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High school is a very crucial time in your life. You are transitioning from middle school to high school, and it can be a very tough time. You need to work hard from day one to pass high school and be prepared to go to college. The choices you make in high school can affect you for the rest of your life, so it is important that you succeed.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Developing Effective Study Skills

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  1. Being honest about ourselves can be hard, but to be successful, you need to understand where your strengths and weaknesses are. Understanding your current study habits can help you emphasize your strengths and work on improving your weaknesses, which will help you if you are struggling in a specific area.
    • Start asking yourself questions about your study habits. Are you a good note taker? Are you good at memorizing facts? Are you good at writing essays? Are you good at reading but not math? Are you horrible at multiple choice tests?
  2. Every person learns differently. Some people learn by reading while others are more hands-on. Learning styles influence the way we learn and recall information. Understanding which learning styles you possess can help you be more effective in the classroom. [1] There are seven learning styles:
    • Visual (spatial): You are a visual learner, respond well to pictures and images, and use spatial understanding.
    • Aural (auditory-musical): You learn well with sound and music.
    • Verbal (linguistic): You learn by using words, both spoken and written.
    • Physical (kinesthetic): You are a hands-on learner. You learn through your body, by using your hands and sense of touch.
    • Logical (mathematical): You respond to and learn through logic and reasoning.
    • Social (interpersonal): You learn best when you with other people.
    • Solitary (intrapersonal): You learn best when alone. [2]
    • To discover your own learning style profile, try an online questionnaire like the one here or here . Once you have determined your particular learning style, you can start tailoring your academic habits to enhance learning .
  3. Organization includes many different things. Come prepared to your classes: bring the textbook, a notebook or notebook paper, pens or pencils, highlighters, notecards. Having all the materials not only makes things easier for you, but it leaves a good impression on your teachers.
    • Keep a separate folder for each class. These folders should hold homework, tests, quizzes, notes, handouts, and any other course related material. Use dividers to keep your work separated by type so it's easy to find.
  4. Even if your teacher doesn't make you take notes, writing down the main ideas, formulas, key words, and definitions from your teachers' lessons can improve your learning of the material. Write down questions about things your teacher says so you don't forget to ask later. [3]
    • Make your notes clear and readable. Messy notes can lead to confusion and frustration later on. Also, make sure to be accurate.
    • Don't jot everything down word for word. Instead, write down key concepts and key words or phrases. Jot down the term and go look it up at home later that night to define if you are having trouble keeping up with your teacher's lecture. Develop your own short-hand that will help you take notes faster and more efficiently.
    • Organize your notes. Date them and keep them in a notebook. Have a separate notebook for each class, or use dividers to keep your notes for each class separate. [4]
    • Review your notes each night. Taking good notes and never looking at them doesn't help you. Set aside a few minutes each night to read over your notes. Make questions about things you are confused about so you can ask your teacher in your next class. Refer to your textbook about anything that may need expanding. Use this time to start internalizing the information - it's never too early to start studying for your test!
    • Students who are serious about taking good notes in class are more likely to come to class prepared, and they are less likely to get distracted in class.
  5. One key to succeeding in school or at a job is learning to meet deadlines. Make sure you turn in all your assignments on time. Some classes will have a semester schedule with all the major assignments listed. In other classes, teachers will give you a weekly schedule, or announce assignments as the semester progresses.
    • Buy a planner or calendar to keep track of all your homework assignments, essay due dates, and the dates of major tests. Many cell phones have calendar apps that you can plug your weekly and monthly schedule into. These apps have the option of adding comments to the scheduled task, and you can even set reminder alarms so you don't forget.
    • Don't just schedule your assignments. High school is a busy time, filled with jobs, extracurricular activities, and social engagements. Put all those things into your calendar so you have an accurate view of your weekly commitments.
  6. Think about where and when you study best. Do you study better in a quiet library or a noisy coffee shop? Do you like sitting at a desk or can you effectively study on your bed without falling asleep? Do you like to study alone or in a group? Do you do better when listening to music? The answers to these questions can help you find the ideal study space for you.
    • Make sure your study space is comfortable. A rigid chair at an empty table in a quiet room doesn't have to be your study space. [5] But your study space needs to be free of distractions, and separate from the places where you do most of your lounging and relaxation.
  7. Time management skills are a key part of any successful academic career. Set aside time each day for doing your homework and studying. At this stage in your life, school needs to come first in order for you to succeed.
    • Review your notes every day. Research has shown that reviewing material within 24 hours of learning it helps retention by 60%.
    • Schedule study time each week. Look at your weekly schedule, and pencil in study times throughout the week. Try to schedule study blocks for the same time every day and every week. This forms it into a habit that you will be less likely to break.
    • Don't put off studying. The worst thing you can do is put off your academic work. Our lives are filled with distractions that are more fun than studying - from video games to sports to friends - but remember to keep on task. Remember to study on the weekends, too. A few minutes reviewing your notes will make a huge difference come test day.
    • Study hard. One key to passing high school is not just simply getting by, but learning. Studying is essential to your success.
  8. Setting goals for yourself can help you feel accomplished. Reward yourself when you meet milestones or small goals. Even if some goals are taking longer than you anticipated, always reward yourself when your efforts pay off.
    • Start with large goals. What do you want to achieve during high school? What do you want to accomplish before this year is out? After you have listed your goals, come up with a few ways you can accomplish these goals.
    • Make mini goals. After deciding on your large goals, start setting smaller goals for yourself. What do you want to accomplish this week? Tonight? Even sitting down with your homework and asking yourself, "What do I hope to have done by the end of my study session?" can help you stay on task and be successful.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Preparing to Take Tests

