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Uncover the light and dark sides of Pisces
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The Pisces zodiac sign is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, which may be one of the first things hinting at their dual personalities. While Pisces can be incredibly empathetic, sensitive, and loyal in certain instances, they can also become emotional or closed-off in others. Read on to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of this water sign and explore the many sides of their personality. If you’re a Pisces, read on for plenty of advice about how to address these weaknesses. And if you're not a Pisces but have a friend, family, or significant other who is, keep reading to find out what you can do to support them.

Things You Should Know

  • Pisces' strengths include empathy, creativity, and loyalty to their loved ones.
  • On the other hand, Pisces can also become distant and get wrapped up in their emotions during stressful or negative situations.
  • To make the most of their strengths, Pisces would benefit from opening up to others and taking responsibility for their mistakes and potentially hurtful actions.
Section 1 of 3:

Do Pisces have a dual personality?

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  1. Represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, Pisces is a water sign ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. But what really sets a Pisces apart from other signs is their tendency to possess dual personality traits that come and go depending on their situation. For the majority of the time, they can be optimistic, creative, and empathetic individuals. However, they can also become closed-off, melancholic, and unmotivated under negative or stressful circumstances. [1]
    • Having a dual personality doesn’t mean that Pisces has multiple personalities. It simply means that their emotions, behaviors, and thought processes may experience a more drastic change in certain situations compared to other signs.
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Pisces’ Strengths

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  1. One of the wonderful things about Pisces is their sensitive nature and ability to truly understand others’ feelings. Ruled by Jupiter, they have an innate desire to help and heal others, and they often find it easy to tell how others are feeling just from their expressions or behaviors. [2]
    • Pisces also tend to be very sensitive due to their nature as a water sign. Water signs are natural empaths who often have no reservations about reaching out to people who are going through a hard time.
    • Pisces is also most likely to give people the benefit of the doubt and hold a belief that everyone has good within them.
  2. As a water sign, Pisces are incredibly creative individuals who find comfort in things like art and music. They tend to have very lively and vivid imaginations, and they often feel most grounded when they’re able to express themselves through a creative outlet. [3]
    • Pisces is a mutable sign, meaning that they tend to prefer going with the flow rather than adhering to a strict schedule. This trait allows them to follow their imagination wherever it may take them and truly unleash their full creative potential.
  3. Pisces tends to be very in tune with their inner thoughts, emotions, and desires, and they usually don’t hesitate to follow their heart when making a decision. They’re often able to read situations and people quite easily and are incredibly sensitive to their surrounding environment. [4]
    • Pisces can sometimes get overwhelmed by so many stimulating emotions and sensations. When this happens, they may retreat and take some time to be by themselves.
    • Combined with their empathetic nature, Pisces’ strong intuition draws many people in and makes them appear quite charming and trustworthy to others.
  4. Whether it’s in friendship or romance, Pisces will always be there to support and encourage the people they care about most. When Pisces falls in love, they do so completely and are often very selfless in giving love to their partner, friends, or family. [5]
    • As a sign ruled by Neptune, Pisces tends to be quite dreamy and idealistic, and they often crave a deep connection with someone special. Once they find that connection, they’ll hold onto it tightly and do whatever they can to nurture that relationship.
  5. Thanks to their ruling planet Neptune, many people often describe a Pisces as being incredibly dreamy and inward-facing. They can get lost in their imagination and often have no problem exploring their deeper emotions and thoughts. They usually have lots of thoughts going through their head and plenty of internal processes at work that are hard to see from the outside. [6]
    • Pisces’ spirituality can be another one of their strengths. Their introspective nature makes it easy to turn inward as they seek to find a connection with something bigger than themselves and discover their life’s purpose.
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Section 3 of 3:

