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Learn how mirror numbers can help you connect with your higher self
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Have you glanced at your watch at exactly 9:09 every morning this week? Or maybe you always seem to glimpse 12:12 on the clock whenever you start daydreaming. Seeing these repeating mirror numbers—symbolic times where the hour and minute are the same number—is a message from your guardian angels instructing you how to stay on track to achieve your goals. In this article, we’ll show you what all 24 mirror numbers mean from 00:00 to 23:23, plus explain how to interpret them and incorporate your angels’ guidance into your life to find your higher purpose.

Things You Should Know

  • Mirror numbers (or mirror hours) are times when numbers match on either side of the colon so that the hour and minute are the same (like 02:02, 11:11, or 18:18).
  • Mirror numbers are opportunities to self-reflect and ensure you're on the right path to achieve a spiritual awakening and sacred connection with the universe.
  • There are 24 mirror numbers per day from 00:00 to 23:23. Each number contains a spiritual message from your guardian angel to guide you toward enlightenment.
Section 1 of 6:

Mirror Hours & Their Meanings

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  1. Number 0 represents both nothingness and limitless potential. If you glance at the clock at exactly 00:00, your guardian angels may be telling you to reconnect with yourself and focus your energy to discover your true purpose in life. Let go of negativity you may be holding onto, like grudges or insecurity, to move forward freely. [1]
    • Love meaning: You might soon be faced with a difficult choice involving sacrifice (for example, choosing whether to stay with your partner or take a job in a new state).
    • Associated angel: Mumiah (symbolizing mental clarity and sharing information) [2]
  2. 01:01 means that someone is in love with you, but you may not know it. Ask yourself if you’ve developed any feelings toward someone recently, or if the thought of a specific person gives you warm or romantic feelings. This will help you determine who your mystery lover is. [3]
    • Love meaning: Although 01:01 means someone loves you, it may also mean you’ll face feelings of loneliness or isolation at some point during your romantic journey.
    • Associated angel: Elemiah (symbolizing success and new beginnings)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 01:10 is a sign that you’re surrounded by love.
  3. The number 2 symbolizes duality, balance, and relationships. It’s a reminder to practice self-care and tend to your needs in order to make wise decisions in life and in your partnerships. [4]
    • Love meaning: Seeing 02:02 could be a hint that someone in your close circle—maybe even your romantic partner—is concealing something from you.
    • Associated angel: Achaiah (symbolizing kindness, indulgence, and spiritual knowledge)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 02:20 may be a sign that you’ll receive good news soon.
  4. Number 3 represents creativity, communication, and sociability, but 03:03 may be a warning to look out for toxic or draining relationships . [5] Keep a healthy distance from new people until you’re confident that they’re genuine and will add positive energy to your life.
    • Love meaning: Someone you’re involved with may have bad intentions toward you. Stay alert and attuned to whether your needs are being met.
    • Associated angel: Aladiah (symbolizing indulgence, imagination, and spiritual enlightenment)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 03:30 could mean someone has strong feelings for you (romantically or platonically).
  5. Seeing 04:04 on the clock may be a sign that a tough challenge is heading your way. However, your health is the key to your success. If you’re currently ill or injured, you may enjoy a rapid recovery soon, or, if you’re already fairly healthy, you’ll soon be in your best shape yet. [6] Take care of yourself and prioritize your physical well-being.
    • Love meaning: You may face a challenge in your relationship or romantic life soon. Stay optimistic and believe in your abilities to work through any issues.
    • Associated angel: Yezalel (symbolizing understanding, harmony, and reconciliation)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 04:40 might be a sign you’ve betrayed or let someone down.
  6. This lucky hour foreshadows a period of great energy and support coming your way from your loved ones and guardian angels. You may experience expansion and growth in your love life, creative endeavors, career, or any area that you focus your energy into. Anything is possible for you when you believe you can achieve it! [7]
    • Love meaning: Somebody that you know may be very attracted to you, but you may not realize it.
    • Associated angel: Hekamiah (symbolizing benevolence, protection, and fraternity)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 05:50 could mean a pleasant surprise is heading your way.
  7. Above all, 06:06 is affirmation from the angels that you are not alone! You may feel lonely or weighed down by negativity now, but help is always available to you; all you have to do is ask the universe for it and take the first step toward improving yourself or your circumstances. [8]
    • Love meaning: You may not realize it, but you have a big influence over someone who has feelings for you. You mean a lot to this person.
    • Associated angel: Leuviah (symbolizing overcoming adversity and protection from bad intentions)
  8. 7 is an intensely spiritual number representing intellect and wisdom, so 07:07 means that your inner strength and intuition will guide you successfully through hard times. Trust yourself to make wise decisions and enjoy the wonderful opportunities awaiting you. [9]
    • Love meaning: Someone who is very perceptive may be in love with you.
    • Associated angel: Yeiayel (symbolizing honor, prestige, and good fortune)
  9. 08:08 is a message from the angels saying it’s time to make some positive changes in your life. The number 8 represents money, ambition, and boldness, so be fearless in your pursuit of success and happiness. The pay off is closer than you think! [10]
    • Love meaning: 08:08 may be a warning to stay guarded against people who seem too good to be true.
    • Associated angel: Nith-Haiah (symbolizing restraint, wisdom, benevolence, and intuition)
  10. This mirror number is a reminder of the value of helping others and volunteering . Make an effort to make a difference in your community or to reach out to those who are struggling (especially those who might not reach out for help themselves). In fact, many people might already see you as a role model because of your kind heart. [11]
    • Love meaning: You might meet somebody soon who helps you learn or understand something new about yourself.
    • Associated angel: Seheiah (symbolizing psychic abilities and spiritual and physical longevity)
  11. 10:10 is a sign that you’re on your way to enlightenment, or becoming the person you were meant to be. Self-confidence and good luck are coming your way, and you’ll soon find yourself on the path toward finding your higher purpose in life. This may even include a new and exciting romantic connection. [12]
    • Love meaning: You might meet and fall for somebody intensely soon. Your perspective on love or the world may be changed.
    • Associated angel: Lecabel (symbolizing success, recognition, and radiance)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 10:01 might mean your partner has been (or is being) disloyal.
  12. Lucky 11:11 hints that a new beginning is heading your way, but you may have to first go through a period of stress or anxiety. Focus on the positives in your life and give yourself plenty of time, space, and grace when making big decisions. Your period of stress will end soon! [13]
