Q&A for How to Accept Christ As Your Savior

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    I am a former Muslim and I would like to accept Christ now. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Go to a Christian church if there is one around you. Ask them how to accept Christ. Essentially, you must know that you are a sinner, that you are imperfect, and that Jesus is perfect. You must believe that Jesus is God's son, yet he is also God, and that he died on the cross for you to save you from condemnation. You must also believe that the Bible is God's word and that God is creator and ruler of the world.
  • Question
    I have accepted Christ as Savior and have now started on a Christian path, but long ago I told God that i have rejected Him as Savior in my mind. I have repented, will God reject me?
    Community Answer
    No, of course not! God is a loving and forgiving father. If you truly accept him as your Savior, then all is good.
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    Will God forgive me for bad things I did when depressed?
    Community Answer
    Yes, just ask him to.
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    Will my prayer reach God if I say it silently or do it in my head? Or do I have to pray out loud?
    Community Answer
    God knows your every action and thought. You don't have to pray out loud to be heard by Him. It doesn't even have to "reach Him" because God is omnipresent, which means He is present everywhere, and thus here with us now.
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    I'm trying to stop some bad things I do, but I still find myself doing it. What can I do to stop a bad habit?
    Community Answer
    Remember scripture says in book of James: we must first submit unto God resist the devil and he shall flee. The Bible says : when I desire to do good evil is always present. We can't do anything without God/ We must put him first.
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    Will God forgive me if I have faith in Him?
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    Will God call you to leave your old life, friends, family, etc., literally?
    Community Answer
    God calls people to do all sorts of things, but most likely not. Usually God transforms us inwardly in relationship with Himself and leaves us to be a light where we've been planted. That said, if you have associations with friends or places or even family members that could drag you down spiritually or morally, He will very likely ask you to distance yourself for the sake of holiness and intimacy with Him.
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    How does the Holy Spirit come into a person?
    Community Answer
    We don't quite know how the Holy Spirit comes in. We do know that He is there when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We know He is there by the fruit He produces: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  • Question
    I have sinned a lot - can I still receive salvation?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Just believe in Jesus and ask him into your heart.
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    Does Jesus love the outcasts and misfits the most?
    Community Answer
    No. According to the Bible, Jesus loves all people equally, no matter what they have done or who they identify as.
  • Question
    When God sent Jesus to be our Savior, does that mean that only Jesus can forgive our sins?
    Community Answer
    No. God is all-forgiving, and He can forgive sins as well. It is precisely because of His Son's death on the cross which makes it possible for Him to do so.
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    Christians sin all the time, basically do things that everyone else does. I have a hard time believing that God accepts them, and not non-Christians who are trying to do the right thing.
    Community Answer
    Yes, Christians do sin. The reason they can be accepted by God is because they realize that nothing they can do will atone for their sin - only the work Jesus did on the cross will. Christians aren't people who think they're sinless and perfect, they're people who realize how sinful they are and that they need a savior.
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    Why should I believe something not proven by scientific fact?
    Community Answer
    Religious belief is based on faith. Faith is believing in something you can't prove. Religious people believe because their hearts tell them they must.
  • Question
    Can God forgive my sins?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course. If you need more information on what God can do in your life, I recommend finding a local church and going to their minister for help.
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    How can I be saved and help others?
    Community Answer
    Pray to God and ask for His grace and forgiveness. You can also pray for those in need (ie: the poor, the sick, the hungry). You can also help others by engaging in community service, such as volunteering in a soup kitchen, crocheting blankets to donate, and assisting the elderly.
  • Question
    If I believe in God and reach heaven, but my mother does not, can I bring her up with me when she passes?
    Community Answer
    No. Your mother must have her own faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in order to reach heaven.
  • Question
    Will I automatically be saved once you I've told God that I want him to be my Savior?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Becoming a Christian, or being saved, means accepting Jesus as your Savior, that He is perfect and no one else is, that there is no other way to God but through Jesus, that God is the One and only God. It also means asking Jesus to save your sins. After that, you don't need to do anything special, no tasks or jobs are required to earn a place in heaven. Jesus already did everything for you by dying on the cross.
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    Step 11 is false. Baptism is a public announcement of faith in Christ. Salvation through Christ is complete after salvation prayer and receiving of the holy spirit.
    Community Answer
    Thank you for your interpretation. It will be shared here as one interpretation among many.
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    Does God give everyone a second chance to be saved?
    Community Answer
    God's arms are open for everyone who wants to believe, no matter their age, so you can be saved. As it says in Romans, chapter 10, verse 9, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
  • Question
    What do I do if I don't feel saved?
    Community Answer
    Be determined to have faith that you are. Faith really is the key to the Christian faith. You may not have concrete proof that you're saved, but you believe...by faith.
  • Question
    How can I hear from God?
    Community Answer
    Not all people can "hear from God" directly, but one of the ways can be to read the Bible, which contains the word of God.
  • Question
    Why do I sometimes think about cussing at God when I don't really want to?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps you are angry about something happening in your life and believe that it is unfair. However, if you are holding back, you may have good in your heart that is stopping you from doing this. Remember that no ones is perfect, and ask God to help you build and maintain your faith.
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    Do I need to be baptized in a lake, or is any water fine?
    Community Answer
    Any water is fine. Churches often perform baptisms inside the building using a tub of water.
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    Why is it that, when I think about God, I sometimes feel that I am lying to myself?
    Community Answer
    All good Christians go through this. Even Mother Teresa experienced these kinds of doubts. This is called "The Dark Night of the Soul." Eventually, we learn to overcome this and experience God's peace.
  • Question
    Do believers' children have to accept Jesus as their personal savior?
    Community Answer
    If Christians have children, they will want to influence them in the faith. However, it is up to the children if they want to accept Jesus or not. The parents are trying to tell them the Good News as they would anyone else. They can be told about the Bible and Jesus, but it is their choice if they want to believe it or not.
  • Question
    One of my relatives committed suicide. Will God still have accepted him into Heaven?
    Community Answer
    This is a very hard question, and no-one will know the answer except God Himself. You can pray for your relative. Have faith in God that He will do what is good and just.
  • Question
    What's wrong with being a Christian and also believing in local traditions like worshiping ancestors?
    Community Answer
    You are not a Christian if you worship ancestors. Read the Ten Commandments. "Have no other Gods before me" and "Do not worship idols." Ancestors are like idols if you worship them. If you are a Christian, you will heed his advice and worship Him only.
  • Question
    Will an atheist go to heaven?
    Community Answer
    No. The Bible clearly says that you need to believe that Jesus came to earth to die, died, and rose again. Some factions like Catholicism may say that atheists can go to heaven if they complete purgatory first.
  • Question
    How can I tell if I'm born again?
    Community Answer
    If you are asking yourselves this question, then the answer is all you need to do is trust in Christ and believe that Jesus is your savior and He died for you because you are a sinner, and that you will follow him. Then you will be born again.
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    Do I have to go to church to be saved?
    Community Answer
    No, as long as you have faith in Him and repent, you don't have to. Church is a place where people get together to worship God and share things about the Bible.
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