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How your Scorpio north node guides you on your spiritual journey
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Does it feel like you’re constantly trying to dig deeper, emotionally, spiritually, and creatively? Do you have a hard time letting go of money and trusting that things will work out? If so, chances are you have a north node in Scorpio and a south node in Taurus. Our north nodes are like astrological compasses that guide us on our life’s journey, while our south nodes show us what we’ve learned from previous lives. In this article, we’ll break down how a north node Scorpio/south node Taurus manifests and offer advice on how to use these placements to live your best life.

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • If you have Scorpio north node, your life purpose is prioritizing spiritual fulfillment over material wealth. Focus on emotional needs over financial gain.
  • Scorpio north nodes are very empathetic but have a hard time letting go. Learn to forgive by allowing yourself to feel betrayed, then releasing those feelings.
  • Improve your romantic relationships as a Scorpio north node by communicating the moments you feel vulnerable with your loved ones instead of holding them in.
Section 1 of 6:

What does it mean to have a north node in Scorpio?

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  1. Since Scorpio rules over the 8th house of transformation, having Scorpio placements means you have an exceptional ability to morph your personality and connect with whomever you’re talking to. However, since Scorpio is fixed (immovable, stubborn), you also have a hard time letting go. Having a north node in Scorpio means your life journey is all about learning to accept that change is constant. Loosen your more rigid expectations and allow flexibility in your schedule and personal relationships. [1]
    • A Scorpio north node means you’re strong-willed and gentle. However, you have a flair for drama and struggle with life’s unpredictability.
    • When looking at an astrology chart , you’ll see that all signs exist on an axis. Therefore, every north node has an equal and opposite south node. Scorpio and Taurus exist on the same axis, so if you have a Scorpio north node, you’ll always have a Taurus south node, and vice versa.
    • Famous people with their north nodes in Aries include Reese Witherspoon, Walt Disney, and Edgar Allan Poe.
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What does it mean to have a south node in Taurus?

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  1. As an Earth sign ruled by Venus (the planet of luxury), Taurus placements love stuff. You thrive most when you’re financially comfortable and surrounded by material goods: nice clothes, expensive homes, savory foods. But remember: south nodes represent where we’ve already been. You’ve already learned the value of the material world. Your current life journey is about getting comfortable leaving luxury behind.
    • Sacrifice the long hours you might spend at work to make money and spend that time learning more about abstract concepts like philosophy, creativity, and faith.
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Personality Traits of Scorpio North Nodes

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  1. As a water sign, Scorpio placements have an endless well of compassion and can relate to just about anybody. You’re gentle and understanding; however, you expect this same energy from your loved ones. Whenever you’re met with hostility or coldness, the scorpion that represents you comes out, and you can sting with jealousy.
    • You can overcome your jealousy by learning to communicate your feelings with your loved ones. Rather than letting that resentment bubble, say when someone has hurt you or failed to meet your expectations.
    • You might say “I feel like I’ve made a concerted effort not to judge you, even if we disagree. It made me sad when you insulted my character by calling me hypocritical and overdramatic.”
  2. As a fixed sign (which represents obstinance in astrology), Scorpio placements are extremely stubborn. The good news: this means you refuse to quit. You’ll often strive for perfection, and see projects and relationships through to the very end. However, you also may struggle to let go and recognize when something isn’t worth clinging to.
    • Learn to let go by avoiding judgment of painful feelings. Saying goodbye to someone or something can make you sad, disappointed, or angry. Acknowledge that these emotions are all healthy and feel them in full force.
    • It can help to affirm your feelings out loud. You might say “I’m hurt and that’s okay” or “The frustration that I feel is good for my self-esteem.”
    • Also, consider finding a creative hobby that allows you to express your pain constructively. Consider taking up singing, painting, or dancing.
  3. Scorpio placements get a bad rep for being manipulative, but the truth is you’re just highly intuitive and know how to get what you want. Ruled by Pluto (the planet of truth), you can see people’s true personalities easily. You then use this information to determine how to interact with each person in a way that makes both of you happy. [2]
  4. Ruling over the house of transformation, Scorpio placements are incredibly flexible. You’re great at thinking on your feet and coming up with new ideas on the fly. However, you may have a tough time trusting how versatile you truly are. Pluto is a fairly pessimistic planet, so it’s common for Scorpios (especially Scorpio north nodes) to struggle with hope. Trust that things will work out for you; you’re one of the most resilient signs in the zodiac! [3]
    • Try building your confidence by saying a positive affirmation a few times a day. While it may feel silly at first, repeating “I am capable” or “I am strong and things tend to go my way” can help slowly build your trust in your abilities.
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Lessons for Love & Relationships

