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Using your sign’s power colors for love, luck & more
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Every zodiac sign has a power color, or a color that enhances their natural strengths and soothes them when they’re agitated. For sensitive Pisces, this color is a calming seafoam green—but why? And how do you take advantage of your power color? In this article, we’ll explore Pisces’ connection to seafoam green and its other lucky colors, plus show you how to incorporate and benefit from your power color in your daily life. Let’s dive in!

Things You Should Know

  • Pisces’ power color is seafoam green. Other light, blue-green shades like aquamarine are also very special and comfortable for this sign.
  • Other lucky colors for Pisces include turquoise and other shades of blue, pink, orange, and yellow.
  • Wear blue-green clothes and accessories or incorporate blue-green into your home decor. Pops of orange, yellow, and pink add extra energy and positivity.
Section 1 of 5:

Pisces Power Color

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  1. A zodiac sign’s power color brings out their best qualities, natural strengths, and helps them stay true to themselves. For Pisces, oceanic light greens or green-blues are where they feel most at home. In particular, seafoam green is soothing and healing for Pisces’ kind and sensitive soul—it radiates vitality, suggests new and exciting beginnings, and reduces this emotional sign’s insecurities and anxieties. [1]
    • Seafoam green mixes the grounding energy of the earth with the deep and mysterious oceans. This combination of lifegiving green and spiritually vibrant blue helps emotional Pisces feel renewed and ready to show empathy and vulnerability in their relationships.
    • Similarly, aquamarine combines green and blue and is a very prosperous color for Pisces. It’s also Pisces’ primary birthstone. [2]
    • In Vedic astrology, Pisces’ power color is yellow. In this astrological practice, Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (not Neptune), which radiates bright and powerful shades of yellow and orange. [3]
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Other Lucky Colors for Pisces

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  1. Pisces is a water sign symbolized by two fish and ruled by Neptune (a deep blue planet). All of these factors make most shades of blue very lucky and peaceful for this sensitive sign. Turquoise, which combines both blue and green, is particularly special, as is any oceanic shade that resembles the waters of the sea. [4] These can include hues like gray or blue-gray, green-gray, blue-purples like indigo, or even lavender.
    • Lighter blues, like sky blue, are more positive and can make Pisces feel tender or soft. Darker shades are more powerful and make Pisces feel elegant or extravagant.
  2. Pink speaks to Pisces’ altruistic tendencies and encourages them to be the best version of themselves. This beneficial color helps Pisces give in to their inner emotions and treat others with care and affection, which can strengthen this sign’s romantic relationships. [5] It calms them down and activates the steady, loving side of their emotional whirlwind while suppressing feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt.
    • Pisces responds better to lighter, softer shades of pink over colors like neon or hot pink.
  3. Bright, cheerful oranges and yellows bring Pisces joy, happiness, and creativity. Orange is a spirited color that makes the Fish feel unshakeable and motivated when they’re down or sad. It also encourages them to be more spontaneous and confident when facing their fears. [6]
    • Yellow has similar effects. It stimulates Pisces’ intellect and logic, helping them make smart decisions and embrace positivity. It also helps them connect with their inner intuition and engage with other people socially.
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Using Pisces’ Colors

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  1. The fastest and easiest way to feel more confident and at peace is to simply wear your power color. The next time you feel down, uninspired, or just not like yourself, throw on a light green sweatshirt or scarf, try an all-blue outfit, or put on a bright pink, orange, or yellow accessory for a pop of color and positivity. [7]
    • Pisces are often colorful, musical, fashionable, or artistic in some way. Feel free to get creative with your shoes, nail colors, jewelry tones, and outfits!
    • In particular, try wearing aquamarine crystal jewelry . Since it’s your primary birthstone, this touch of blue-green will bring you extra good luck.
    • Looking at or being covered in these colors can enhance your mood and subdue your insecurities so you can be your sensitive, kind, imaginative Pisces self.
  2. Calming seafoam green and other oceanic colors work wonders in the kitchen, living room, or bathroom, so try painting one wall as an accent color or incorporating blue-greens into your furniture, wall art, or other decor items in these rooms. If you prefer the blue side of blue-green, use shades of blue in the bedroom to promote tranquility and restoration .
    • Try adding small pops of pink, orange, or yellow to a room with throw pillows, curtains, accent blankets, or other knick-knacks you can put out on display.
    • If you prefer neutral shades in your house, choose gray-blues or gray-greens for a more subdued (but still spiritually beneficial) look.
    • Prioritize these colors in a room where you need help feeling calm or focusing, like a home office or creative studio. Decorating according to your zodiac preferences can soothe your mind, keep you on-task and motivated, and even help you get material or financial gains. [8]
      • For example, you could deck out your home office with orange office supplies, or paint your home gym light green for energetic and healing vibes.
  3. Like seafoam green, green plants radiate life and vitality and are soothing and inspiring for Pisces to look at. In general, keeping plants indoors can reduce stress and anxiety, sharpen your attention and productivity, speed up recovery time from an illness, and increase your overall happiness and life satisfaction. [9] This is extra true for Pisces, who sometimes needs the grounding earth energy of plants to calm their watery whirlpool of emotions.
    • Try adding plants with pink, orange, or yellow blooms and flowers. [10] These bright colors may be too overwhelming for Pisces to feature as their primary decor colors, but a few accents here and there can brighten their mood and increase their energy.
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Pisces Colors to Avoid

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  1. These colors encourage negativity for Pisces and exacerbate their sometimes turbulent emotions. Dark red symbolizes rage, anger, and wrath, which can make it hard for Pisces to express their feelings in a productive way and continue to mature emotionally. Similarly, black makes Pisces feel distressed and represents depression, aloofness, and pessimism. [11]
    • If you’re a Pisces, this doesn’t mean you can never wear or be around these colors. If you feel yourself getting agitated in their presence, do some breathing exercises to center yourself or find a soothing green or blue object to focus on.
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Other Zodiac Sign Power Colors

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    • Aries: Red [12]
    • Taurus: Forest green
    • Gemini: Yellow
    • Cancer: Silver
    • Leo: Gold
    • Virgo: Brown
    • Libra: Blue
    • Scorpio: Black
    • Sagittarius: Purple
    • Capricorn: Gray
    • Aquarius: Electric blue
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Expert Q&A

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    What color is associated with the Crown chakra?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    The crown chakra is the highest of the seven chakras. The colors white, lavender, and gold are associated with it. There's also iridescent white, which I experience during my meditations.
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