Pisces’ Weaknesses

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  1. While Pisces can be incredibly loyal to the people they truly love and cherish, they can also sometimes be flaky and unreliable toward people they’re not particularly close to. Despite their empathetic and caring nature, they might end up ghosting people they don’t feel truly connected to. Represented by two fish, Pisces also has a reputation for swimming from point to point, never truly settling until they find the perfect people to be around.
    • If you’re a Pisces: Focus on making promises that you know you can keep. If you do happen to bail on someone, take responsibility for your actions and own up to your mistakes by apologizing.
    • If you know a Pisces: While their flakiness may be frustrating at times, give them the benefit of the doubt, especially if you don’t know the full story behind their actions. Express your feelings honestly, but then make sure to listen to their side of the story to get the full picture.
  2. A Pisces’ sensitivity also tends to make them very cautious. They often prefer to keep their secrets to themselves and can find it difficult to open up to others, even loved ones. At their most extreme, Pisces might try and distance themselves from others to keep their secrets safe.
    • If you’re a Pisces: Be more open by sharing your honest thoughts and feelings with others. For example, be honest in telling others when you dislike something or when you’re really enjoying yourself. This can help them understand your way of thinking and see things from your perspective.
    • If you know a Pisces: Encourage them to open up by modeling vulnerability. If they see that you’re willing to be open about yourself, they’ll hopefully see that there’s nothing to be worried about. Also, actively listen when they choose to talk to you. Get rid of distractions and ask insightful questions to show that you’re engaged.
  3. A Pisces is often an idealist and incredibly trusting of others. However, when their trust is broken or their reality doesn’t live up to what they had imagined it to be, they can quickly spiral into a vortex of self-pity and melancholy. Their usual optimistic outlook can become tinged with pessimism, and they may even try to earn others’ concern and care by playing the victim. [7]
    • If you’re a Pisces: Practice gratitude for the things you have to keep yourself focused on the present and stop yourself from ruminating on what might have been. Count your blessings and remind yourself of all the things you have to be grateful for, like your friends, family, pets, home, or job.
    • If you know a Pisces: Help them see things from a more logical perspective. For example, if they come to you and claim that their boss is mad at them, counter their thoughts by asking questions like, “Did you do something to upset them?” and “Is there any logical reason why they might be mad at you?”
    • Reader Poll: We asked 621 wikiHow readers who are Pisces about relationship deal breakers, and 63% of them agreed that their biggest deal breaker is someone who lies . [Take Poll]
  4. A Pisces’ dreamy disposition can sometimes make them appear irresponsible or lazy to outsiders. Their thoughts tend to drift from one thing to another, so they might neglect to pay attention to details or tie up loose ends on projects or assignments. Some people may also perceive them as being irresponsible since they often prefer to just do things on a whim rather than making a to-do list or schedule. [8]
    • If you’re a Pisces: Set manageable, realistic goals to help you stay motivated and get more done. Come up with goals you know you can achieve and break them down into smaller steps. For example, if your overall goal is to be more productive, come up with small goals like, “I’ll work for 30 minutes at a time and take 5-minute breaks in between” or “I’ll only use my phone for 1 hour a day.”
    • If you know a Pisces: Set clear expectations for them and be specific in communicating what your standards are for them. For example, if your Pisces roommate isn’t the best at cleaning up after themselves, sit them down to go over both of your expectations for maintaining cleanliness in your home and make a chore schedule to hold them accountable.
  5. When things don’t go as planned, Pisces can have a hard time being assertive and mustering up the energy to get things done. They might be quick to fall into a pessimistic mindset and be self-deprecating if things in their work, relationships, or personal life aren’t going as they had hoped. [9]
    • If you’re a Pisces: Accept your mistakes for what they are and learn to view them as learning opportunities rather than obstacles. Ask yourself, “What could I have done better?” and “What can I learn from this?” and use those thoughts to fuel you to keep moving forward.
    • If you know a Pisces: Show them support and encouragement even when they make a mistake. Even when they don’t reach their goal, praise them for the progress they’ve made to motivate them .
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