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  1. South nodes symbolize where we’re most comfortable, and Taurus placements are most comfortable bottling their feelings up. While learning to compartmentalize can be healthy, meaningful relationships can’t develop if you don’t express how you feel openly. If you’re a Taurus south node, sit down with your loved ones regularly and talk about how you feel.
    • To improve your communication as a Scorpio north node, use “I feel” or me statements, and be specific if you’re trying to resolve a problem. [4]
    • For example, instead of saying “You were acting like a jerk” which is vague and unhelpful, you might say “I feel disrespected when you ignore me.” This way, you’re expressing yourself, taking emotional responsibility, and giving the other person something clear that they can fix.
  2. If you have a Scorpio north node, you’re likely not super comfortable being vulnerable, so you may test people’s commitment to you to ensure you won’t get hurt. Couple this with a Taurus south node (which hates giving up security) and you might put walls up entirely. These walls protect you, but they also inhibit your ability to build meaningful relationships. Recognize that love won’t be fully reciprocal all the time and learn to forgive people when they disappoint you. [5]
    • Loving unconditionally is about learning to love without expectations. Instead of imagining a perfect scenario for how you think you should be treated and comparing people to this ideal, recognize how you feel in the moment. As long as you feel happy, safe, and respected, what else matters?
  3. If you have strong Scorpio placements, your fixed energy means you’re unlikely to forget (and even less likely to forgive) when someone has wronged you. But building meaningful connections is about accepting your loved ones, mistakes, and all. Tap into your incredible empathy to understand why they may have messed up. Try writing down any reasons they may have had for their actions and see if you can understand what went wrong.
    • You can also release your grudges by finding physical ways to get rid of your negative feelings. Scorpio is ruled by Mars (the planet of aggression) so you’ll likely feel right at home getting your emotions out via kickboxing, paintballing, or just plain breaking stuff (in a safe and controlled environment, of course).
  4. The Scorpio-Taurus axis deals heavily with control, so both signs feel a tremendous responsibility for other people’s feelings. If you have either of these placements, you often push people away, because you feel like only you know how to truly help yourself. If you’re a Scorpio north node, allow others to take over once in a while. Allowing your loved ones to show up for you every now and then will increase your bond and create a more fulfilling connection.
    • When it comes to accepting help, start small. If someone offers to take care of a simple chore or work task, let them. Once they’ve proven they follow through, you can trust them to handle heavier, more pressing issues later down the line.
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Lessons for Career & Money

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  1. Taurus is already one of the most hardworking and financially secure placements out there. With a Taurus south node, you’ve already mastered the discipline and skills necessary to generate income when you need it. This life is about learning to find success in other areas like personal relationships and spiritual fulfillment. Make enough money to pursue these interests, but don’t prioritize your career over creativity or joy. [6]
    • If you’re a Scorpio north node, it can help to set a budget for absolute necessities and hobbies. Once you’ve figured out exactly how much income you need to maintain both, find a job that pays that much.
    • Try to avoid taking jobs that pay more than you need since you’ll likely have to invest more hours and energy in them.
  2. Scorpio north nodes are meticulous. Odds are, you have a history of investing long hours to make sure a project is just right. But remember: with this placement, you weren’t necessarily put on this planet to work. You’ll find more fulfillment by creating a fun, flourishing personal life than by climbing up your career ladder. Accept that satisfactory is more than enough, and avoid taking work projects home with you. [7]
    • It can help to create a ritual that transitions you from your work life to your personal life each day. Consider changing out of your work clothes as soon as you get home, or playing some music that you wouldn’t play on the clock.
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Section 6 of 6:

