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Learn what purple butterflies mean around the world
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Purple butterflies are a beautiful insect to see, but sometimes, seeing them may be more than just a coincidence. Purple butterflies hold many spiritual meanings and often symbolize transformation, creativity, and royalty. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about different spiritual and cultural meanings of purple butterflies, as well as what it means to see or dream about them. Plus, learn what a purple butterfly tattoo means and why purple butterfly stickers are commonly found in hospitals.

What does a purple butterfly mean?

Purple butterflies often symbolize personal or spiritual transformation, creativity and imagination, and inner strength and the ability to overcome obstacles. They’re also associated with royalty and elegance, as well as love, magic, and mystery. Seeing a purple butterfly often means it’s time to embrace change.

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Purple Butterfly Spiritual Meanings

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  1. All butterflies go through a metamorphosis in which they change from an egg, to a caterpillar, to a chrysalis, to an adult butterfly. [1] Because of this, butterflies are commonly associated with transformation—spiritual or physical. Purple butterflies may be a sign to embrace change.
  2. The color purple is often associated with spirituality, intuition, and wisdom. In some cultures, butterflies are also associated with the soul or the afterlife. Because of this, purple butterflies sometimes represent a spiritual journey or awakening. [2]
  3. In many spiritual and esoteric traditions, the color purple is associated with magic, mysticism, and even psychic abilities. Because of this, purple butterflies often evoke a sense of mystery, enchantment, and wonder. These insects are also a symbol of the unknown and invite us to explore new experiences and knowledge. [3]
  4. Purple is a bold color that represents confidence, dignity, and assertiveness. Because of this, purple butterflies can symbolize one’s inner strength, resilience, and ability to overcome challenges. [4]
  5. Purple is frequently associated with artistic expression and imagination. Therefore, purple butterflies often symbolize creativity and are a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and other creatives. [5]
  6. Historically, purple has been a color associated with royalty and wealth, as it used to be a rare and expensive color. Because of this, purple butterflies may symbolize nobility, elegance, wealth, and prestige. [6]
  7. The color purple can also represent love and passion, so purple butterflies sometimes symbolize romance and relationships. In some cultures, butterflies are also associated with femininity and marriage. [7]
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Purple Butterfly Meanings in Different Cultures

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  1. In many Greek myths, the goddess of the soul, Psyche, is often depicted with butterfly wings. “Psyche” is also the Greek word for soul and butterfly, so butterflies often represent the soul’s transformation and liberation as it enters the afterlife. [8]
  2. While the exact meaning of a butterfly varies from culture to culture, many Native American cultures believe butterflies are messengers between the physical and spiritual realms. Butterflies are also a positive symbol that is closely associated with nature, freedom, and transformation. [9]
  3. Butterflies are a positive symbol in China, partially because the first character in the Chinese word for butterfly is pronounced similarly to the first character in the word for “good fortune.” [10] Additionally, butterflies are associated with love, romance, and beauty, and are frequently depicted with flowers in art to represent a romantic relationship between a man and woman. [11]
  4. In addition to symbolizing transformation and spirituality, butterflies are often associated with femininity in Japanese culture. These insects often symbolize the transformation from girlhood into womanhood and represent a successful marriage. Butterflies are frequently depicted on women’s kimonos. [12]
  5. Butterflies aren’t directly mentioned in the Bible, but many Christians see them as a symbol of Jesus’s birth, death, and resurrection because of their metamorphosis and life cycle. Additionally, butterflies can also represent the transformation of Christians when they accept God into their lives. [13]
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What It Means to See a Purple Butterfly

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  1. Butterflies, regardless of color, are frequently associated with transformation because they change from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Seeing a purple butterfly may be a sign to expect and embrace any changes that may come your way. If you’ve been thinking about making a change in your career or personal life, now could be a good time to do so. [14]
  2. The color purple is sometimes associated with faith, healing, and patience. If you’ve been going through a difficult situation, seeing a purple butterfly could be a sign to keep going and have faith in your ability to overcome any difficulties. It could also be a sign that you’re healing emotionally or physically. [15]
    • Remember, if you’re going through a difficult time, you don’t have to face it alone. Reach out to someone you trust for support.
  3. Purple is often considered a creative color, so seeing a purple butterfly may be a sign to get in touch with your imagination. [16] Take some time to do something creative , like drawing , painting , or writing . It may help you get out of a funk, and you might even find a new passion!
  4. Purple is often associated with magic and mysticism, while in some cultures, butterflies are associated with the soul or spiritual realm. Seeing a purple butterfly can sometimes be a sign from the universe to reconnect with your spirituality. Try some mindful exercises like yoga or meditation if you’re not sure where to start. If you’re religious, this could also mean it’s time to focus on your faith. [17]
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What It Means to Dream of Purple Butterflies

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  1. Intuitive counselor and happiness coach Kari Samuels says that dreaming of a purple butterfly landing on you means you should “remember the beauty of the present moment, and also that you're in the process of transformation, that all your hard work is about to pay off.” This dream serves as a reminder to not take things for granted and to appreciate the beauty in everyday life.

    Kari Samuels

    Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
    Kari Samuels is an international Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach. With more than 21 years of experience, she specializes in intuition, energy healing, numerology, and astrology. Kari assists people in reclaiming their innate intuitive gifts and restore well-being through self-empowerment. She has a popular Youtube channel and has been featured on Hay House Radio and other podcasts.
    Kari Samuels
    Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach

    A butterfly landing on you is a blessing. If you have what you need, it’s like stopping and smelling the roses. So, how could you not look at a butterfly landing on you and remember what’s important?

  2. Butterflies go through a complete metamorphosis when they change from a caterpillar to a butterfly, so dreaming of a purple butterfly breaking free of its cocoon may indicate it’s time for you to make a change, as well. Perhaps you want to try out a new career or move to a new city. This dream could mean it’s time to take the plunge. [18]
    • This dream could also indicate that a change is going to come whether you like it or not. In this case, try to embrace the change and go with the flow.
  3. When you dream of several purple butterflies, it often indicates that you feel free and inspired or that you’ve accepted certain aspects of your life. It may also mean that you can expect good news within the coming days. [19]
  4. Not all butterfly dreams have positive meanings—dreaming of a dead purple butterfly can sometimes represent the end of a happy situation or the end of a relationship. Pay attention to the location of the dream and if there are other people around you to interpret what kind of ending has taken place. [20]
    • Don’t worry too much if you have a bad dream about a butterfly. Sometimes, dreams are just dreams. Even if something has ended, remember that there is now room for a new beginning. Try to look on the bright side.
    • If you’re repeatedly dreaming of the same situation, Samuels says, “Dreams are messages from our subconscious, so something's trying to get our attention that we're not paying attention to in our waking life. This is an opportunity for our subconscious to get our attention.”
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Purple Butterfly Tattoo Meaning

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  1. A purple butterfly tattoo often holds the same spiritual significance as real purple butterflies. It could represent nobility and royalty, transformation, or femininity. Purple butterfly tattoos can also hold meanings specific to the individual, or they may have no specific meaning at all.
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What is the Purple Butterfly Project?

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  1. Founded in 2017, the Purple Butterfly Project is an initiative that seeks to raise awareness for parents who lost one or more children during a multiple pregnancy, such as twins or triplets. A purple butterfly sticker is typically placed on the patient’s hospital door to celebrate the life of the lost child and to signal to staff that the patient may need extra support during a difficult time. [21]
    • A purple butterfly sticker may also be placed on a baby’s crib in the NICU to indicate that they lost a sibling.
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