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  1. Before you begin to study for an exam, you need to have taken good notes in class. Listen to what your teacher says closely. Many times, teachers will drop clues to what will be covered on the test. These hints can range from going over the information multiple times, using words like "important" or "key" when covering an idea, to even saying, "This will be on the exam."
    • Write down everything you think is important. The more you write down during class, the better prepared you will be for the test.
    • Review your notes each day. Don't cram. Waiting until the night before an exam only hurts you. Cramming will sometimes give you a passing grade, but it is not an effective, reliable study method. Students who study consistently, but in shorter amounts of time, do better in school. [6] To avoid cramming, read your notes daily so you learn the information as you go along.
  2. Even if the teacher gives you one, make your own outline for the information covered on the test. Include the main concepts and ideas that will be covered on the test. Include examples, definitions, formulas, and other pertinent information.
    • Make your own questions to test yourself. If you know there will be an essay on the test, then come up with essay questions and answers. Study with another student in the class and ask each other questions about the material.
    • Make flashcards. Place definitions, concepts, themes, dates, and formulas on flashcards to quiz yourself.
    • Reword concepts on your study guide. Many teachers ask information in different ways to see how well your synthesis of the material is. Think of other ways questions might be asked or another way a concept could be presented on the exam.
  3. You should never ignore the information until the date of the exam. You should review the information daily and weekly to begin committing it to memory and begin fully understanding the information. [7]
    • As the exam date approaches, allot more time for studying that subject. You may need some additional time to brush up on certain ideas or do a more comprehensive look at the material.
  4. Don't wait until the last minute to study for a test. When you know a test is coming up, start studying for it a week before the exam date.
    • Don't wait on the teacher to give you a study guide to begin studying. Reread the chapter, review your notes, learn definitions and formulas.
  5. Don't stay up all night before an exam. If you are tired, you will not do well. Get a good night's sleep, eat a nutritious breakfast and lunch, and come to class early. [8]
    • Coming to class on time also ensures that you are not late to the exam. If the teacher gives any tips, flash reviews, or provides additional information, you will be in class to hear it.
  6. A common mistake students make is not reading the instructions or the questions carefully, and then making errors on the test. Take your time as you take the test. Read the directions for each section, then read each question. Ask your teacher if you are unclear about a question on the test.
  7. When you take a test, you neither want to rush or work too slow. Think about how long you have to finish, the number of questions, and the types of questions.
    • You may want to tackle difficult or long sections first. If an essay is worth 1/4 of your overall test grade, you might want to write that first. Another strategy is to answer easy questions, saving questions you are unsure about for last.
  8. Many times, our initial impressions are correct, but then we second-guess ourselves until we write down the wrong answer. If you have a gut reaction to a question, then trust that instinct.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Being a Good Student Inside the Classroom