Scorpio North Node in Different Houses

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  1. When you were born, the placement of every planet fell within the boundaries of a specific astrological house. Each of the 12 houses rules a unique part of your soul and karmic journey, and the house placement of your north node varies from person to person. [8]
    • North nodes and south nodes exist on the same axis, so wherever your north node is in the 12 houses, your south node will always be 6 houses away.
    • You can find your north node and what house your north node is in using a birth chart app like https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php . Have your exact birth time handy before calculating, since your ascendant (or rising) sign (determined by birth time) governs the rest of your house placements.
  2. If your Scorpio north node falls in the First House of identity, your journey is all about trusting your intuition . Learn to rely less on logic and use your gut instincts to guide you forward. Listen to your body and what physically feels right or wrong. Tuning out external influences can help provide more clarity about who you are. [9]
    • An easy way to trust your gut is to do regular body check-ins before/after major decisions. Pay attention to your breathing, heart rate, and overall mood. If any of these feel irregular, your subconscious may be telling you something.
  3. The Second House rules over material goods and earthly pleasure. If you have a south node in Taurus, you’ve already mastered the first part of this house in a past life. Expand your knowledge by learning to create a comfort zone from within instead of relying on external things to make yourself feel at home.
  4. Since the Third House rules over communication, the theme of learning to communicate effectively is amplified. If you’re a Scorpio north node, start expressing your feelings more openly. The more you share, the more clarity you’ll have over how you interact with the world.
    • It can also help to keep a journal or write your feelings down as you feel them, so you have time to process.
  5. Scorpio north nodes may struggle in the Fourth House , despite it being a water-driven placement. Governing the home and intimate relationships, the Fourth House is all about learning not to care what others think of you . Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself and avoid letting criticisms take up space in your mind for more than a few minutes each day.
    • Remember: most times, people are too worried about themselves to have a bad opinion of you. We’re usually our own worst enemies when it comes to overthinking.
    • Try spinning your extraordinary empathy and desire to please others into positive action. Spend time volunteering, teaching, or helping your loved ones with day-to-day activities.
  6. With a south node in Taurus, you likely appreciate pragmatism and security, but the Fifth House is all about taking risks. Ruled by Leo, the Fifth House covers creativity and pleasure so this placement is all about expanding your comfort zone, making a fool of yourself, and doing things just because they feel good, even if they have no end goal. Stop focusing on what’s going to happen later down the line and practice gratitude for the present .
    • Try giving yourself a new task each day that you wouldn’t normally do. Start small (strike up a conversation with a stranger, take the scenic route to work). Then, increase the scope once you get more comfortable taking risks (go skydiving, plan a spontaneous weekend getaway, etc).
  7. The Sixth House rules health, in every sense of the world: physical, mental, spiritual. It’s all about learning to release your Plutonian sense of pessimism and quitting the victim mentality. Instead, practice positive thinking and recognize that self-doubt and shame don’t serve you. Practice physical and emotional self-care to keep negative thoughts at bay. Being realistic yet optimistic is a form of medicine.
    • Eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, and get 7-8 hours of sleep a night to promote physical health.
    • Find a hobby, spend time with friends, and treat yourself to a gift once a week to promote emotional health.
  8. If your Scorpio north node falls in the Seventh House , learn to accept people for who they are, instead of who you think they can become. While your watery passion always sees the best in people, avoid idealizing them and set more realistic expectations for their impact on your life.
    • A lot of issues with expectation are really issues with communication. Be clear and specific in what you want from your loved ones, rather than expecting them to intuit your needs on their own.
    • For example, you might say “I need words of affirmation whenever I’m feeling down. Telling me something you like about me daily would make me feel loved” or “I need your full attention when I talk to you. I know you’re busy, but could you please put your phone down?”
  9. The Eighth House is a great spot for a Scorpio north node since Scorpio rules over this placement. Covering sex and aggression, the Eighth House is all about unconditional love and mutual understanding. Use your empathy to get in touch with other people’s needs, and try to meet these needs without asking for anything in return. Learning to help for the sake of helping can help you release your need for power and control.
    • Try performing one act of unconditional generosity per day. It can be small (helping someone bag their groceries, complimenting a stranger) or large (giving a $100 tip to your server) as you like.
  10. Get in touch with your spiritual side if you have a Scorpio north node in the Ninth House . Ruling over travel and faith, expand your horizons physically and spiritually. Travel somewhere new, read up on new religions, and learn to practice a philosophy that makes you feel whole.
    • Try going to different religious services. The more you understand about different faiths, the more you’ll be able to discover your own spiritual truth.
  11. The Tenth House is a unique and dichotomous placement for a Scorpio north node. It rules over your career, which may seem counterintuitive to your spiritual goals. However, this position is all about combining a love of life with a love of work rather than choosing one or the other. Find a career or job that you truly enjoy , and don’t worry about the money. As the saying goes, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.”
    • When choosing your career, prioritize fulfillment over salary. Make enough money to get by but don’t worry about more pragmatic job concerns like upward mobility or growth. Ask yourself “Does this job make me happy?” If it does, stick with it. If it doesn’t, find another.
  12. If you have an Eleventh House placement, get in touch with your inner humanitarian. This house rules over friendships and community, so this position is all about accepting love from others and using your talents to benefit the world as a whole. Learn to collaborate and, rather than feeling guilty for accepting help, find ways you can pay it forward by helping others.
    • Recognize that you can’t accomplish any goal alone. Spend time connecting with like-minded people who you enjoy working with. Once you have a team you like, start a passion project together.
  13. The Twelfth House is a powerful position for Scorpio north nodes. Ruling over death and transformation, this position is meant to teach you that nothing is set-in-stone. Release grudges and expectations, and recognize that a lot of life is outside of your control (and that’s exciting in its own right). Practice a more flexible attitude by praising effort rather than results and challenging defensive language.
    • For example, instead of saying “I can’t do this because…” you might shift the framing to “I can do this if…”
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