toads from gathering there. Avoid leaving hoses or sprinklers on that can cause standing water to pool on the ground as well. [10] X Research source
- Dump out any pots that collect water after it rains.
Keep the grass in your yard cut short. Tall grass collects more water and gives toads more places to hide and find insects to eat. Mowing your lawn regularly and keeping your grass cut short will help deter toads from living in your yard or outdoor area. [11] X Research source
- Mow your lawn at least once a week to keep it cut short.
Put out reptile repellant granules to keep toads away. Snake or reptile repellant granules also work to keep toads away by releasing odors that they don’t like. Look for reptile repellant granules at your local hardware store or order some online. Spread them out over your outdoor area according to the directions on the packaging to deter toads from entering the area. [12] X Research source
- Reptile repellant isn’t harmful to toads but will keep them away from the area.
Spread used coffee grounds over the area for a natural toad deterrent. Coffee grounds are pungent and cause discomfort to toads, which will help keep them away from the area. Collect your used coffee grounds and sprinkle it over the ground where you want to keep toads away. [13] X Research source
Note: Coffee grounds are acidic and may harm plants that are sensitive to acidic soil, so use caution when you spread them over the soil.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat is wrong with you people? Why would anyone want to kill a toad? They can be simply moved. They are very sweet creatures that don’t harm anyone.Community AnswerThis article is meant to address an infestation that cannot be remedied by simply removing a few toads.
- Always check your local rules and regulations online to make sure you can kill the toads in your yard or outdoor area. Some toad species are protected and you could face legal charges for killing them.Thanks
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- "The tip about using used coffee grounds to deter cane toads was new to me. My yard is full of these toxic creatures, which are not only deadly to my dog, but a threat to my 4 year-old as well, for those who asked why kill them." ..." more