Q&A for How to Be Faithful in a Marriage

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    I have this secret admiration for one of my company's clients and he likes me too. How can I stop my feelings? I am married with a kid and a good husband.
    Community Answer
    You really just have to keep your distance and focus on your family. Plan a few date nights with your husband.
  • Question
    My wife is having an affair with my best friend, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Confront your wife and your best friend about their affair. If you wish to try to work it out with your wife, I suggest marriage counselling. But I see that as the ultimate betrayal of both your wife and your best friend, so you may be better off ending the marriage (that's just my opinion, though).
  • Question
    What is the best thing to do to remain faithful when I'm out of the matrimonial home for three months because of work? I really love my wife so much.
    Top Answerer
    Don't be alone with women, do not accept invites to "hang out" or "grab a coffee" or "get lunch." Organize off-the-clock get-togethers with your coworkers as a group and go out to a bar or a restaurant together. Distract yourself. When you're away, exercise or get into running. Read books. Watch movies. Explore the area.
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    I have had an affair months ago. I stopped and wanted to be better, but now she knows and it's hard. What should I do to prove that I am a better man and want her for life?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    There's only one way to prove this: spend your life with her. Then, at the end of your lives, you will be able to look back and say, "See, I kept my promise." She'll be almost-sure ten years earlier than the end, and slightly less ten years before that. But if you make your promise today, tomorrow she won't be sure yet at all. It all depends on how much time she is willing to invest to see if you will keep your promise.
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    How do I know if he really loves me if he doesn't surprise me with anything?
    Anika Shenoy
    Community Answer
    You know that he loves you if he is honest, reliable, kind, and shows that he loves you in the way he treats you. If you feel you would like for him to surprise you once in a while, let him know so that you can further improve the relationship.
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    Before I got married I was a very unfaithful husband. It completely changed when I got married. My worry is, my friends still doubt me, which I think may cause problems. What do I do?
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    They don't sound like good friends. If they are dead set on your messing up your marriage, then you need new, mature friends who aren't rooting for you to be unfaithful. Remember, you choose your friends. If you don't want your friends to intrude in your life, dump them and find new, more supportive people to be friends with.
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    I find myself daydreaming of my crush other than my husband, but I try my best to shake it off and focus on my husband instead. Does that mean I am beginning to fall for another guy?
    Community Answer
    You need to accept the fact that it is just a crush, and nothing can come out of it. Look up wikiHow to Get Over a Crush . Don't act on it, you will move past it. You have a wonderful husband, and you don't need anyone else.
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    I have been divorced twice. Is it okay to marry again?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but first step back and see what the real reason you got divorced was. Take some time to work on anything on your end that may have contributed to your other marriages failing.
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    I am unhappy in my marriage, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    List your grievances and communicate with your spouse about them. if they are not receptive or willing to change, you can leave.
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    What do I do if my spouse isn't faithful?
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    You could talk to them about it, and try relationship counseling. Otherwise, you always have the option to find a new relationship that would be faithful and make you happy.
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    What do I do if I feel like he only needs me for food and sex?
    Community Answer
    Work on communication. Try having an honest, frank conversation where the two of you calmly discuss your specific problems. Communicate your feelings of neglect and your needs. Come up with a plan together that will make you feel more appreciated. A mediator or couples counselor might be helpful in these conversations.
  • Question
    My spouse think I have the money and don't want to help him, but I do give him money. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    A good financial agreement between spouses helps reduce a lot of the headaches and arguments. You are not obligated to disclose your financial situation to your spouse, but you are obligated to carry your share of the financial obligations that are a result of the marriage. You can give him all the money you like, but he cannot force you to. And if you have savings, it's yours, not his.
  • Question
    Should I tell my spouse if I have a crush on a coworker?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your relationship. If you're both really open and accepting of each other's feelings, you can if you want to. If you know this would really hurt or anger them, it might be better not to. A small, insignificant crush is not a big deal and not something you have any obligation to share with your spouse. If the feelings are more serious or you're thinking of actually pursuing something with that person, then you need to think about what's wrong with your marriage and whether you want to work on fixing it or potentially end it, and have a discussion with your spouse.
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    Should a wife have a private life in a marriage?
    Community Answer
    A wife can have a private life, friends, a job, hobbies, etc. Any husband that gets angry hearing about your friends or other interests is abusive, and you should leave him if that's the case.
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    What do I do if my spouse hardly has sex with me?
    Community Answer
    Know that you have no right to your spouse's/partner's body. It may be frustrating but if they don’t want to have sex, then they don’t want to have sex. Your only real option is to try to have a respectful conversation. Let your partner know how you are feeling and listen to their response with love and understanding. Sex isn’t the only way people show love, so never let that be your indication of how they feel about you. If you’re frustrated, masturbate.
  • Question
    I was on a dating site and my wife found out. I feel horrible and would really like to prove to her that I'm not going to do it again, and I start counseling this week. How can I prove it to her?
    Community Answer
    The fact you're starting counseling is an important signal to her that you mean to change. If you truly love your wife, it won’t be an issue. Loving a spouse should be unselfish. Prove your love to your wife by really loving her and not feeling the need to betray her if you or she comes up short.
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    What do I do if I'm saying bad words about my spouse and ignoring my spouse?
    Community Answer
    Stop doing that? Are you doing it on purpose? If so, go to a counselor and determine why you are treating your spouse poorly. If you do it without realizing and want to do better, catch yourself when you use language that makes your spouse uncomfortable and apologize. Try to take time out of your day to spend time with your spouse. Evaluate if your behavior is due to having a bad mood or depression.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm accused of cheating on my spouse when I only did it once?
    Community Answer
    If you cheated, you cheated. Once is enough to seriously hurt your partner and there are no excuses. Sex is never a reason to betray your spouses trust. If an unsatisfactory sex life leads you to cheating, evaluate why sex has become your priority and seek counseling to learn how to have healthy relationships with romantic partners.
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