    • Love meaning: This mirror hour might mean you’ll fall madly in love with someone, but that they may not reciprocate your feelings.
    • Associated angel: Lehahiah (symbolizing luck, tranquility, and calming energy)
  13. 12:12 is a lucky time of day to pause and make a wish. It’s a time of ambition, so put your focus and intellect to work and make a plan for how to manifest your desires . [14] Maybe you’ll get inspired to send out the job application you've been sitting on or decide how to ask out your crush after being too nervous before.
    • Love meaning: 12:12 is a reminder that you have the power to shape your love life and happiness going forward. You’re not dependent on a partner for fulfillment.
    • Associated angel: Aniel (symbolizing bravery, sacred knowledge, and the Divine Breath)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 12:21 could be a sign that someone is gossiping or spreading rumors about you without your knowledge.
  14. This mirror hour is a sign that it’s time to make big changes in your life in order to let your dreams come true. The number 13 represents radical transformation; you might change jobs, start a relationship, move towns, or make any number of adjustments to your routines or lifestyle to inch closer toward success. [15]
    • Love meaning: If you’ve been wishing or hoping for something good to happen in your love life, your wish may be granted soon.
    • Associated angel: Yeiazel (symbolizing creative inspiration and mutually supportive relationships)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 13:31 may mean some negative energy is heading toward you in the near future.
  15. This mirror number suggests it’s time to toss everything that’s unhelpful to you and restore your self-confidence. If you see 14:14 frequently, you may be holding onto relationships, grudges, feelings, or habits that are holding you back from your true potential. You may feel frustrated now, but don’t give up—persistence and optimism will win the day. [16]
    • Love meaning: This number is encouragement not to give up after a romantic failure or misfortune. Things will get better in the future.
    • Associated angel: Veuliah (symbolizing abundance, progress, and success)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 14:41 could be a sign that your finances are negatively affecting your well-being.
  16. 15:15 is a hint that a period of intense passion is on the horizon. It may be a romantic, sensual, or sexual affair, or a time of great focus and energy in your creative or professional endeavors. Rest up and take care of your health so you have the energy to keep up with the demands of your fiery, exciting future. [17]
    • Love meaning: You might be realizing that a previous relationship might not be as over as you think it is.
    • Associated angel: Ariel (symbolizing spiritual gifts, achieving goals, and the pursuit of the ideal)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 15:51 is a sign that somebody may be dreaming about you.
  17. 16:16 is a clear sign that you may be filled with too much negativity. If you’re holding onto trauma, betrayal, or heartbreak because you fear the emotional impact of addressing it, now is the time to take a deep breath and put in the work to free yourself from tiring, unhealthy feelings. By radiating positivity , you’ll attract more positivity into your life. [18]
    • Love meaning: Someone might be thinking about you romantically, but it may be someone you don’t normally think of as a potential partner.
    • Associated angel: Vehuel (symbolizing notoriety, recognition, and wisdom)
  18. Your guardian angels are warning you about impending drama or conflict in one of your relationships. It may come on very suddenly or without warning. Rely on your compassion, inner strength, and creativity to find a solution to the issue and repair your relationship with your loved one. [19]
    • Love meaning: You may experience an argument or conflict in your relationship soon. Stay calm, compassionate, and honest to protect your partnership.
    • Associated angel: Imamiah (symbolizing patronage, honor, and respect for adversaries)
  19. This mirror number may mean that big disturbances in your life are forcing you to question what you thought you knew about yourself, the world, or what you want from life. Your thoughts might seem scattered, but the angels are reassuring you that you have the mental fortitude and clarity to organize your thoughts and find a way forward. [20]
    • Love meaning: Something important to you—like a personal project or career move—will soon take shape and have an impact on your love life.
    • Associated angel: Mebahiah (symbolizing enlightenment, imagination, and spiritual fulfillment)
  20. 19:19 is angelic guidance to be more patient and think before you act impulsively. Trust in the universe’s divine timing; patience is a virtue, after all! [21] While you may be frustrated with the pace of your progress toward your goals, your angels will guide you to success at the moment when it will benefit you the most.
    • Love meaning: This number is a reminder to stay patient with your partner (or while you look for a partner).
    • Associated angel: Yeialel (symbolizing healing, divination, and perseverance)
  21. 20:20 is a reminder not to rush through anything, whether it’s a decision, a project, or the start of a relationship. Instead, make yourself pause and listen to your intuition (your connection to the angels’ energy) for guidance. [22] Enjoy the journey you’re on without fixating on the destination (and rushing toward it).
    • Love meaning: If you feel love for someone, 20:20 may be affirmation that they love and are thinking about you too. Your future together can be happy and fulfilling.
    • Associated angel: Umabel (symbolizing independence, sociability, and divination)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 20:02 is a sign from the angels that somebody misses you.
  22. Success is coming your way soon! A big change in your professional, personal, or romantic life will open up new opportunities for you to pursue your goals and higher purpose in life. However, the angels want you to keep working for what you want. [23] The universe rewards acts of creation, and your effort will raise your vibrations and attract success even quicker.
    • Love meaning: Be confident in yourself and don’t give up on your romantic goals, whether it’s finding a partner or solving a problem in your current relationship.
    • Associated angel: Damabiah (symbolizing philanthropic success and the essence of life)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 21:12 is affirmation that your guardian angels are wishing you the best.
  23. This mirror hour is a message of encouragement from your guardian angels. You have the patience, talent, and determination to do great things, but you may not recognize your abilities right now. Stay the course and keep pursuing your dreams; you’re likely to become a role model for others working toward similar goals as you. [24]
    • Love meaning: You may be contacted soon by somebody with intense feelings for you.
    • Associated angel: Habuhiah (symbolizing fertility, health, and wealth)
  24. Mirror hour 23:23 is a reminder to believe in yourself and be independent while also collaborating with and listening to others. If you have a clear idea of what you want, your actions are bound to lead to success. [25] However, there’s nothing wrong with needing help or leaning on your loved ones from time to time for support or encouragement.
    • Love meaning: If you’re currently in a relationship, the angels are hinting that it will be a long-term, powerful, mutual love.
    • Associated angel: Haiaiel (symbolizing reassurance, boldness, and success over adversaries)
    • Reversed hour meaning: 23:32 is a sign that someone may be disloyal to you (currently or in the future).
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Section 2 of 6:

