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Q&A for How to Ask Allah for Forgiveness
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QuestionI did some sins that I hate myself for to this day. Is possible for me to be baptized to wash away my sins. Or is praying the best?Community AnswerTo get forgiveness, as said in the Qur'an, praying and asking Allah is the best. Make sure you do not commit that sin again, though.
QuestionI watched porn, is Allah going to forgive me, and do I have to let someone know that I committed these sins?Community AnswerAllah is more merciful than anyone, he will forgive. To let yourself be safe from Shaitaan's trap, ask Allah for forgiveness and promise to never commit that mistake again! You should never expose your sins, keep it with Allah and he will forgive you.
QuestionI always make a promise to Allah but I still broke it. Can he still forgive me? What do I do?Community AnswerAllah will keep forgiving you as long as you ask for forgiveness.
QuestionInstead of asking forgiveness, can I ask Allah to show me the correct way and make things right for me?Community AnswerWhy not do both? Remember Allah is merciful, just don't repeat your mistakes.
QuestionHow can I control myself and not repeat a particular sin?SobiTop AnswererEngage yourself daily in thikr, the remembrance of Allah. Spend your time reading the Qur'an, or going to the masjid. Bad deeds arise from free time; occupy yourself in worship.
QuestionHow can I ask Allah forgiveness for being with many girls (physically) that I am not married to?Community AnswerShow Allah your remorse by not following the same path again, by helping others to follow a better path, and even by asking forgiveness from the girls you were with. Keep Allah in your heart and soul.
QuestionIf I miss salaah, do I need to make up the one I missed?Community AnswerYes, those who missed salaah should perform it as qadaah, which will make up for it.
QuestionIs it a sin to pull my father off my mother if he's beating her?Community AnswerNo! You did the right thing. In the future, try to stall him while you call the police. He has no right to treat your family that way.
QuestionHow can I get Allah to forgive me for the terrible things I've watched online?SobiTop AnswererSimply make tawbah and ask for repentance. Try to be as sincere as possible by praying two rak'ah Salah tul Tawbah. Promise not to do it again and try to change your ways, such as by filling your free time with worship or seeking knowledge. If you do it again, don't stop asking for forgiveness, as this is what shaytaan wants. Also, try a porn blocker (e.g. CleanBrowsing DNS).
QuestionI have difficulty focusing in school. Is Allah disappointed in me for that?Community AnswerOf course not. School is only a small part of your life, and it's not unusual to have difficulty focusing.
QuestionI have had a physical relationship before marriage; though I repented, at times, I still do think of it. How can I repent it permanently so that Tawba can be relieved by the Almighty?SobiTop AnswererShaytaan wishes to remind you of your sins, but Allah is most forgiving and most merciful. If you sincerely make tawbah, Allah will forgive you for your sins.
QuestionI masturbated during the month of Ramadan, and that is a sin. How do I ask for forgiveness? Will I be forgiven?Hammad AbdullahCommunity AnswerIf you ask forgiveness sincerely, you will definitely be forgiven, no matter what you have done. Allah is always waiting for us to repent, and he loves the ones who repents to him. Ask sincerely for forgiveness from Allah, and surely he will forgive you. Also, fast a day (after Ramadan) to make up for the day, because any sexual pleasure that results in an emission (pre-ejaculate does not count) breaks the fast.
QuestionDid the prophets Eesaa (AS), Ibrihim (AS), and Mohamed (SAWS) ever sin?SobiTop AnswererThe majority of scholars agree that all Prophets (peace be upon them) were free from all kinds of major sins; they may have made mistakes or forgotten things or committed minor sins, but they were constant in their forgiveness, and in spreading the word of Allah.
QuestionWill Allah forgive us for purposely stepping on a Quran?Community AnswerOnly Allah has the answer to this, but if you asked forgiveness deeply and felt clean from the inside while experiencing a harmonious feeling, it means you are forgiven.
QuestionHow old do you have to be to pray? Is 14 years old too late?Hammad AbdullahCommunity AnswerFirst of all, it is never too late to pray. You should start practicing prayers from the age of 7, although it is not FARD. The prayer becomes FARD (compulsory) when you become mature (i.e. puberty or age 15 - whichever comes first).
