Slime is really easy to make and can provide endless hours of entertainment. If you don't have any borax or liquid starch, use these methods instead. These recipes create slime that is shiny and fun to play with. Both of these methods only take about 10 minutes and create 1 handful of slime.
- 0.5 c (120 mL) of liquid glue (school glue)
- 10 drops of food colouring
- 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of eye drops
- ¾ tsp (4.5 grams) of baking soda
- 0.66 c (160 mL) of white liquid glue
- 1/2 tsp (3 grams) of baking soda
- 0.25 c (59 mL) of water
- 2.5 cups of shaving foam
- 1.5 tablespoons (22 mL) of contact lens solution
- 5 drops of food colouring
Mix liquid glue and food colouring in a bowl. Measure 0.5 c (120 mL) of liquid glue and 10 drops of food colouring into your bowl. Stir them together with a spoon until they are fully combined. [1] X Research source
- Liquid glue is also known as school glue. Any colour glue will work for this recipe.
- If you want a darker shade, add another 5 drops of food colouring into the bowl.
- If you don't have your desired colour, try mixing colours together. For example, blue and yellow create green, blue and red make purple, and red and yellow create orange.
Stir ¾ tsp (4.5 grams) of baking soda into the mixture. Measure the baking soda into the bowl and then mix it with a spoon until you can't see any traces of the baking soda. This helps to thicken the slime. [2] X Research source
- If there are any lumps of baking soda in the mixture, simply squish them with the back of your spoon.
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Mix 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of eye drops into the slime mixture. Check the ingredients on the back of the eye drops to ensure that they contain boric acid, as this is the ingredient that causes the mixture to go stretchy. Measure the eye drops into the bowl of glue and baking soda and then stir the ingredients until they are fully combined. [3] X Research source
- If you don't have any eye drops, use contact solution instead. [4] X Research source
- 2 tablespoons (30 mL) is equivalent to about 50 drops.
Wet your hands with eye drops. Squeeze a little eye drop solution onto your hands and then rub them together. This stops the slime from sticking to your hands when you knead it. [5] X Research source
Knead the slime with your hands for 5 minutes. Pick the slime out of the bowl and hold it in your hands. Stretch the slime as far as you can and then squish it back into a ball. Continue to repeat this process for about 5 minutes to make your slime nice and stretchy. [6] X Research source
- If the slime isn't stretchy enough after 5 minutes, continue to knead it until you are happy with the consistency.
Place the slime in an airtight container to keep it fresh. This helps to prolong the life of your slime and stops it from quickly going hard. Make sure that the lid is properly on your container to stop any air from getting in. [7] X Research source
- If you don't have an airtight container, use an airtight plastic bag instead.
- Expect your slime to last about 1 week.
Mix the glue, baking soda, water, shaving foam, and food colouring in a bowl. Measure 0.66 c (160 mL) of white liquid glue, 1/2 tsp (3 grams) of baking soda, 0.25 c (59 mL) of water, 5 drops of food colouring, and 2.5 cups of shaving foam into a bowl. Mix the ingredients with a spoon until they are fully combined. [8] X Research source
- Make sure to use shaving foam instead of shaving gel, as the recipe needs the fluffy consistency of the foam.
- To make the slime a darker colour, simply add a few more drops of food colouring.
- Liquid glue is also known as school glue.
Knead 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of contact lens solution into the slime. Measure the contact lens solution onto the slime and then use your hands to squish the slime around in your hands for about 5 minutes. This will help to make the slime stretchy and fluffy. [9] X Research source
- Make sure that your contact lens solution contains boric acid, as this helps to give the mixture a slimy texture.
Mix an extra 0.5 US tbsp (7.4 mL) of contact lens solution into the slime. Pour the contact lens solution on top of the slime. Adding the contact lens solution slowly helps to make the slime stretchier. Stretch the slime as far as you can with your fingers and then squeeze it into a ball. Continue to repeat this process until the contact lens solution is completely absorbed into the slime. [10] X Research source
- If it feels too sticky, add an extra drop of contact lens solutions.
Store the slime in an airtight container for up to 1 week. This helps to maintain its fluffy texture. If you notice that the slime starts to smell bad, throw it away and make a new batch. If you don't have an airtight container, place it in an airtight bag instead. [11] X Research source
Community Q&A
QuestionCan fluffy slime be made without shaving cream?GenevaladwigCommunity AnswerIt's tricky, but you can use foaming hand soap. Shaving cream is your best bet, though.
Things You'll Need
- Bowl
- Spoon
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about slime, check out our in-depth interview with Shellisa Ruvalcaba .
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About This Article
To make slime without borax or liquid starch, you’ll need liquid glue, food coloring of your choice, eye drops, and baking soda. Start by mixing 1/2 cup of liquid glue and 10 drops of food coloring in a bowl. Once they’re fully combined, stir in 3/4 tablespoon of baking soda until there are no lumps left. Then, mix 2 tablespoons of eye drops into the mixture to make it stretchy. Finish your slime by wetting your hands with eye drops and kneading the mixture for 5 minutes or until it’s as stretchy as you want it. Make sure you keep the slime in an airtight container when you’re not playing with it to stop it drying out. For more tips, including how to make fluffy smile with shaving foam, read on!