Stay updated on your favorite manga with websites similar to MangaDex
Is MangaDex down again? MangaDex is a great hub for manga whether you're reading on a computer or mobile device, though it often shuts down for maintenance or, sometimes, legal issues. Thankfully, there are plenty of websites you can use until it's up and running again. Keep in mind that these websites contain fan-uploaded content, which is usually unmoderated , and you may see explicit content. Additionally, never click on any suspicious links or ads. This wikiHow will show you the best MangaDex website alternatives you can visit on your computer, iPhone, iPad, or Android.
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- Another great alternative to read manga online is to use the Shonen Jump App. It’s affordable and provides weekly updates.Thanks
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- Never click any ads or suspicious links when browsing unofficial manga distribution websites.Thanks
- Always use an antivirus software when surfing the web.Thanks
- This article is for entertainment purposes only.Thanks
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