Q&A for How to Ask Someone to Hang Out

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    How often should I ask friends to hang out? Once a month?
    Community Answer
    I often ask my friend to hang out every three weeks. You can spend short amounts of time with them often, or long amounts of time every month or two. It's your choice.
  • Question
    My BFF has a new friend and always talks about her. She has classes with her, but I don't. I want to be the girl's friend too. Any tips on becoming friends with a friend's friend?
    Community Answer
    Ask your friend to tell you more about her, like what she's interested in, what hobbies or activities she enjoys, etc. If you find you have something in common, you can probably build a friendship from that. Start by asking your friend for an introduction, or just approach the girl yourself and say something like, "Hi, I'm [your name], I'm a friend of [your friend's name]."
  • Question
    How can I ask my boyfriend to hang out?
    Definitely cilantro
    Community Answer
    Invite him to go do something with you, whether it's a date or just casually hanging out.
  • Question
    Asked a friend to hang out, she said she would call me back and let me know I text her and called her but there's no answer. Is she blowing me off?
    Community Answer
    Yes, she is trying to wriggle out of answering by not answering but that's a clear sign she doesn't want what you want. Try to see her in person, so you can ask her about it. Ask if there is something wrong. Can you remember anything you could of done to make her not respond to you? If you don't get a chance to see her in person, send a message asking if you did something wrong or why she is ignoring you.
  • Question
    So, I did the "casual" way of asking, but I did it on a Tuesday and via group chat. Do you think if I ask again on Wednesday but in person I will come off as annoying?
    Community Answer
    If I were you I would wait another day at least, and ask on Thursday or Friday, but it's probably not a big deal if you really want to ask on Wednesday.
  • Question
    Is it the same for texting?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just text them "hey, want to hang out at (insert wherever)?" If it's something more deep and serious, I would suggest telling them in person.
  • Question
    Basically, I got dumped by my friends and when I was friends with them, I kind of drifted with everyone else and now I don't know who to hang out with.
    Community Answer
    Being dumped by your friends, or them telling you they don't want to be friends with you is very hard. Looking for people with the same interests as you can be awesome and exciting. I'd suggest you talk to some people you want to talk to by making up your mind who you actually want to spend time with rather than "drifting with everyone else" as you call it. Sometimes you have to have the courage to make a decision instead of waiting for someone else to befriend you.
  • Question
    If my friend got a new friend and he's hanging out with him more, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    It's okay to have more than one friend, so you might want to branch out and make some new friends too. You can also try to get to know your friend's new friend and see if you can all hang out together. If you feel like your friend is really neglecting you, speak up and tell him you miss hanging out with him and you're feeling left out.
  • Question
    How do you make friends with people in school if they have already made their friends and you don't have any friends?
    Community Answer
    Go to a group or pair of friends that you think are nice and will make a nice friend and just hang about them more and make conversation with them and ask them if you can sit with them at lunch and then they'll get the hint that you want to be their friend. If they say to you you can hang out with us then great if not then it shows that they're not nice people so choose another group or pair of friends and start again. It may take time but if you keep waiting and be patient then you have more guarantee that you will make good friends.
  • Question
    What if I'm fourth-wheeling three best friends who hang out often? Since I have strict parents who don't let me hang out and I'm not as close to them as they are to each other.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Not all, but the vast majority of cars need 4 wheels to be balanced. So you're not superfluous; no human being ever is. Consider that two people don't just go from first meeting to best friends in under five minutes. So in my eyes, you're doing just fine. Spend time with these friends, give them every chance to get to know you better, and get to know them too. Do the same with other people simultaneously. Making friends is somewhat like falling asleep: it will definitely happen, you just have to wait long enough without worrying.
  • Question
    What is a good way to get contact details of someone I meet at a social meetup group?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The best way is just to straight up ask, even though some people treat their phone number or e-mail address like it's a nuclear weapons system level secret. All people, including you, can sense when someone just casually wants to get your number or is secretly, desperately in love and wants to cling on to any hope. So if you just want to call this person, just ask. If you want more, wait for feelings to develop naturally.
  • Question
    How do I ask my friend to join me in a game?
    Kailin Fauley
    Community Answer
    Go up to them and just ask them. Make sure to be nice and not forceful. If they say no, just smile and say okay, and walk away. Don't take it personally. If they say yes, have fun!
  • Question
    How can I ask my classmate to go to his house?
    Community Answer
    Asking somebody to go over to their house can be a bit tricky. You don't want to sound too eager, but you really don't want to go to your house. Try saying something along the lines of, "Hey, do you mind if we hang at your house?", then make some sort of excuse why their house would be better than yours.
  • Question
    I've followed Artist on X for three years, and we follow each other, and now I have a crush on her. We talk sometimes. Next week I will meet her in person for the second time at an art fair. Is it too soon to ask her to hang out?
    Community Answer
    No, that is actually a perfect situation! After the art fair just say "Hey! We have been talking for quite a while, and I was wondering if you would like to hang out some time?" Or even better, suggest hanging out at a place that she might like, perhaps somewhere you remember her mentioning!
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