Lukewarm Christians consider themselves members of the church, but may not truly dedicate their lives to God. If you're feeling numb and inactive about your faith, you may be a lukewarm Christian, but there's good news: you can absolutely reignite your faith. Find out more about lukewarm Christians and how to strengthen your relationship with God in the helpful guide below.
Lukewarm Christian Meaning
A lukewarm Christian is someone who considers themselves a part of Christianity but doesn't practice their faith. They may attend church, but they tend not to feel any strong emotion toward God and Jesus Christ. They also might not practice Christian virtues like charity in their daily lives.
What are the signs of a lukewarm Christian?
They may not think they need anything from God. The way they may see it, their life is set up exactly the way they want and there's nothing they need to ask him for. If this is the case, they may not feel much gratitude for what they have or appreciate how blessed they are. [2] X Research source
They may care more about material comforts than about God. As such, they may think more about staying comfortable in their personal bubble than praying, studying the Bible, and helping the less fortunate. Because they prefer their lives to remain the same, they may avoid doing anything that "disrupts" that sameness, like participating in more church activities. [3] X Research source
They may consider themselves holier than other Christians. Lukewarm Christians may compare themselves to the Christians around them and think they're better than them. They may think that because they're more successful or that they show up to church on time on Sunday, they're a better person. [4] X Research source
Praying to God is often an afterthought or an obligation. They may not make time to talk to God one-on-one and have an in-depth conversation with Him. When they do, they may only do it out of a sense of obligation and not out of pure love and passion for their heavenly father. [5] X Research source
They may rarely talk about their faith to anyone. They might not talk about their faith on social media or in their everyday conversations, and not because they're a shy person. Instead, they may avoid it because it makes them uncomfortable – perhaps because they don't want to be rejected by the secular world. [6] X Research source
They may give little time and money to good works. They may give only a small amount to charity or none at all. They may also avoid volunteering to help those in need or go on missions, claiming that they're too busy or they don't have the right personality for it.. [7] X Research source
They may attend church but not heed the sermons. They have a regular seat in the pews, but their mind may wander from the pastor's words to other thoughts. While the pastor delivers new insights into the Word of God, they may be thinking about what they're going to do after church and how they can't wait until the sermon is over. [8] X Research source
They may not believe they can feel fire for God. In their heart, the lukewarm Christian may not believe they'll ever feel the passion other people feel for Christ or be driven to do virtuous deeds, like go on missions or become a pastor. They've been lukewarm for so long that they may have decided they aren't the type of person who can be passionate about their faith. [9] X Research source
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