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Find out why this anime genre is so controversial
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The word netorare (often abbreviated to NTR) refers to an anime genre that involves cheating that’s often sexual in nature. In netorare anime, the main character’s partner often cheats on them, both voluntarily and involuntarily, which serves as the crux for the story. In this article, we explore why the netorare genre is problematic, dive into how it is portrayed in anime, and more.

What does netorare mean in Japanese?

Netorare refers to a genre of anime/manga that explores the feelings that come with an affair. Netorare tells the story from the perspective of someone getting cheated on, who deals with feelings of sadness, depression, and despair as a result. The genre is also popular in pornographic hentai.

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What does netorare mean?

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  1. The term is used to describe a genre of Japanese media that involves someone cheating on their partner, either on their own accord or through means of coercion. The cheating is often sexual in nature and sometimes the sex is non-consensual. The main character is the one getting cheated on and typically finds out over the course of the story. In some cases, the person cheating grows to enjoy the experience. [1]
    • Ne means to sleep with someone. Torare means to have something stolen.
    • Netorare is often loosely translated to “cuckold,” which refers to a person whose partner regularly cheats on them.
    • The use of “NTR” as a slang abbreviation started popping up on the internet as early as 2001 when a forum user coined the term to shorten netorare. [2]
    • Netorare is a Japanese word that translates to “to be taken off.”
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How is netorare used in anime & manga?

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  1. Netorare is used to explore the dark feelings that come with affairs. Netorare (or NTR) typically explores the dark feelings that come with affairs from the perspective of the person who was cheated on. They are often extremely heartbroken, caught off guard, and filled with feelings of devastation due to the intimate nature of the cheating. Despite the dark, explicit nature of the genre, it is still enjoyed by anime watchers who like diving into the feelings that come with cheating. [3]
    • The main character’s reaction to the cheating ranges from indifference to volatile sadness, frustration, and disgust.
    • The cheating is usually sexual in nature, but not always. Sometimes the sex is non-consensual, which makes many viewers uncomfortable.
    • In some netorare, the cheater’s feelings are explored, too. Some feel guilty, while others feel like the cheating is warranted.
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Examples of Netorare Anime and Manga

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  1. 1
    Triangle Blue Triangle Blue is arguably the most infamous netorare anime. It is a hallmark of the genre. It follows a boy named Asato, who starts dating a girl named Akane after high school. The two run into issues with their love life, which are made worse after Akane gets into an accident that pushes them to make their relationship work. Unfortunately, in the process of the two trying to improve for the sake of the relationship, Asato loses Akane to various men close to them. [4]
  2. 2
    High School Debut High School Debut is a manga that follows a girl named Haruna Nagashima. After trying and failing to get the attention of other guys, Nagashima recruits a boy named Yoh Komiyama to help her become more appealing. Throughout the manga, the two fall in love and face obstacles like other guys and Yoh’s ex-girlfriend, all of whom echo the netorare sentiment of taking someone for themselves. [5]
  3. 3
    Rumbling Hearts The Rumbling Hearts anime follows Takayuki Narumi, a male high school student who is set up with Haruka Suzumiya. As the relationship begins, it’s already strained, which is amplified when Haruka gets into an accident. After the accident, Haruka is left in a hospital while Takayuki develops a relationship with another woman who takes care of him after the accident, even though he’s thinking about Haruka the whole time. Talk about netorare! [6]
  4. 4
    White Album 2 The White Album 2 anime follows Haruki Kitahara as he navigates high school. As he dives into his interest in the guitar, he meets fellow musicians Ogiso Setsuna and Toma Kazusa, who become his two love interests. Over the course of this netorare, relationships rise and crumble through cheating and mistrust, making for a gut-wrenching watch. [7]
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Why is netorare problematic?

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  1. Netorare promotes infidelity, non-consensual sex, and plays on power dynamics. Despite the cheater going on to enjoy the unfaithful act, netorare is still problematic because it plays on power dynamics, as the person cheating is often considered weak and tends to be humiliated. It also normalizes infidelity and sexualizes non-consensual activities. The act of getting someone to cheat with you against their will is wrong, especially when mind control or coercion are utilized, as the person is unable to consent. [8]
    • Even though some people enjoy it for the intensity and shock value, many still consider it wrong and believe it crosses boundaries.
    • Netorare is a popular genre of pornography/hentai, but is less liked by anime and manga fans.
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What is the opposite of netorare?

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  1. The opposite of netorare is netori. While netorare involves the main character getting cheated on, netori involves the main character taking the love interest of the antagonist and getting them to cheat on their partner. Both genres involve taking coercive measures to steal someone’s partner, making them both extremely controversial.
    • Netori is also abbreviated as NTR (just like netorare), which can be a bit confusing. [9]
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Similar & Related Genres

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  1. The harem genre consists of anime that follow a male main character who is surrounded by women who often compete for his attention in an attempt to court him. When done right, this trope leads to comedic hijinks. But, harem can be problematic when it reduces the women to one-dimensional love interests without character depth. Some examples of harem include: [10]
    • Rosario + Vampire
    • Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls
    • Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
    • Nagasarete Airanto
  2. 2
    Josei Josei is a genre of anime that explores relationships, keeping up with bills, caring for children, and growth over time. Josei is characterized by its grounded exploration of romance, sentimentality, and the harsh realities of life. It is typically marketed towards women. Some examples of Josei include: [11]
    • Pet Shop of Horrors
    • Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits
    • Paradise Kiss
    • Princess Jellyfish
  3. Hentai is a genre of media that depicts anime and cartoon characters in sexual situations. Hentai is an adult-oriented genre, and like other types of pornography, should only be consumed by adults who are 18 or older. [12]
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