QuestionIs it a sin to pray very fast and not mean it much?Community AnswerYour Salah will not have your utmost Khushu (Focus). It won't really mean anything. It'll just be a chore to your brain, and eventually, you just won't want to do it. Read Salah with focus. It helps to understand the Arabic you're reading.
QuestionIs it sin if I spoken to my father awfully after he spoken to my mother very badly?Community AnswerIt's a sin to speak disrespectfully to either of your parents. His bad behavior doesn't justify yours.
QuestionWill Allah forgive me for not obeying my parents?SobiTop AnswererObeying our parents is the second-best deed, after faith in Allah and His Messenger. The Qur'an says, "And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents." If you disobeyed your parents, however, and want to repent, then make tawbah to Allah. Make du'a for them, such as "My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small," and "“Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established."
QuestionWill Allah forgive my sins if I performed sexual acts with many girls to whom I was unmarried to?Community AnswerIf you truly regret doing it and refrain from doing such acts in the future, then Allah absolutely will forgive you. Repent sincerely.
QuestionDo I have to ask for my husband's forgiveness for committing adultery?SobiTop AnswererNo, you only repent to Allah but you must make amends with your husband. If you have committed adultery and only Allah knows, and there are no four witnesses, then you will definitely be granted forgiveness after Allah's will, as Allah is the most Forgiving and most Merciful. Avoid exposing your sin.
QuestionDoes it matter if I don't pray for Allah, but only pray because I don't want to go to hell?SobiTop AnswererYour intention matters; we pray to worship Allah. This should be your focus. Avoiding Allah's punishment is another reason, but primarily, prayer is a form of communication with your Lord.
QuestionI missed several salah. What do I do?Community AnswerDon't worry, Allah is almighty and he will forgive you, but now don't miss salah.
QuestionI hacked into someone's account and regret it deeply. Will Allah forgive me in my prayers?Community AnswerAllah is most forgiving. All you need to do is to admit, reflect and promise to never do it again.
QuestionWhy do I keep committing sins?SobiTop AnswererIt is human nature to sin; even the first humans (Adam and Hawah/Eve) sinned by eating from the tree, from which they were forbidden to eat, and exposing their nakedness. But they asked for forgiveness, and you should too: "The two replied: "O our Sustainer! We have sinned against ourselves, and unless Thou grant us forgiveness and bestow Thy mercy upon us, we shall most certainly be lost!"
QuestionWill Allah forgive me if I lied to my mom?Community AnswerYes. Tell your mom the truth and then pray.
QuestionIs masturbation haram in Islam? Or is it OK to an extent?Community AnswerMasturbation is haram if it is done just for enjoyment. It is permissible if it is done to relax and get rid of the disturbing desire. It is wacib (necessary) if there is a risk for fornication. I personally don't advise you to do it. When the urge comes, go to the bathroom and wash that part of your body with cold water. It stops the impulse and desire. Masturbation once during Ramadan breaks the fast, and you need to repent for it. If this happens two or more than two times during a Ramadan, you need to fast two lunar months and return the fasts.
QuestionI tried my hardest to ask forgiveness from Allah but for some reason my mind tells me to repeat it. How can I help myself?Community AnswerContinue praying to Allah (SWT) to help you to never do the bad deed that you did ever again.
QuestionWill Allah forgive me for breaking my fast accidentally?SobiTop AnswererIf you accidentally ate, that is fine, and you can continue your fast. “Whoever forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks, then he still completes his fast. It is only Allah who fed him and gave him drink." This applies only if you were unaware that you were fasting.
QuestionAre we permitted to keep cats and dogs as pets?Community AnswerWe are only permitted to keep cats as pets, because dogs are impure.
QuestionHow can I make up my previous years of missed Salah? I didn't pray regularly when I was in my early teens.SobiTop AnswererMake Tawbah for your missed salah and promise that you will be steadfast in your prayer hereafter. Pray the optional and sunnah prayers to compensate for them.
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