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It happens to people of all ages, all shapes and sizes: you're just not comfortable being seen naked. And that's okay--it's your body, and it's up to you who sees it. Whether you want to cover up while getting more comfortable with your sexual partner, or if you're anxious about sharing space in a communal shower, there are ways to keep your private parts private.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Avoiding Being Seen Naked By Your Partner

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  1. Feeling self-conscious about your tummy? Try a corset to cinch your waist and push up your breasts, or a babydoll top for coverage and support. The important thing is to find something you like that highlights your best assets. [1]
    • Branch out beyond the usual lingerie styles, too. Consider burlesque-inspired, tomboy, and indie designers for new takes on sexy underthings. [2]
    • Costumes and role-playing may also help you stay covered while ramping up your bedroom activities.
  2. It's helpful if your partner can come to your house, so you can feel a little less anxious and have more control over the environment. While you can simply turn the lights off, you may want to try a few candles or installing a dimmer switch. Low lighting is more flattering, and you and your partner can see enough of each other to feel intimate and connected. [3]
    • Use soft light bulbs in the bedroom, which can also provide more flattering light.
    • If you're having sex in the morning, wait to open the blinds or curtains, and leave the lights off. It may still be dark enough for you to feel comfortable.
  3. Leave your bra, tank top, or t-shirt on. Or keep your skirt on but nothing else. Or even slip into your partner's shirt. Covering up a little can help make you feel comfortable enough that you still enjoy yourself. [4]
    • Some types of sex are perfect for staying clothed. If you initiate a sudden, passionate "quickie," you may not even have time to get your clothes off.
  4. If you're self-conscious about getting up to use the bathroom, keep a nice, fluffy robe within reach of your bed. If you don't have a robe available, pull a sheet or blanket off the bed and wear it under your arms like a towel.
    • This is another opportunity for you to pop on your partner's shirt, especially if he or she is a little larger than you are or about the same size.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Avoiding Nudity in a Communal Shower

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  1. If you haven't worked up a major sweat, a disinfectant wipe may be sufficient to clean yourself. [5] Some schools are even handing these out to students in gym class instead of showering. Just bring a pack in your gym bag and wipe down your armpits and other smelly areas.
    • If you're self-conscious about this, you can wipe yourself down in a bathroom stall.
  2. Stop at your locker to pick up a towel. You can secure the towel around your waist and then slip out of your pants. Remove your shirt next and quickly slide the towel up under your armpits if you want to cover your chest.
    • You can bring your towel into a bathroom stall and change out of your clothes in the stall. Then emerge already wearing the towel and no one will have seen you change.
  3. If you're going to a neighborhood gym, try not to go during peak hours. During lunch or right after work, there's bound to be tons of people at the gym, and so it's more likely the locker room (and showers) will be crowded. Ask a trainer or the person at the desk when the gym is least crowded, then try to fit your work out in during those hours.
    • If you're in gym class and trying to avoid showering with your classmates, talk to your teacher and ask if you may shower after everyone else has done so.
    • You can also try to wait the other students out, taking your time so that most other people are finished showering by the time you are ready.
  4. If your school insists on students showering after gym class, talk to a school administrator and see if you can take gym during final period. It will be much easier to talk your teacher or coach into letting you skip the shower if you assure them that you're going to rinse off when you get home.
    • Part of the reason your school wants you to shower is that if students don't clean off after exercising, they may spread serious diseases like MRSA. [6] If you're going straight home after gym, however, the chances of that are slim.
  5. If you are experiencing bullying or terrible anxiety because you have to shower at school, ask your parents to write a note to your teacher. You may have to meet with your gym teacher or a guidance counselor, with or without your parents, but if the situation is severe, you may be excused.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Overcoming Shyness About Nudity

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  1. It sounds weird, but when you think about it, most people only spend a few minutes a day in the buff. You can't get better or more at ease with something if you don't practice. Lock your door and add five minutes of nudity to your morning ritual.
    • If you're a someone who wears makeup, delay getting dressed while you apply your makeup.
    • Do something that makes you feel good and pampered while you're having naked time. Rub a nice-smelling lotion all over your body, brush through your hair, even close your eyes and meditate. [7] You want to start creating a positive connection with being naked.
  2. Do you like to dance? Swim? Practice yoga or hike? People who exercise for fun improve their self image while improving their bodies. [8] If you hate running, don't hit the treadmill! Try a Zumba dance class or playing a sport instead.
    • Focus on making your body strong and capable, and not on how it looks.
  3. For some, you may have to go all the way back to childhood, but try to remember a time when you weren't self-conscious about your body. [9] Try to find a picture of yourself from that time and refer to it when you need a reminder that you don't need to be so hard on yourself.
    • Even if you had a rough childhood, focus on the fact that you had enough strength to survive it and make it to where you are today. [10]
  4. If you're terribly self-conscious about your partner seeing you naked because you think they'll lose interest, think again. Your partner isn't checking out your stretch marks or cellulite. You partner isn't thinking you're to big or skinny. They're just psyched to be getting naked with you!
    • Focus on being present with your partner. Instead of tearing yourself down, allow yourself to feel and enjoy the moment.
    • Your partner has their own insecurities and imperfections, but does that stop you from loving them or wanting to be intimate with them? Try to remember how good and generous feel toward them, and imagine that they feel the same way about you .
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • If you love being in the buff, unless you live with someone else, every time you decide to get in the nude, be sure to leave no clothing at all on. Be absolutely, completely naked (while still being hygienic). Nothing: not bras, not underwear, nothing. This will help you appreciate all of your body and help you feel more comfortable in the nude.
      • To boost your nude confidence, try to put on makeup or style your hair or do something else that makes you feel confident and attractive.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you’re not comfortable with people seeing you naked, there are easy ways to keep your body hidden. If you’re worried about being seen naked in communal showers, use disinfectant wipes to clean yourself instead. You can do this in a bathroom stall if you don’t want people seeing you wipe yourself. Alternatively, wear a towel to and from the shower stall. If you’re worried about your partner seeing you naked, don’t undress in front of them. Alternatively, wear undergarments or lingerie under your clothes to cover your skin. You can also keep a bathrobe or towel by the bed so you can cover yourself when you go to the bathroom. For more tips, including how to overcome your shyness about being naked, read on.

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