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Inexpensive and easy to pick up, the ukulele is a wonderful instrument that you can learn to play with little to no musical background. But, like any other stringed instrument, sooner or later you'll need to change the strings. While putting new strings on a ukulele can take a little practice to get right, after getting the hang of it you might find you look forward to the task.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Removing the Old Strings

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  1. Start with the 2 pegs that face up when you play, turning them clockwise to unwind the strings. For the strings on the 2 pegs that face down toward the floor, turn the pegs counter-clockwise. Carefully pull the strings out of the peg holes. [1]
    • If you have a hard time getting the strings out of the tuning pegs, use nail clippers to clip them off. Just be careful not to scratch the finish of your ukulele.
  2. If you have a bridge with bridge pegs, gently pull the peg out to free the string. For a tie bar bridge, on the other hand, untuck the ends of the strings from underneath first. Then loosen and untie the knots to free the strings. [2]
    • If you're having a hard time untying the knots, clip at them with your nail clippers until you can get the string off your ukulele.
  3. There's no better time to clean your ukulele than when all the strings are off because you have complete access to the fingerboard. A lot of grime can accumulate on the surface, especially if you play frequently. Use a little lemon oil or wood polish and a soft, lint-free cloth to gently clean the surface. [3]
    • Check your bridge as well and clean any dust or dirt that might have accumulated there.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Stringing Your Ukulele

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  1. For a ukulele with pegs at the bridge, the knot at the end of the string simply keeps the string from slipping past the peg. Tie the knot as close as possible to the end of the string, then press the bridge peg in place snugly over the knot. [4]
    • If the knot keeps coming undone, try a double-knot. High-quality strings tend to hold a knot better than cheaper strings, so if you continue to have a problem with this, consider an upgrade.
    • Apply gentle pressure when you press the bridge peg into place to avoid accidentally cracking your bridge. The peg has a little notch so you can tell if you've got it in securely.
  2. Insert your new string through the bridge hole and pull about 2 to 3 inches (5.1 to 7.6 cm) of the string through. Make a knot in the string and pull the shorter end of the string towards the bottom of the ukulele. Wrap that shorter end around the loop one more time, then pull the string tight to secure it. [5]
    • You might want to tuck the ends of the strings under or loop them around after you've finished stringing your ukulele so they won't poke you while you play.
  3. Once you have the bridge end of the string secure, pull it up to the top of the ukulele and slide it through the hole in the tuning peg that corresponds with that string. While turning the peg, loop it once over the top of the end of the string sticking out, then twice underneath. This should secure the string in the hole so you can tighten it the rest of the way. [6]
    • It helps to give your tuning pegs a turn so the holes are lined up with the string. Then, you can just slide the string right in.
  4. With 1 string secure, move on to the next. It doesn't matter what order you do them in. However, you don't want to try to tune any of the strings until you've got them all on. [7]
  5. Tighten each string up and tune it to pitch. Start with the 2 pegs that face up when you play, turning them counter-clockwise to tighten the strings. For the other 2 pegs, turn them clockwise. Tighten just enough that the string has tension, then use your tuner to bring them to the right pitch. [8]
    • With new strings, you might find that you have to adjust them more often to keep them in tune. After some time playing, the strings will stretch and stay in tune longer.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I buy or choose Ukulele strings?
    Andrew McCormick
    Guitar Instructor
    Andrew McCormick is a Guitar Instructor based in Orange County, California. In addition to teaching students on an individual level, Andrew provides all kinds of instructional guitar videos on his YouTube channel, where he has over 7,000 subscribers and 1.6 million views. He is also part of the musical group Triple Thread.
    Guitar Instructor
    Expert Answer
    When choosing ukulele strings, steer clear of excessively inexpensive options, as quality often aligns with the price in this context. Concentrate on the $5 to $10 price range for better-quality strings. Exercise caution, as numerous ukuleles available for purchase may look like toys and may not come equipped with strings intended for actual playing. To ensure you acquire a legitimate and playable instrument, make your purchase from a reputable store that offers genuine ukulele strings.
  • Question
    How can I tune a Ukulele?
    Andrew McCormick
    Guitar Instructor
    Andrew McCormick is a Guitar Instructor based in Orange County, California. In addition to teaching students on an individual level, Andrew provides all kinds of instructional guitar videos on his YouTube channel, where he has over 7,000 subscribers and 1.6 million views. He is also part of the musical group Triple Thread.
    Guitar Instructor
    Expert Answer
    To easily tune your ukulele, use a popular clip-on tuner like Snark. Memorize the mnemonic "children eat apples" to remember the standard GCEA tuning. Most ukuleles use this island tuning. Once you grasp this and understand how to adjust the tuning pegs, start tuning right away to ensure a pleasant sound. Knowing the string names, use the Snark tuner by plucking each string individually and then adjusting the peg. Avoid the common mistake of turning the peg while plucking simultaneously. Tuning can be more complex, especially if your ukulele is significantly out of tune. In such cases, having some knowledge of the chromatic scale and the musical alphabet (A, A sharp, B, C, C sharp, etc.) can be beneficial. For instance, if your C string indicates an A note, it needs to be tuned up to C. Pluck the string until you see the note C on the tuner. Conversely, if the tuner indicates D sharp for the C string, you're too high, so pluck the string and bring it down. While these concepts may require more in-depth exploration, understanding these nuances will contribute to effective ukulele tuning.
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      • If you're a seasoned, regular performer, replace your strings every 1-3 months. If you're a beginner or casual player who plays less frequently, replace your strings every 8 months to a year, or when one of them breaks. [9]
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      • If you're not yet experienced in tuning your ukulele, take it to an experienced technician to have it restrung rather than attempting to do it yourself.

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about playing the ukulele, check out our in-depth interview with Andrew McCormick .

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