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  1. High school is the time when you start discovering things about yourself. During the first two years of high school, begin understanding what your interests are, what your aspirations are, and what your future career plans might be. [9]
  2. Engaging in your classes helps you in a variety of ways. You get more out of your classes by participating, and you build better relationships with your teachers, which can help you in many ways in the long run.
    • Stay awake in class and pay attention. Don't sleep in class or text your friends if you are bored.
    • Sit in the middle of the room or towards the front. Sitting closer to the board and the teacher will help you focus and deter you from getting distracted by things like your cellphone, classmates, and letting your mind wander to other things.
  3. Don't worry about looking stupid in front of your class; raise your hand and ask the question. If you are struggling with something in class or from your homework, don't sit there confused.
    • Answer questions when your teacher asks them. Do not be afraid to give the wrong answer; no one is right all the time.
    • Participate in the class discussion. Use the main ideas, key words, and ideas you discovered in your readings or the class lessons. Offer insight or ideas when the teacher opens the class to student input.
  4. Each school has a list of required classes that students must complete to graduate. This includes a certain number of classes of language arts, math, foreign languages, and even humanities. During your freshman year, find out what classes are required. Ask your teacher or guidance counselor for help on figuring out graduation requirements.
  5. Attendance is important. Every day you miss school, you are falling behind in the work in your classes. Regular attendance is essential for staying engaged in your classes.
    • Most schools have an attendance policy. If you miss too many days, you may negatively impact your grade in classes or your graduation eligibility.
    • Do miss school if you are very sick, like running a fever, vomiting, or have other medical issues. [10]
    • If you are arriving late to school because of lack of sleep, adjust your sleep schedule. A consistent sleep schedule will not only help your attendance, but also help you be more alert and engaged in class, and make it easier to learn.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Finding the Help You Need

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  1. Your guidance counselor might be the most important person you will meet during your high school career. Guidance counselors offer you valuable information that can ease your navigation through school and get you on the right track from day one.
    • Guidance counselors know all the classes you have to take to graduate. This is especially important as you plan each year's class load. Every school has certain classes each student must take, and if you are confused about how to fulfill your requirements, the guidance counselor can help you.
    • If you want to go to a certain kind of college for a specific major, your guidance counselor can help you figure out what classes and extra-curricular activity will look best on your college applications. They can also help you figure out which classes will challenge you as you prepare for a college education.
    • Guidance counselors are an essential resource for students with learning disabilities. They can work with you and your teachers to find the right accommodations for you. They can also help you with your college goals, including finding scholarships for students with disabilities.
    • Guidance counselors can also help you if you are struggling with your classes. But academic help is not the only thing they can help you with. If you're struggling with something in your personal life, if you're feeling depressed, or if you're being bullied, counselors can be a person you can talk to.
    • Meet with your counselor during your freshman year. Let them know your interests and your goals. If you're unsure about what you want to do, let them know that so they can help you. It's never too late to meet with your counselor, even if you're a senior. [11]
  2. Getting to know your teachers can be beneficial in many ways. Talking to your teacher can help you be more comfortable in your class, which can in turn make you more successful in the class.
    • Go to your teacher if you are struggling academically. They don't want you to fail; they want you to succeed. They can offer extra tutoring or additional information about your subject that can clarify any confusion.
    • Teachers are also great resources if you are being bullied. Don't be afraid to tell someone if you are being bullied or having a hard time.
    • If you are planning to go to college, you will need teacher recommendations for some college and scholarship applications. If you have cultivated relationships with teachers through your high school career, you will have people who know you and believe in you to write positive, enthusiastic letters for you.
  3. Sometimes no matter how hard you study, things just don't make sense. If this happens to you, find a tutor. Many high schools offer peer tutoring in a variety of subjects, or a faculty-led afterschool tutoring program.
    • Most communities have learning labs and tutoring centers. These centers are designed to offer help in most subjects for a fee. Tutoring centers also offer SAT, ACT, and other standardized testing prep classes.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Succeeding Outside of the Classroom

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  1. Find a list of clubs and extracurricular activities offered at your school. Joining these school activities looks good on college applications, helps you make friends, and opens you to new experiences.
    • Sometimes only joining the club is not enough for a college. If you enjoy the club or extracurricular activity, consider going out for a leadership role, like a treasurer, secretary, or even president.
    • Find clubs and extracurricular activities that truly interest you. Don't just join a club because you feel you should. High school is a period in your life where you are juggling many time commitments; make sure you are enjoying the activities where you are spending your time.
    • Don't be a club hopper. Colleges prefer you to be involved in a few activities for a longer period of time instead of many clubs for only a short amount of time. [12] Plus, being involved in less clubs for most of your high school career allows you to build relationships with fellow members and deepen your involvement in the club or activity.
  2. Getting a job in an area of interest can help you develop your interests and certain skills that can be helpful when applying to college. Volunteering is not only personally rewarding, but also helps you discover interests you may never have known you had before. [13]
    • If the time demands during the school year are too much for you, then try a summer program. Many organizations have short, summer internship programs for high school students. Summertime can also be the perfect period for a part-time job. [14]
    • Volunteering, working, and getting internships can give you valuable experiences outside of the classroom. Be careful not to overdo it. Effective time management can help you balance all of your different tasks. [15]
  3. The keys to a successful education are good reading and writing skills. The more you practice outside of the classroom, the better student you will become.
    • Good students usually make reading a habit. They read everything from newspapers, to the internet, to books and comic books. The important element is that they read daily. Read whatever you want - what interests you. This isn't for class; this is your own personal reading time.
    • If you want to improve your reading skills, try reading challenging newspaper articles or novels. Look up words you don't know and try to commit them to memory.
    • Writing is the basic form of communication. You'll be writing not only in school, but in any job that you get. Make writing part of your daily life. Keep a journal, write letters or e-mails, or try writing stories. Think about the basics of grammar and word usage to improve yourself. [16]
    • Revision is one of the most important parts of the writing process. First drafts rarely are perfect and ready to be turned in. Leave your writing and return to it later for a fresh perspective.
  4. School can't be all work and no play. There are many enjoyable and beneficial experiences during high school that you should participate in. Go to dances and the prom, go to school sporting events, and cultivate friendships. Study hard, but also enjoy yourself.
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Supercharge Your Studying with this Expert Series

