Q&A for How to Act Like You're Possessed

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    Are there any tips on how to act possessed by an evil doll?
    Community Answer
    Instead of nightmares, keep the doll in your room and play loud thumping noises on your phone. When someone comes to check, stare at the doll. Stare at it often, and give it a name. Write the name on things in a scratchy font. Pretend the doll is speaking through you - practice a scary high-pitched voice to use.
  • Question
    Is there anyway to get my friends to help me with this?
    Community Answer
    Get one friend on it that whom you can trust then let them help you prank your other friends by spreading rumors about your possession.
  • Question
    Will this help me get a boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    Probably not. If you're trying to put forth the impression that he's the only person who can exorcise you, you're essentially being abusive, and if he's smart, he'll just walk away before getting into a relationship with someone like you. On the other hand, if he likes you better possessed than not, he's not the right one in that situation either. The only situation I could really see is if your crush is into acting and you reveal your well-done ruse at the end, then he might be impressed and want to go out with you.
  • Question
    How can I act possessed by Bill Cipher?
    Community Answer
    Smile creepily a lot and refer to people by nicknames, like Bill does with 'Pine Tree' and 'Shooting Star.' If you hurt yourself, act like you find it hilarious. Say, "Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!" when you leave a room. If you want to go all out, you could use makeup to mimic scars on your arms, and buy yellow sclera contacts. If possible, try to mimic Bill's voice.
  • Question
    What I read in this article fits me 100%? Does that mean I'm already possessed?
    Community Answer
    Possessed and technologically researching how to falsely act/behave as being possessed? Double bluff, maybe?
  • Question
    Why do people want to know this?
    Community Answer
    Pranksters want to know to prank people, mostly. Of course, it would also come in handy if you're an actor needing to play the part of a possessed person.
  • Question
    What if I break a bone in my body while doing some weird stunts?
    Community Answer
    Try not to do that. Keep your stunt within the range of safety. If that does happens, though, you should obviously get medical help.
  • Question
    Could scratching, biting, screaming, wheezing constantly, and making a snarling noise be good for acting possessed?
    Community Answer
    Yes, and to make it look more realistic, try putting on some makeup to make you look exhausted, as if you had been doing it repeatedly for a long time.
  • Question
    How would I pull this off if I usually act reclusive?
    Community Answer
    Act hostile and stalk people. Put up an eerily happy facade, then turn it to rage when you're alone with someone. Instead of talking to imaginary people, have most of your incidents be just a prolonged scream.
  • Question
    Will I convince my parents that I am possessed if I do things I don't ordinarily like?
    Community Answer
    They would probably just think that you are acting kind of weird.
  • Question
    I want to act possessed like with Antisepticeye. How can I be like that where I'm ok one minute and possessed another?
    Community Answer
    Be casual, like in mid-sentence, then gasp, and stare blankly and quietly. If you want, say a couple words that sound like a chant. An old language is best, but you can say it in any language, or even gibberish.
  • Question
    What do I do if I want to act half possessed?
    Community Answer
    Do half of the things on the list, and just show a little of your natural characteristics.
  • Question
    When do I stop acting like I am possessed?
    Community Answer
    As soon as someone no longer finds it amusing. I imagine this could get really annoying really fast.
  • Question
    I'm not that social, so would a personality change be good if I act social, but weird?
    Community Answer
    Consider becoming more reclusive, and possibly even hiss when someone comes within a foot of you.
  • Question
    How can I act possessed at school?
    Community Answer
    You can just creep out your friends by wearing strange pendants and by always carrying spiritual objects that have nothing to do with God. Talk to things that aren't there. Say creepy phrases like, "The end is near", "It is coming", and other things like that. Also, go somewhere that you and your friends usually hang out. This way, you can be there before them, talking to other "ghosts" and/or looking at your pendant/spiritual object.
  • Question
    Should I do that "creepy voice" with deep and low voice or high-pitched gigglish voice?
    Community Answer
    Both would work. It's up to you. You can try switching between the two voices a few times to creep out your friends and family even more.
  • Question
    The list of behaviors on the list to follow mirrors the mentality of someone going through depression or another mental illness. What if my family thinks I need therapy because of this prank?
    Miranda Duggan
    Community Answer
    Just tell them that it was a prank and discontinue the "possessed" actions. Make sure they understand that you were just joking around.
  • Question
    Would eye shadow and concealer be enough makeup for this prank?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that should be enough. Makeup isn't even required for this to be convincing though!
  • Question
    My parents already think it's weird that I hang around my doll a lot. Do you think it would be possible for me to trick them into thinking that I'm possessed?
    Community Answer
    I guess. I wouldn't recommend this unless you want to end up in a psychiatrist's office. Maybe you do.
  • Question
    Can I use my schizophrenia to my advantage in acting possessed?
    Community Answer
    I imagine so. You may land yourself in the psych ward, though.
  • Question
    My parents are very Christian and I want to do this prank but I'm not trying to get in trouble. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Do it to your friends, but don't act fully possessed. Act more secretive and defensive.
  • Question
    I live with a three year old. Is there anything I can say or do in front of her to make her get scared and spread the rumor? Or is that just evil?
    Community Answer
    Don't involve a toddler! That's just cruel.
  • Question
    Would eye twitching help me look possessed?
    Emma Norman
    Community Answer
    Definitely! It would probably work just as well as rolling your eyes back. Just don’t do it too much, otherwise people might realize it’s a prank, and you might just embarrass yourself.
  • Question
    How do I act like I'm possessed by a little girl?
    Community Answer
    Act like a little girl and dress in what you would say she wears. Have a high-pitched possessed voice and laugh at random times. Randomly carry around a tattered stuffed animal.
  • Question
    Can I be "possessed" by Flowey?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it will probably be more difficult to convince others that you're "possessed" by a video game character.
  • Question
    I have nightmares. Does this mean I am possessed?
    Community Answer
    No, you just have too many troubles in your life. Try to relax, and enjoy life as it is.
  • Question
    What if I normally act crazy and funny all the time and your friends don't notice I'm trying to act like I'm possessed?
    Community Answer
    For a week or two, slowly act like a talkative, funny person. Then, randomly stop being fun and talk very little.
  • Question
    What happens if my friends see me like this and make me laugh?
    Community Answer
    If your friends make you laugh, try to turn it into a demented laugh. Make sure that you laugh for as long as possible to make your friends feel uneasy. You may even be able to convincingly turn it into crying, which may be even more unsettling.
  • Question
    If I'm dark already, should I act cheery and girly?
    Community Answer
    I would say you should act the complete opposite of yourself, so yes, I would aim for cheery and girly.
  • Question
    What if my friends find out and start ignoring me?
    Community Answer
    Just tell them that it was meant to be a joke and apologize for being dishonest with them. A genuine apology should be enough for them to forgive you and move on.
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