What are mirror numbers & how do they work?

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  1. For example, times like 10:10, 12:12, or 17:17 are mirror hours. Since there are 24 hours in a day, there are 24 mirror hours (from 00:00 (midnight) to 23:23 (11:23 p.m. in digital 24-hour time). These numbers are a type of angel number and are said to contain important messages from your guardian angels. [26]
    • Mirror numbers are also known as mirror hours, twin hours, or double hours.
  2. A synchronicity is the occurrence of two or more events that seem related to each other, even though there is no causal connection between them. In other words, it’s like a noticeable or important coincidence. For example, you might be thinking about making a major change in your life when you see 08:08 on the clock, which symbolizes life changes. [27]
    • These mirror numbers are placed in your path by your guardian angels to reassure you that you’re on the right path or to offer you guidance along your way.
    • Since synchronicities happen by chance, it’s not usually beneficial to watch the clock and wait to see a mirror hour.
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Section 4 of 6:

Mirror Numbers Twin Flames Meaning

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Section 5 of 6:

Mirror Hours Numerology Meaning

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  1. For example, since number 2 represents duality and balance, mirror number 02:02 is a sign to balance your needs with someone else’s in a partnership. Since each digit in a mirror number is reflected and appears twice, the energy of those numbers is doubled. [30]
    • Mirror numbers can also be reduced to a single digit which also contributes its vibrations to the overall message of the mirror number.
    • For example, in 02:02, 0+2+0+2=4, so the number 4 (representing stability and solid foundations) is also important to interpreting 02:02’s meaning.
    • If a mirror number reduces to a double digit number (for example, 17:17 reducing to 16), continue reducing until you get a single digit (1+6=7).
    • The exception is when a mirror number reduces to a Master Number ( 11 , 22 , or 33 ). In that case, do not reduce any further.
Section 6 of 6:

What to Do When You See a Mirror Hour

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  1. Reflect or meditate on what needs to change in your life. Angel numbers or mirror hours find you when you’re on the brink of success or in danger of falling off the right path. In either case, the universe is asking you to adjust to stay on track. Maybe you’re close to your goal and just need to be more optimistic, or perhaps you have a draining relationship to cut off before you can make progress.
    • Set aside some alone time to think about what you want in life and how you can get it. What’s standing in your way that you need to address?
    • Stay open-minded about opportunities for growth and change. You never know what the route to success looks like until you’re on it! [31]
    • Think about the bigger meaning behind the changes you’re making. For example, are you cutting back on drinking just to save calories and money, or is it so you have more time and energy to devote to your creative goals?
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