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Q&A for How to Argue That God Does Not Exist
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QuestionWhat do I do if someone tries to force their religion on me, or calls me disgusting for not believing?WritingismypassionCommunity AnswerSay, "Not everyone has the same views. I would appreciate it if you could stop trying to force your beliefs on me and be a little more respectful."
QuestionShould I thoroughly read the Bible before arguing against the existence of God?Community AnswerYes. You should respect everyone's opinion. Look at different points of view, and understand all sides before taking one.
QuestionIf God isn't real, then why are several things written in Revelations playing out in today's world?Community AnswerBecause these things are common sense. I would bet all my savings that there is going to be a war in Europe in the next thousand years, but I'm not a God or a prophet or anything except a culturally and historically aware human being.
QuestionWouldn't evidence of the existence of god be the most important discovery of all time? So why doesn't every scientist on earth turn their attention to this question?Community AnswerIt is impossible to disprove god's existence, but is still not easy to prove it. Most scientists prefer proving something concrete that they can observe in the physical world.
QuestionWhy do people think that God doesn't exist?Community AnswerMany people have trouble believing in God when they can't physically see him. Other people take issue with the contradictions in the Bible and don't consider it a divine text.
QuestionWhat do atheists believe created the universe?Community AnswerThere are many potential scientific explanations for how the universe came about. The Big Bang theory is the most commonly accepted theory of how our universe came about. As for why it came about at all, there are various theories on that. Some think it was just random. Some think there are many universes, and ours is just one of many. Some think there are infinite parallel worlds reflecting infinite possibilities for what could have been, and ours happens to be one where this universe, as it is, happens to exist. Some may consider that there is some kind of deeper meaning behind it all, but that it doesn't involve a 'god'.
QuestionHow accurate is the Bible? Has it been changed? Who wrote it?Community AnswerThe answers to these questions depend on who you talk to. The Bible has roots in the Jewish holy texts like the Torah. It was written by many people over many centuries. Believers may say that the Bible is the direct word of God handed down by prophets and holy men to help guide us to live better lives. There are several versions of the Bible such as the King James Version and the New International Version, each of which has different wording.
QuestionHow do you explain miracles?Community AnswerThis depends on what you define as a miracle. To fully explain anything, you must gather all the facts and information about it you can. Know what actually happened and what the circumstances were. You can then make inferences about what happened and/or what allowed this "miracle" to happen.
QuestionWhat created God?Community AnswerAccording to those with a belief in God, God always existed. For them, He is the beginning and the end. For those arguing that God does not exist, this is sometimes used as a form of objection or rebuttal. This is a somewhat complex discussion that there isn't enough space here to respond to but there are plenty of forums online for you to read many observations by both sides of the argument.
QuestionHow can a religious arguer disprove carbon and radioactive dating?Community AnswerSome of the more fanatic claim that they were planted by God to test our faith.
QuestionIf Jesus told us exactly why Christianity is true, why is it not?Community AnswerThe counterargument is that Jesus may not have existed, or he may have just been a regular person. Unless you believe in Jesus as the Son of God, the argument that what he says is true is moot.
QuestionWho created the world's great faiths and why?Community AnswerThe world's great religions have developed over many millennia. Some people find their belief in God brings them great comfort, especially in times of need, and helps them get through the many challenges of life. Most people who believe in God also enjoy sharing in the life of their religious community -- whether its a church, monastery, temple, or mosque -- and turn to that community for friendship and guidance.
QuestionHow do I argue that God doesn't exist using the Bible?Community AnswerThe Bible is not going to help you prove that God doesn't exist. The whole point of the Bible is to convince people that God does indeed exist.
QuestionWhat caused the big bang?Community AnswerThe fact that we don't know is a really good argument for the existence of a eternally existing Being.
QuestionWhy do Christians act violent when the religion is for peace?Community AnswerIf you are a true Christian you are called to love and not to cause war. Our job is to love and spread the good news with patience. Anyone who doesn’t is not a true Christian.
QuestionHow do believers argue that their religion is the only true religion?Community AnswerIt depends on the religion. For example, as a Catholic, we believe that all religions have some truth in them, but that ours is closest to the truth.
QuestionCan you give evidence disproving God's existence? Can you give me purely naturalistic explanation, for the origin of computers?LWWCommunity AnswerThere is no evidence that God does not exist. But there is also no evidence that He does. Computers were developed by a bunch of very smart humans who built these amazing devices. They have evolved through trial, error, and advancement.
QuestionHow did matter come from nothing?LWWCommunity AnswerThe movie: Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking gives a very clear explanation of this, check it out from your local library or through your streaming service.
QuestionHow can I respond to the Christian argument of the necessity of the uncaused cause?Community AnswerYou just don't. It's not exactly necessary and if you know well God doesn't exist, be confident.
QuestionIf Adam and Eve were created as being perfect, why would they make an imperfect choice to disobey God? After all, free will does not mandate that one must make imperfect choices.John PhillipsCommunity AnswerYou answered your own question. If perfect means perfection and their actions were not perfect, then that doesn't mean that they were not perfect in their actions. However, the Bible doesn't say that they where perfect because God gave them free will. So it must mean that they were physically perfect only.
QuestionWithout God what was in the beginning?Helpful ThoughtsCommunity AnswerNothing. Scientists have demonstrated that neither matter nor energy can be eternal. Thus, without God, nothing must have created everything. Hard to imagine, but science doesn’t allow anything material to be eternal. You judge if this is likely.
QuestionIf God is not real, then what causes the Big Bang? Like dominoes, you have to be the force that makes the chain reaction start. If God is not real, what whs the force that caused the Big Bang?Jordan NewberryCommunity AnswerThe Big Bang was a rapid expansion of spacetime caused by extremely high vacuum energy density in the inflation field.
QuestionHow do prophets know everything?Community AnswerProphets don't know everything. Prophets (whether true or false) claim to set out in detail things that are yet to come (as explained by the Early Church Father Irenaeus) and most if not all claim to do so by having received revelation from God and claim to be speaking for God. The difference between true and false prophets is that a false prophet doesn't speak from the one true God, while a true prophet does. One of the last recorded propehts was John of Egypt.
QuestionWhat should I say if they bring up someone who came back to life after being dead?Community AnswerAsk them to prove that that happened. If it's just a matter of faith with them, explain that that's not proof.
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