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What should I eat before a big exam?
    Ted Dorsey, MA
    Master's Degree, Education, University of California Los Angeles
    Ted Dorsey is a Test Prep Tutor, author, and founder of Tutor Ted, an SAT and ACT tutoring service based in Southern California. Ted earned a perfect score on the SAT (1600) and PSAT (240) in high school. Since then, he has earned perfect scores on the ACT (36), SAT Subject Test in Literature (800), and SAT Subject Test in Math Level 2 (800). He has a BA in English from Princeton University and a MA in Education from the University of California, Los Angeles.
    Master's Degree, Education, University of California Los Angeles
    Expert Answer
    You should 100% have protein with your breakfast so you're fully energized. We all think of tests as a mental exercise, which they are, but your brain is fueled by your body, and whatever energy you have in your system is going to fuel it. Carbohydrates are great energy sources, but they're short-term. So I recommend prioritizing protein.
  • Question
    How can I learn something quickly when I'm studying?
    Ted Dorsey, MA
    Master's Degree, Education, University of California Los Angeles
    Ted Dorsey is a Test Prep Tutor, author, and founder of Tutor Ted, an SAT and ACT tutoring service based in Southern California. Ted earned a perfect score on the SAT (1600) and PSAT (240) in high school. Since then, he has earned perfect scores on the ACT (36), SAT Subject Test in Literature (800), and SAT Subject Test in Math Level 2 (800). He has a BA in English from Princeton University and a MA in Education from the University of California, Los Angeles.
    Master's Degree, Education, University of California Los Angeles
    Expert Answer
    Personalize it. Find a way to make it apply to you. Tell a story problem in terms of yourself, your friends, your world, or your existence. The more it's about something random that doesn't relate to you, the less you're going to care about it. The more relevant it feels to your life, the easier it will be to remember.
  • Question
    When should I start preparing for the SAT?
    Ted Dorsey, MA
    Master's Degree, Education, University of California Los Angeles
    Ted Dorsey is a Test Prep Tutor, author, and founder of Tutor Ted, an SAT and ACT tutoring service based in Southern California. Ted earned a perfect score on the SAT (1600) and PSAT (240) in high school. Since then, he has earned perfect scores on the ACT (36), SAT Subject Test in Literature (800), and SAT Subject Test in Math Level 2 (800). He has a BA in English from Princeton University and a MA in Education from the University of California, Los Angeles.
    Master's Degree, Education, University of California Los Angeles
    Expert Answer
    My general recommendation is to prepare for three months leading up to the test. Some students need more and some need less, but in general, three months is a good amount of time for studying.
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      • Make a good impression on your teachers. It is never too early to begin cultivating relationships and building a reputation.
      • Do not let others' words hurt you, just try to ignore them. Peer pressure is difficult to ignore, but if you keep your goals in mind and rely on your friends, your high school experience should be successful.
      • If you have a problem with your classes, talk to someone. Don't wait too long to approach a teacher about your grade or performance in their class.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To pass high school, the first thing to do is come prepared to each class with all your notebooks, textbooks, and stationery. You should also organize yourself by keeping separate folders for homework, tests, notes, handouts etc. Additionally, make sure to take clear notes during class, including key concepts, phrases, and any questions you might have, and then review your notes each night. Finally, keep a schedule with all your homework and assignment deadlines, social engagements, and any extracurricular activities to stay on top of your workload. For more tips, such as how to prepare for tests, keep reading!

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